May 2019 Edition
Working to help make your ministry
more effective...
It is my heart to be a true pastor to the pastors and ministers in OBE. It is also my desire to help equip you to become more effective in the ministry that God has called you to....
-----Pastor Josh Grimes-----
What is the ultimate PURPOSE of the Church?
Of course, we can answer that quickly... to fulfill the great commission right? But, how are we doing in fulfilling that commission??? What if I said there was a way to help assist your church in fulfilling that commission in your area, give your church great publicity, and unite your church in the process? AND, YOU CAN DO ALL THAT FOR FREE or for a very minimal cost! Would that be an interest to you? Well, look no further, because here it is! Saturate USA

What is Saturate USA?

Saturate USA is a bold vision to literally saturate the USA with the gospel. Many different people and organizations have pulled resources to make this happen! It is FREE for a church to get involved, and the materials are provided FREE of cost! This is a "first come first serve" type of thing, so you will need to get in EARLY to take part. Below, I am providing links to the two main websites that will give you all the information you will need to get on board! So, take a look, and jump on board to help SATURATE the USA with the gospel while helping to promote your church in the process.

Two OBE Churches are already involved!

First Church of the Open Bible in Dayton, Ohio with Pastor Gary & Angie Petersen, and Breath of Life Christian Church in Detroit with Pastors Frank & Renita Collins are both involved. Both Pastor couples report some glaring success stories with their part in Saturate USA. I want to highlight a few things Pastor Gary shared with me....
  1. Their Church is part of reaching over 20,000 households in their community with the gospel. First Church prepared all 20,000 bags to be passed out and gifted for the community they serve.
  2. First Church is personally covering 12,000 households that will not only be recieving the gospel, but will also receive important information about their church as well...with a personal invite!
  3. The materials from Saturate USA are FREE. First Church added promotional materials about their church at a very minimal cost to help promote their church to over 12,000 homes.
  4. Pastor Gary says... 1st it was a very FUN time, it helped to get new people involved at church that never took part before, and it helped to unify the church in the process! You can NOT ask for anything better than that!
  5. Couple this with a prayer walk (praying while handing out the materials), and I can guarantee your city will NEVER be the same!!!

So... what are YOU waiting for??? Dive in and take part TODAY, and help fulfill the ultimate mission of the church!

Below are some pictoral highlights from First Church...

Stuffing Bags
Stuffing Bags
Stuffing Bags
Stuffing Bags
Stuffing Bags
Stuffing Bags
Stuffing Bags
The shipment from Saturate
Another shipment from Saturate
4 Christian Films on DVD
What goes in....
The Finished Bag ready to be delivered
45424 Zip Code
20,000 Homes SATURATED
Pastors Gary & Angie
Thank you, Pastor Gary & Angie and Pastor Frank & Renita, for taking part in fulfilling the great commission for your community!!!
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