CCGGA Beginnings
Our first organized meeting was held in April of 1990. I don’t recall exactly where it was held, but we had Bob Lilley, then Assistant Ag Commissioner was there to talk about land use plans and proposed county greenhouse zoning and buffer zone issues. Also, Rick Landon, Deputy Ag Commissioner spoke on the new pesticide use and reporting regulations that we all are so familiar with now.
During the first year we started having regular Steering Committee meetings at different lunch spots in Nipomo. Our primary goal was to form a consensus of opinions and standards so we could speak with one voice when addressing land use planning issues.
In August, we got together with the local chapter of the California Association of Nurserymen to sponsor an Integrated Pest Management seminar at the Women’s Club building in Arroyo Grande. We brought Michael Parella and his staff down from UC Davis for a daylong event. I remember we paid their travel costs and put them up at the Kon Tiki Inn in Pismo Beach. CARR pitched in also... I think they paid for a bar-b-que lunch. Needless to say, Diane (West Covina nursery) and I were relieved when we figured out that we had broken even on the event...whew!
Charter Members
All Seasons
Brassica Wholesale Nursery
C & M Nursery
Sunshine Flowers
Central Coast Greenhouses Countryside Nursery
Flower Farm Nursery
Fides-Clearwater Nursery
George Ball Research Greenheart Farms
Hamilton Nursery
Koch California
Koch Mesa Nursery
May Floral
Mesa Magic Nursery
Native Sons Wholesale Nursery Nipomo Mesa Farms
Nipomo Nursery
Nobel Floral
Pacific Sun Growers
R Christian Farms
West Covina Wholesale
Farm Bureau Independent
GH Services
Twyford Plant Laboratories
Western Farm Service