Hello my beautiful soul sisters & brothers!

I noticed a shift since August 1st.
It's a kind of magical switch.
One that turns Summer into Fall.
Oh, yes I hear you! It's too early for Fall...but is it?

My observations over the last decade has been that the fall switch has moved
up in time. Instead of September 1st it is now August 1st.
Have you felt the switch being flipped on?

Now, if only those darn mosquitoes could take a hike!
Seriously, they are driving me crazy!


My Musings & Ponderings

🦋 Poison Ivy

My brother used to tell me that you only get
poison ivy for seven years in a row. He called it the Seven Year Itch!
I'm here to tell you that
this is bunk! I have been getting poison ivy for the last 17 years

Why, well I'm surrounded by it. Having 4 furry children who spend
their time frolicking in the bush get it all over me with their affectionate
rubs. Sigh!

For those of us who get the bubbly, itchy, painful rashes every year we've
come to expect it. Does that mean we attract it? Now there is a thought.

I now respect this plant. I make a tobacco offering along with a prayer
for it every June. I thank it for it's medicine of protection. It protects us in our
little forest and protects some of the other plants too. When I was sage picking
a couple of weeks ago, one of my soul sisters shared that poison ivy will often
be found by sage to protect it from being over picked.

What a beautiful way our plant spirits live.
We could learn a few things from these amazing ancestors.

🦋Social Media

I'm building a tribe!

There has been a little bit of headway on the Social Media front.

I've now added a Spirit News sign up form that just pops up on
the Shine Your Light website.
So if you know of anyone who would enjoy or benefit from these
Spirit News newsletters please invite them to sign up.

I thank you in advance!
Getting Ready to
Gather Up the Next Tribe of 8
Wild Feminine Soul Sisters!

The feeling of FALL brings me to this particular sacred offering.
It's the heart beat of pachamama (Mother Earth) that you can find in your womb space that leads us into some deep transformative healing work.

Last year, 8 soul sisters joined me in
The Wild Feminine - Healing the Sacred Womb Masterclass.
They were my inaugural sacred circle that experienced individually and collectively some of the most profound healing.

I'll be sharing more about this in the upcoming Spirit News.
In the meantime, here are some beautiful words that one of our
sacred soul sisters shared about her experience:
"It has been transformational! I was seeking healing emotionally and physically but I also wanted to participate in something where there could be healing of the collective.
Many beautiful things happened. I witnessed my own healing. I saw things I was holding onto that I needed to release. I saw things belonging to my ancestors that I also needed to heal. It didn’t happen all at once. It was gentler.

Although this is an online course, participating in the weekly group calls was important to me. Something I looked forward to. The power of togetherness in Sacred Circle is very healing. Sacred Circle is a safe place to share and to listen. Others witnessed the changes in me; yet I was doing this journey on my own. Listening to the sharing of others was empowering for me, too.

There are common threads in the lives of women and Sacred Circle was the safe place to experience this.
I’m grateful to you, Carole. You listened to the calling to create this course. It compact and deep in information and teachings.
I now have the confidence to return to my healing journey as needed in the future. I recognize that physical pain is the sounding bell to explore the emotional issue. That’s what this course taught me. What follows is the healing journey: To name it, to release it, and to honour each hurt in a ceremony.

By far the journeys are the most transformational for me. I had other journey experiences with other spiritual teacher a few years before taking this course. I think those experiences helped me to surrender more easily to the experiences in this course and receive so much wisdom and healing. I share this because the journeys are so important for hearing the messages from the Divine and your Higher Self. It takes practice so don’t give up. The journeys felt like having a one-on-one coaching experience with you, Carole. Your voice is like a guide as if you were in the same room as me.

Blessings to all the women who come after me and us."

Light and love,


Loving you,