On Thursday, October 17, 2019, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider recommending the Land Use Element update and Urban Design Element to the City Council for final adoption to complete the legislative process, in accordance with the City Charter and Title 21 of the Municipal Code.  

On March 6, 2018, the City Council voted at a public hearing to confirm the General Plan Land Use Element and Urban Design Element PlaceType and Heights Maps, and directed staff to update the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). Per City Council direction, staff released a revised Draft PEIR on June 18, 2019.

Since that time, staff has been working to prepare a Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and to update the plan texts of the LUE and its companion Urban Design Element (UDE), in accordance with City Council direction. 

More information can be found at   longbeach.gov/lueude2040 . The staff report can be viewed at: bit.ly/2qdMM9M.

For questions, please contact Alison Spindler-Ruiz at Alison.Spindler-Ruiz@longbeach.gov .
The Planning Commission advises the Mayor and City Council on all matters affecting development of the City's General Plan, zoning and other ordinances to guide the implementation of long-range planning.
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