Volume 21 | February 1, 2021
February 2021 News & Updates
Welcome to the Long Beach Energy Resources monthly newsletter! We are excited to present this content to you every month. Please feel free to email us at to let us know how we are doing and if there is any content you would like to see in the newsletter.
February Cost of Gas &
BTU Factor
Core Commodity Charge: $0.4263/therm
Non-Core Commodity Charge: $0.4570/therm
BTU Factor:  1.034

Dial it Down!

Remembering to practice some good energy-efficient habits. It’s as simple as taking shorter warm showers, washing your clothes in cold water, or lowering your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower. Taking these steps will not only help the environment, but can also help lower your gas bill - it’s a win-win!
