The GMAR recently received a copy of a discussion forum thread/e-mail containing an important safety alert regarding a recent brokers' open in Glendale, WI. Please review this information and pass it along ASAP to colleagues in the industry.

Issue/alert: Suspicious behavior by male who exhibited what was described to be "off" behavior while entering a brokers' open house.

Where/when: Glendale, WI - this past Tuesday.

Description of events reported: Experienced and level-headed agent running brokers' open house was approached by middle-aged man driving a convertible automobile. According to another agent who crossed paths with the man while departing the open house, his vehicle contained a woman's handbag and a wig in a bucket. The man in question inquired with the agent running the open house about locations in the home that would be good for hiding bodies and referred to what would be considered butcher's equipment or similar. Additionally, the man attempted to get a tour of the bedroom closets.

Outcome: The agent leaving the open house, who noticed the suspicious items in the man's vehicle, went to her vehicle and circled the block, so she could stop and text the individual running the open house. When the individual did not answer her text message, the agent went back to the home and the man in question subsequently departed.

Reminder: September is REALTOR Safety Month. This alert is a good reminder to all brokers and agents: Be sure to have safety practice discussions with your respective teams regularly and remind everyone to watch out for each other. If you see something, say something is always good practice.
Questions, comments or concerns regarding this issue can be directed to
Scott Bush at the GMAR Office (414-778-4929 or