Together, we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world.
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Dear friends,
Last weekend in worship, many of us heard a reading from 1 Corinthians about Paul’s metaphor of the body of Christ: a unified body of diverse members with different gifts and roles, all important, intended to work in mutuality and harmony. This image of human community, both within the church and in general, is simple and profound—yet seems impossible in practice! Still, I return to it again and again, as I ask the question: how am I, and how are we, called to be and to live in these times? An answer: we are called as a body to live in community, in love and care for one another.
Paul wrote of the body, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it” (1 Cor. 12:26). I am mindful of this call this week as we hear news about a tragic loss of life in the plane and helicopter crash in Washington, D.C.; as ministries and programs of support for immigrants and refugees receive “stop work” orders that withhold funding; as people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people, and others receive news of a concerted effort to dismantle work that educates and advocates for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility; as grief and anxiety overwhelm so many, from a global scale to a personal one: in our families, among our loved ones and neighbors. Can we be bold in Christ to proclaim that where one member suffers, we all suffer?
At the same time, God remains present and active in ways that invite us to rejoice! Last week, seven lay members of St. Paul, Calhan (CO) were commissioned as synodically authorized ministers to preach, preside, and offer pastoral care and leadership as a team in their congregation—only one example of many places where God is “doing a new thing” in our church. Congregations and ministries are welcoming new rostered ministers, working on call processes, having Spirit-led discernment conversations about your futures, and continuing to faithfully love and serve God and your neighbors through worship, service, and community. So many in the Rocky Mountain Synod, by the grace of God, are choosing mercy, kindness, justice, and hope, in ways big and small. Can we be bold in Christ to proclaim that where one member rejoices, we all rejoice?
I know, too, that many of us likely feel in-between: perhaps not suffering, perhaps not rejoicing, but wondering—worrying—questioning—waiting. In this, too, the spirit of Paul’s words applies. And it is worth saying that people don’t fit absolutely into these or any categories of experience. Sometimes suffering and joy coexist. Sometimes we are able to give help and support, and sometimes we need to receive it. The body of Christ also exists for that reason: to allow for the ebbs and flows of human life and need.
Dear RMS community, my prayer this week is that God’s grace continues to renew and sustain the body of Christ: for all that we face and all that we strive for; for all who suffer and all who rejoice; for our calling and purpose as Jesus’ body in the world for such a time as this. May you know that God is with you, God is with us, and God is with our neighbors. And may the church continue to be re-formed into the body we were meant to be: a body that truly makes God’s presence and love known.
In Christ,
Bishop Meghan
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RMS Council approved two-year budget proposal
In December, the RMS Council approved a proposal from Bishop Meghan and Finance Director Jon Johnson to: pilot a two-year budgeting process for fiscal years 2025 and 2026 that would incorporate the input of synod council, finance committee, and voting membership in the presentation of a proposed two-year budget for approval at the 2025 Synod Assembly. This proposal comes out of conversations with rostered and lay leaders and members throughout the synod; our goal is to pilot a process that is more transparent, participatory and proactive.
Read more about the rationale, planned timeline and steps, and other details HERE.
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Funeral for Ralph Anderson
The Rev. Dr. Ralph Anderson's funeral will be at 1:00pm tomorrow Friday, January 31 at First Lutheran in Colorado Springs. Rostered ministers won't vest or process - you are invited to be among the congregation for the service. Click here for more information.
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Liturgical Supplies
House for All Sinners and Saints will be having their final worship service on Sunday, February 2. The congregation has some liturgical supplies that they would love for others to use, including:
- Rather nice lectern
- 2 bins of white fabric
- 2 bins of black fabric
- 2 bins of paraments and stoles
- 2 pairs of brass candlesticks
- Candles of various sorts
- Bin with lectionaries and bibles et al.
If you are interested in any or all of these items, please contact Bobbie at
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Music of the Vine
February 1, 7-8:30pm
Join Augustana Arts for a unique evening that will give you a new appreciation for the tastes and sounds of America’s heritage: a wine tasting and music pairing performance. Featuring a jazz pianist and vocalist alongside certified sommeliers and jazz experts Adam Torres and Michael Schreier, this program will take you artfully through classic American sounds and tastes. You will be guided through a curated selection of four American wines, paired perfectly with jazz, big band, and popular classics from The Great American Songbook. You'll listen to artfully selected tunes as you sip the wine, chosen specifically to highlight each wine's tasting notes.
For additional information, click here.
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Good Grief- Healing Together
Grace Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs, CO
Working through the book Good Grief by Granger Westberg, we will gather once a month and discuss one chapter of the book, processing our own griefs and supporting one another. Getting together once a month allows time for each person to dwell in the text and journal. We will meet on Sundays from noon- 1:15pm.
