Congratulations to our incoming Board of Directors
At our October meeting, Senator Kelly Ayotte officiated at the SNHHBRA installation of officer’s ceremony. We would like to thank them for their dedication and the giving of their time to serve our local association.
Ray Tweedie, Waterstone Mortgage
1st Vice President
Alison Milioto, BlueLion, LLC
Vice President/Treasurer
Travis Terry, Travis Terry & Co. CPA
Local Directors
Lynette Rogers, Homescapes of New England
Shelly Akatyszewski, Total Mortgage
Mike Barrett, East Coast Lumber
Mark Berry, Eastern Propane
Jeremy Duhamel, Market My Property
Lorinda Gilbert, St. Mary’s Bank
Dave Hazel, LG Electric
Christine LaMontagne Dunham, LaMontagne Builders, Inc.
Mike Loughlin, Eversource
Alexx Monastiero, The Gove Group
Jason Mlocek, Santo Insurance
James St. Hillaire, Resource Options, Inc
Jamie Towne, St. Mary’s Bank