Shabbat and Candlelighting 
for Friday, September 10, 2021 / 5 Tishrei 5781

 Light Shabbat candles at 6:23 p.m.
Dear Congregation Kehillah and Friends,

In this week's parasha, Vayelech (meaning And he went...), Moses faces the last day of his life, turns over leadership to Joshua, and completes the writing of a Torah scroll which he then entrusted to the Levites for safe-keeping in the Ark. We also read about the commandment for the 'hakhel', the gathering of every Israelite that was to take place once every seven years in the courtyard of the Temple to hear the king read from the Torah during Sukkot. Moses lived to be 120 years old, strong mentally and physically, which is the source of the blessing offered at significant birthdays, "may you live to 120..."
A kavannah for candlelighting on Shabbat Vayelech

Holy One, may my candle lighting this Shabbat inspire me to 'go'/reach out, as did Moses, to those I love and 'return' to my true self, the self without the layers, the self that returns, in love, to You.

This Shabbat has a special name - Shabbat Shuvah - the Sabbath of Return, which takes its name from the weekly Haftarah reading. Can you see the similarity between the words Shuvah and TeShuvah? It suggests that this Shabbat, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, is a particularly important time to act on some of the commitments we made to ourselves on Rosh Hashanah, a time to close the gap between the good intentions and our actions. Of the many lessons Moses taught, one that resonates most with me is an idea embedded in his teaching: words that come from the heart enter the heart….

As you prepare for Yom Kippur...please note that we have included a personal prayer at the beginning of the machzor for those who cannot fast.

I look forward to sharing with you a meaningful and uplifting Yom Kippur.

The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is this Shabbat. I am thinking of how much our lives have changed since that monumental day. 
Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman

Congregation Kehillah
Mailing Address: 21001 N.Tatum Blvd., Ste 1630, #439, Phoenix AZ 85050 
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