Apple iPads in Education:
Mobile & Digital Learning
Friday, April 27th, 2018 | 12:30pm - 3:00pm
Highland Business Center, Room 201
How do we teach in this mobile, digital learning environment, and still connect with our students the way they want to learn? Come see how the Apple iPad can promote engagement, creativity, and collaboration to bridge the gaps for all learning styles. 

Starting in Fall 2018 ACC's Digital Faculty Fellowship program will provide selected instructors and their students with iPads for use in a course. Attend this event to learn more about how to become a Digital Fellow and give your students more opportunities for mobile & digital learning.
Featured Speakers
Dr. Charles Cook
ACC Provost & Executive Vice President

Welcome & Opening Remarks on Digital Pedagogy

Nicole Kraft
Apple Distinguished Educator &
Ohio State University Assistant Professor (Clinical)

Empowering Students with Mobile Technology

Dr. Charles Long
Apple Higher Education Development

Why Mobility Matters: Engaging 21st Century Learners

Dr. Susan Thomason
ACC Associate Vice President, Teaching & Learning Excellence Division

ACC Digital Faculty Fellowship Program & Application Process

Teaching & Learning Excellence Division