June 2020
Your monthly news & updates
In News Flash , we provide the highlights of the month with links to the stories you most want to read. You'll find the full edition of News Flash online here .
Coming on June 13
When YOU Are the Business! with Mark LeBlanc, CSP
Find out what you need to know and what you need to do—in order to take your business up one or even four levels. Mark will walk you through best practices, principles and share pearls of wisdom to keep you on your path. He'll help you become a small business success story of your own.

You will discover how to More
Candidate Program—Panel
The ABC’s of Unpacking Your Speaking Business
A panel of experts who will share from their experience in building businesses and defining brands. These experts represent the foundation of our theme and will cover Area of Expertise, Business Model, Content & Community .

You will have an opportunity to find out from our experts how they’ve positioned themselves in the market. You'll also discover how they've designed their businesses and continue to market their services to the community. More
Virtual Happy Hour
Join us in June for a virtual happy hour with your peers from NSA-Arizona. Let’s catch-up, network, and create deeper connections! We will meet via Zoom at 5 pm on Thursday, June 25 . Bring your own beverage!
Speakers Lab
On June 9, Speakers Lab will be virtual! What better way to use this time than to work on our businesses! If you are a chapter member in good standing and have been to at least two labs, you are welcome to sign up for a slot to review your Marketing Materials. 
A message from our President
Frank Molinar
Grow Deeper in our Connections and Collaborations
The call this year was to grow deeper in our connections and collaborations with each other. What started as an idea to strengthen our community evolved into a mandate to re-enforce our commitment to a profession under sudden duress. Are you answering the call? This is a wonderful time to be in the race. A perfect time to run to (instead of from) the fight. Dig deeper. Seek out ways to serve alongside your colleagues   Read More