For more information, please email or click on the image of the flyer to the right.
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Rejoicing Spirits in Fort Collins, CO
First Sunday of the month at 3:00pm
Spirit Of Joy Lutheran Church
Join us for a "shush-free" monthly worship service to welcome and include people with cognitive disabilities and their families. No RSVPs required- come as you are!
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church
4501 S. Lemay Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
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Learning Beyond Your Living Room with Urban Servant Corps
First Wednesday of every month from 11am-1pm
1660 Ogden St. Denver, CO 80218
Suggested donation of $20 for lunch, provided
Why join this on-going social justice lunch group?
This is an opportunity to expand your understandings of the world (and city!) around you. An invitation back to servanthood and social justice. A way of engaging with other like-minded folks for a better community.
During the Year we will address:
February 5: Immigration
March 5: First Nations
April 2: Advocacy
May 7: Creation Care/Environment
June 4: LGTBQIA+
July 2: Israel/Palestine
August 6: TBD
Sacred Earth, Sacred Action: Climate Science and Spirituality at the Iliff School of Theology
Saturday, February 8, 1pm-7pm
Sacred Earth, Sacred Action (SESA), brings together environmental scientists, theologians, poets, and faith leaders to inspire meaningful change within communities of faith and activism in the Rocky Mountains and beyond.
Join us - in person at Iliff or via Zoom - as we deepen our collective ability to take justice-driven and spiritually-rooted actions to care for the places we call home for this generation and those who will follow.
For additional information:
Recreation & Revelation Continuing Education
February 9-14, 2025
If you love winter activities (downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, tubing, and more), and you are looking for some "R&R" while engaging with amazing theologians and speakers, as well as other clergy and ministry leaders, join us for Recreation & Revelation. R&R is an annual winter theological retreat that takes place every February in Winter Park, Colorado, and has a rare approach to continuing education. This year, our speakers are Dr. Barbara Rossing and Dr. Ben Stewart.
For information and registration, head over to
or contact Joel Pancoast
or Chad Kohlmeyer
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Utah Conference Interfaith Day at the State Capitol
February 10, 2025 9-11 AM
Join your voice with siblings of diverse faith traditions to demand justice and love during the Utah Legislative Session, on Feb. 10, 2025, 9-11 AM in the Seagull Room of the Senate Building at the Utah State Capitol: 350 N State St. SLC, 84112.
We will have a brief advocacy training, discuss important legislation, and have an opportunity to meet with legislators. This is for everyone, of every comfort/experience level of advocacy, lay folks and clergy.
Contact Pastor Brigette Weier at for more information or to RSVP by Feb. 5.
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Valentine's Day Silent Movie and Spaghetti Supper
Monday, February 17, 4:00 pm
The 1924 silent movie "Girl Shy" starring Harold Lloyd will be accompanied by organist Andrew Peters on Monday, February 17 at 4:00 pm. Following the film will be a spaghetti dinner. Tickets are $10 per person; free under the age of 3. All money raised will support Augustana Lutheran Church's youth ministry.
Click here to learn more.
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Foundations of Death Care
An Online End-of-life Doula Certificate Course
8 Week online course open from Feb 16 - Apr 12
Our Foundations of Death Care course offers the principles of end-of-life care, ideal for professionals in palliative care, chaplaincy, ministry, or anyone wanting to offer compassionate support to loved ones.
Click here to learn more and to register.
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Brave Experiments:
Lay Leader Edition
February 20, 2025 6:30 p.m.
The landscape of congregations and leadership has shifted dramatically, especially post-pandemic. While there is a shortage of pastors and deacons many congregations are unable to afford full-time or even part-time leaders. Despite these challenges, congregations are innovating. Lay leaders are stepping up to roles traditionally held by rostered leaders, and brave experiments are underway to meet the needs of our communities. Join us at the winter 2025 Brave Experiments zoom event to hear from Bishop Meghan and three congregations pioneering lay pastoral leadership. We'll discuss training, partnerships, and how these changes are being received. Together, we'll explore what works, what doesn't, and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit for the future.
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Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival Enrollment Deadline
Youth musicians from across the country are headed to Valparaiso University this year for the 2025 Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM). Students in grades 8-12 will be immersed in a supportive community that nurtures their musical growth and invites them to share their musical gifts in performance and in worship. With the Standard Enrollment deadline approaching on March 1, now is the perfect time to nominate students so their families can directly receive information and an invitation to apply. Do you know young musicians who would thrive at LSM? Nominate them today at
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Augustana Choir Concert
Monday, March 24, 7:00pm
The Augustana College Choir of Rock Island, Illinois, presents a concert at Augustana Lutheran Church on Monday, March 24, at 7:00pm. This highly select mixed ensemble performs a wide variety of music in major concerts, special events, and on tour. Under the direction of Jon Hurty, the choir has released a number of recordings, and has performed on commercial and public radio and network television. The concert is free but an offering will be taken to help defray tour expenses for the choir.
