A Message from our President
Happy Post-Election November! I don’t know about you, but I’m glad all the signs are down. They don’t vote, so why so many of them?
Speaking of elections: Well done, Team! I know our members went out to vote and we won big: 17 of 18 Home Builders Endorsed Candidates won their election or re-elections. Thanks for voting for those who support us. The only loss was our friend, Senate Minority Leader Donna Soucy. Senator Soucy was a great advocate for us. We wish her well in her future endeavors and we are grateful for her service. Her replaced is Senator-Elect Victoria Sullivan. I think she will be a great ally for us in the coming two years.
This make-up of the new State House and State Senate is going to be good for our industry: the returning and new legislators know we have a housing crisis and they are starting to look to us to help develop solutions. Government is always better when all parties can get together and collaborate.
At the head of this new table is our new Governor, Kelly Ayotte. That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? We are excited that the new Governor has invited us to have a seat at the table to address the biggest part of the challenge to our entire economy. We will come with positive ideas, ready to contribute.
I’d be remised it I didn’t take a moment to thank our great, great Governor over the last eight years, Chris Sununu. No Governor before him has done more to address this housing crisis that has been brewing for more than a dozen years. Governor Sununu was our champion in connecting us with Department Heads and Commissioners in order to adjust or make policies and procedures better. His door was always open for us and he was always there to greet us with a smile and a helping hand. We will miss him! A big thank you to Valerie and the kids for letting us have him for the last eight years. New Hampshire is the brightest ‘city on the hill’ in New England in large part to his leadership. Thank you, Governor Sununu!!!
Continuing on the theme of celebration: our amazing and wonderful Holiday Party and Silent Auction is well underway. We are so grateful to our past State and Local President and Holiday Chairman Extraordinaire, Lynette Rogers and her crew. They are planning some great auction items and a new menu among other things. We can’t wait! Last year 170+ of us got together and had a wonderful time. Please join us! And don’t forget to bring an unwrapped gift for a young child as we will again be support the Marines and their Toys for Tots program. Our members and guest are always so generous. Be on the lookout for the sign-up and sponsorship emails that will start coming out for the best party of the season!
As always, we are most grateful for you, our members. You make our organization the strong, engaged, and caring body that it is. Your board is excited to work hard for you every day. See you at the party in December!
Ray Tweedie
Branch Manager, Waterstone Mortgage
President, Southern NH Home Builders and Remodelers Association