Current Eligible Lists for the Classified Service
Currently on an eligible list? Check to see when it expires.
View the Current Eligible Lists for Classified Positions
Current eligible lists that expire in August 2020!
What Determines the Life of an Eligible List?


Civil Service Rules & Regulations, Article IV, Sec. 26. Eligible lists derived from open-competitive examinations shall generally expire one year from their established effective dates. Promotional eligible lists shall expire after two years . After conducting a poll of candidates on an eligible list for continued interest in City employment and determining the list's utility, an eligible list derived from an open-competitive examination may, subject to Commission review, be either reduced or extended by the Executive Director; however, the total life of such list shall not exceed three years.

Eligible lists for those classifications for which the continuous testing process is used may expire six months from their effective dates. Rev August 21, 2001