For more information visit: click here or email
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National Faith + Climate Forum
March 27, 10am-3:30pm
A live-streamed event featuring esteemed faith leaders to in-person gatherings at locations around the US. Gather with people of faith in your local community for a day of interactive sessions on creation care topics. The event will inspire and guide you to weave climate action authentically into your congregation and community. Whether you are just getting started on care for creation, or engaging in climate action for some time, this event is for you! Free! Stipends are available for others who would like to host this event in their own community. It would be great to have it throughout the RMS!!
Email for additional information:
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Save the Date: 20th Annual Thomas H. Lake Lecture Featuring Dr. Willie James Jennings
Join us for the 20th Annual Thomas H. Lake Lecture on Friday, April 11, 2025, at 4:00 PM ET featuring renowned theologian Dr. Willie James Jennings from Yale University. Dr. Jennings will offer deep insights on faith, race, and philanthropy, drawing from his influential work, The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race . Join us via livestream - RSVP HERE - by April 1. The Lake Institute on Faith and Giving.
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Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Greek Islands
June 16-25; 25-29, 2025
A Multicultural and Ecumenical Spiritual Journey Experience
Experience the origins of your Christian faith. Walk the land where it all began, walking and visiting the
fields and holy places where Jesus was born, where Jesus preached and instructed his disciples,
where Jesus suffered, died, and was risen. The holy places where Jesus inaugurated his Church and commissioned his apostles to spread the Good News of God’s unconditional love throughout the whole world.
Explore the ancient wonders of Athens, embark on a wonderful 3-night cruise to the Greek Islands and Turkey, experience the picturesque Greek Islands, where history and spirituality intertwine. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Greek culture, dive into the footsteps of biblical narratives, and deepen your faith alongside fellow pilgrims. Let the beauty of Greece's landscapes and the wisdom of its heritage inspire your soul and renew your spirit on this unforgettable journey.
Be immersed, spiritually and culturally, in the unique blend of holiness, history, and modernity as we also connect with the ecumenical Lutheran and Episcopal ministries in the Holy Land. You will return with a deeper faith, a clearer understanding and connection with Biblical places, a deeper connection with the universal church, and many memories that will last a lifetime.
Trip Leaders:
Margarita Reyes, Mission Developer and Vicar of the Latino Ministry Cristo Rey in Denver, Colorado.
For more information Please contact:
The Rev. Quirino Cornejo, Pastor for Multicultural Ministries and Witness
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Interested in joining the RMS Veteran Servant Corps Project board?
We support Veterans/Military Members in various ways, including providing worship services at 3 Veterans Homes in the RMS.
Please contact Vicky Daub, Executive Director of VSCP, if you are interested at
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Director of Faith Formation
Lutheran Church of Hope in Broomfield, CO
Lutheran Church of Hope, an ELCA congregation in Broomfield, Colorado, is seeking a Director of Faith Formation to be part of a team that leads a community in the sharing and transforming of faith, hopes, and lives.
The Director of Faith Formation (DFF) is a full-time position that equips the congregation and households to live out the promises made at baptism. The DFF serves as Staff Lead/Lead Servant for the Discipleship Mission area of Lutheran Church of Hope. While the majority of the DFF’s time will be spent with children, youth, households, and young adult ministry, the position leads the cradle to grave faith formation ministry of the congregation, partnering with other staff and ministry leaders.
Compensation includes salary range of $50,000-$56,000 along with a 401k, medical benefits, continuing education allowance, paid-time-off, and reimbursed professional expenses.
A complete job description and compensation information may be found on the congregation’s website at or by contacting the church office at (303) 466-4823.
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter with resume and specific experience no later than Sunday, February 2, 2025, to Shannon and Dawn Ambrosio, search team co-chairs at
Interviews will commence after February 2nd and will continue until the position is filled.
LCHope is committed to equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons, without regard to race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, physical handicap, medical condition, or age, to the extent required by law. This applies to all employment practices, including hiring, promotions, training, disciplinary action, termination, and benefits.
For additional information, click here.
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Director of Faith Formation
St. Peter Lutheran in Greenwood Village, CO
The Director of Faith Formation at Saint Peter Lutheran Church (StPLC) will engage the congregation in the shared work of faith formation for all ages. In close coordination with the pastor, staff, and congregational members, he/she will support, coordinate, and equip ministry programs to foster spiritual growth, as we seek to live and share God’s creative and redeeming word to the world.
For additional information, click here.
