Summer 2020 Newsletter
Summer is here and so is CU*Answers and the SettleMINT EFT team! As the season heats up so does the excitement that your members feel when they see the reward benefits they can obtain when using their plastics.

This newsletter is all about reward products for your members that you may not be aware of as well as beneficial articles in relation to EFT and Bill Pay that have been published by our team for CUSO Magazine.

Debit Card Activity Rebate

Want to encourage members to increase their debit card usage. Offer a Debit Card Activity Rebate program to your debit card holders. Rewards are configured to give your members back a certain percentage of their debit card activity every month. Your program can include a maximum monthly rebate amount, a minimum monthly rebate amount, and a per transaction amount.

Want assistance from the SettleMINT Team head over to our store for more information and to place an order!

Credit Card Cash Back Rewards

Looking for different ways to help bring attention to your credit cards? By having a good cash back rewards program it will not only increase income for your credit union , it will also enhance plastic offerings to encourage members to apply for a credit card loan. With creating a credit card cash back rewards program, you will have the freedom of developing a product that will look at members monthly purchases and reward the members a percentage back on their credit card loan. Check out the store page today!

Check out our CUSO Magazine Articles
Check out the following CUSO Magazine Articles our team members have submitted in regards to ATM/Debit, Credit and Bill Pay items:

Upcoming 1 Click Credit Card Loans

Have online credit cards? In our upcoming release your credit union will now be able to let members open a credit card loan online and start using it right away! Instead of offering member-generated applications, you can offer pre-approved, guaranteed credit card accounts targeting members via It'sMe247 desktop and mobile banking. All the members will need to do is click to accept the offer in order for the account to be opened and the funds to be available! Simple! Fast and Easy!

Want to check it out before the release. Check out the NEW! 1 Click offers video.

Interested in assistance with activation? Check out the CU*Answers store.

Spread the Word!
Are there other employees at your credit union that would benefit from reading this newsletter?

Please feel free to forward this on to your team, or shoot us an email to add someone to our mailing list.
Offering over 40 products and services in our store and are always working on new ways to service your credit union.

Check it out today, you never know what you'll find!