Hi :

Welcome to 2021!!!

We trust you are keeping well, that you safely got through what was a vastly different and difficult year for many and, equally importantly, enjoyed your Holidays and the transition into a new year. We have no doubt you are happy to be looking forward to a more “normal” year, both on and off the course.

One of the things that has been in the works for The Tour, and rightfully fell out of our plans last year, was the opportunity to build on the friendships and good times of the GTA AM Tour Community by extending our season with international group golf travel opportunities. With the start of global vaccine distribution, and great optimism, there is a light at the end of this long tunnel. It is time for us to start looking at this opportunity again not only for fall 2021, but with hopes of making it an annual tradition for the GTA AM Tour Community.

As the proud golf travel partner of the GTA AM Tour, Golf Away Tours is working with us to develop custom golf travel opportunities that will allow you to plan a golf travel bucket list trip for you and those close to you. We are also giving some thought to creating an annual Tour trip to some of the great courses of the world that will build lifetime memories both on and off the course.

In order to ensure we create trips that are exciting for everyone, we are asking for a few minutes of your time to complete a short survey about golf travel and your golf travel plans. With your help, we will create fantastic trips we can all look forward to each and every season.

Thank you in advance for clicking this link and taking a few short minutes to let us know your thoughts and plans for international golf travel. Those of you who complete this survey in the next seven days, will receive a ballot to join T.J. Rule, of Golf Away Tours, for a round of golf at Scarboro G&CC.

All responses will be completely anonymous unless you consent by providing your email address for future correspondence. Once the final trip is planned, we will send out communication on how you can sign up for this great golf adventure.

We look forward to hosting you ON TOUR in the not-too-distant future..!
In good health,