Hi :

We hope this email finds you and those close to you well....

Immediately after Friday's Ontario Government decision to extend the State of Emergency, we drafted an email informing Tour players of the cancellation of the first four events of the 2021 Tour season (and providing players with full event fee refunds).

Given the reinstatement of some outdoor activities, and the potential (albeit slim) for the reinstatement of golf, we have decided to hold off on providing Tournament refunds, in the hopes that golf is reinstated prior to May 20, 2021.

If events are cancelled, we will provide players with FULL event fee refunds one to two days prior to each event. Refunds will also apply for players who paid a registration deposit, and subsequently withdrew from the event. Please note that players will not receive an automated refund confirmation email from Moneris (unfortunately they do not provide that service.). If you would like to confirm the posting of the refund/deposit (before you see it on your credit card statement), please visit the accounting tab located on your Tour Dashboard.

As an FYI, The Tour has disabled the automated credit card processing features for all future events, along with the four-week reminder emails. These features will be reactivated once golf is given the green light to resume.

Should events be cancelled, we will make every effort to either reschedule the events and/or find new venues. We will let you know if/when we are able to secure new 2021 Tour event dates.
We (The Tour Team) have been in planning mode for the past few months and are EXCITED to host you at the first opportunity to do so. We will continue to keep you updated on the start of the 2021 GTA AM Tour season as soon as we receive the green light from both The Government and Host Club(s).

On behalf of The Tour Team, we would like to wish you and those close to you all our best. And.... we are ALL VERY HOPEFUL that we will soon be back to normal and outside playing some golf..!
In good health and appreciation,