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Church Administrator
Christ Lutheran in Highlands Ranch, CO
Christ Lutheran is looking for a Church Administrator. The position is full time status of M-TH 8-5 and 4 hours on either Saturday evening or Sunday morning around worship services.
- $25 per hour plus medical and 6% pension contribution
- 5 hours PTO accrued per pay period
- Degree(s) and experience with church and/or non-profits ideal but not required
- Strong skills in excellent administration, creative effective communications, and active volunteer recruiting & equipping highest priorities
Please contact Pastor Eric J. Allert at with a resume to apply.
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Coordinator of Faith Formation
First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Longmont, CO
The Coordinator of Faith Formation at First Evangelical Lutheran Church is a full-time, lay or rostered position. The Coordinator will demonstrate a passion for life-long faith formation in a creative and forward-thinking manner that is responsive to FELC Mission Goals and the congregation's needs. The Coordinator will organize, develop, and facilitate robust, engaging, and flexible faith formation opportunities and activities for all ages in partnership with the Faith Formation Ministry Team. This is a new position that brings the opportunity for visionary planning and relationship building to build a solid foundation for the future.
Professional Responsibilities
- Coordinate guided learning and faith-building activities for all ages
- Lead the Faith Formation Ministry Team
- Encourage faith-based relationships for all ages
- Develop and promote daily and developmentally appropriate routines for spiritual growth
- Participate regularly in weekly worship services
- Essential:
- Understanding and communicating the principles of the Lutheran faith
- Working collaboratively with others to achieve defined objectives
- Articulating the importance of faith in your life
- Communicating effectively via writing, speaking, and e-communication
- Interacting effectively with various ages and interest groups, individually and collectively
- Recommended:
- Post-secondary education with coursework in theological study
- Experience in program management
- Experience in ministry leadership
Required Competencies
- Brings a background of experience, coursework, and competencies to support the essential skills
- Demonstrates a high level of organization
- Thinks strategically and creatively
- Balances daily tasks with long-term visionary work
- Enthusiastically supports new ideas coupled with the ability to follow through to completion
- Balances the interests of differing perspectives and varied needs
- Demonstrates strong written, oral, and interpersonal skills
The salary range of $60,000-$75,000 plus benefits, depending on experience. Hours will include office hours during the week, Sunday mornings, a weekday evening, and occasional overnight trips.
Please send a cover letter, resume, and three letters of recommendation to:
Pastor Garrett Struessel, Senior Pastor
Amy Ley, Personnel Committee Chair
PO Box 327
Longmont, CO 80502
For more information, please click here.
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Monica Butler
St. Aidan's Episcopal Church,
Boulder, CO
March 9th at 2:00 p.m.
The color of the day is PURPLE
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Synod Assembly
May 22-24, 2025
Embassy Suites
Albuquerque, NM
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Please pray for Retired Pastor Jeff St. Clair who is currently hospitalized at University Medical Center El Paso. | |
We pray for the congregations, ministries, and leaders of the Metro West Conference
King of Glory, Arvada, CO
Pr. Laura Bostrom
St. Andrew, Arvada, CO
All Saints, Austin, CO
Nativity, Commerce City, CO
Pr. Will Johnson
St. Mark's Church of Grace Episcopal Lutheran Ministry, Craig, CO
Pr. Bain White
Highlands/New Beginnings Worshipping Community, Denver, CO Pr. Samm Melton-Hill
Lord of the Mountains, Dillon, CO
Pr. Kate Davidson
Evergreen, Evergreen, CO
Pr. Terry Schjang
Good Shepherd, Glenwood Springs, CO Pr. Jeff Carlson
The Episcopal Church in Garfield County - Glenwood Springs, New Castle, Battlement Mesa, CO
Pr. Kimberlee Law
Lord of the Valley, Granby, CO
Pr. Rob Moss (Interim)
American, Grand Junction, CO
Pr. Valerie Carlson
Pr. Dan Carlson
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Shepherd of the Valley,
Grand Junction, CO
Dn. Gail Britt
First, Gypsum, CO
Zion, Idaho Springs, CO
Vr. Ken Maldonado
Zion, Montrose, CO
SAM Lyle Miller
St. Stephen, Northglenn, CO
Pr. Randall Mundt (Interim)
United Church of the San Juans, Ridgeway, CO
Pr. Melinda Veatch
St. John, Thornton, CO
Pr. Wes Dunbar
Mount of the Holy Cross, Vail, CO
Pr. Scott Beebe
Advent, Westminster, CO
Glory of God, Wheat Ridge, CO
Holy Cross, Wheat Ridge, CO
Pr. Libbie Reinking
Intermountain Health, Peaks Region, Front Range Market
Pr. Alicia Harker
Accent Care
Pr. Matthew Barnhouse
For more information on the RMS Prayer Cycle click HERE
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