We are officially in the dog days of summer and folks are out in full force enjoying the days off, nights out and everything in between. Whether your main ride is a bike, scooter, board, skates or just your own two feet, thank you for Going Active, LB! Now, here's a roundup of our latest news and features.
Safe Streets Long Beach
The Safe Streets Long Beach initiative aims to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2026. To meet this goal, the City has developed the Safe Streets LB Action Plan, which will be released in the coming months. Check out the Safe Streets LB page to find out more about the collision analysis, resident feedback, and recommended Keystone Actions. You can also find out when a community meeting is happening near you.
Make Your Ride Count
The new eco-counter on Broadway at The Promenade counts bicyclists and pedestrians using inductive loops and infrared technology. This is the City's second eco-counter; the first was installed on the beach bike path in 2016.

Be sure to ride or walk past to get yourself counted and check real-time counts and analytics via the counter's very own data portal!
Bike Month Recap
May just be our favorite month because we get to meet so many great folks who share our love of bikes, Long Beach, and biking in Long Beach! We participated or organized 20 events, including 8 rides, 5 bike checks and 2 bike lane pop-ups. And we closed out the month with a memorable Friday Night Lights ride along the beach bike path. Thanks to everyone who helped make it another memorable LB Bike Month!
Route of the Month
Over the next few months we’ll be releasing a series of videos showing some of our favorite Long Beach rides. First up, “The Beach to the beach.” It’s peak beach time, and what better way to get to the sand than by bike? This route takes you from CSULB and Los Altos down to Belmont Shore.
Mobility Toolkit
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a bicycle boulevard and a bicycle path? A roundabout and a traffic circle? A bump-out and a pedestrian refuge island? Then check out our website’s Mobility Toolkit section, which defines and shows examples of the infrastructure treatments that make Long Beach streets more pedestrian and bike friendly.
Long Beach Department of Public Works, Transportation Mobility Bureau
411 W. Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802