" I would love for more U.S. companies in the CCU, hydrogen or biomethane field to connect with European companies. I am very open to talking about joint projects in these sectors."

~Dr. Stefanie Kesting , Division Director and Speaker of the Board of Energy Solutions at NEUMAN & ESSER (NEA) GROUP; Managing Director of Arcanum Energy Systems GmbH & Co. KG and of NEA GREEN GmbH & Co. KG, both part of NEA GROUP

As a recognized energy economist, Dr. Stefanie Kesting manages companies for hydrogen and biomethane solutions. Related to CCU, Stefanie has been the Founding President and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of CO2 Value Europe since 2017, and she is still a Board Member until today. Her previous roles include Group Innovation Director of Uniper SE, Manager at E.ON Connecting Energies and Global Director for Sustainable Solutions at DNV KEMA, as well as positions at E.ON SE, E.ON Ruhrgas AG and the Energy Institutes of Cologne and Bremen University in Germany.

How do you do all the things that you do? Do you sleep? Are you phenomenally well organized?

Haha – I hear this question very often, but it is not magic. Quite the opposite has been always true for me: enough sleep is key for having a high energy level. Also, good organization and planning helps, as does delegation and fostering effective teamwork. These strategies enable me to focus on the tasks for which I am primarily responsible and that I want to bring to successes. I also only commit to additional or voluntary positions that somehow fit my schedule, and ideally are even synergistic with my main jobs.

Last but not least, I learned – mainly during my time in the Netherlands – that breaks from time to time are as important as reaching goals. This recharges your batteries and ensures that you keep reaching goals, with fun and satisfaction, and in a sustainable way for yourself as well.

Continue reading about Stefanie

News in a Nutshell

Challenges and opportunities for the built environment in a carbon-constrained world for the next 100 years and beyond

Electrified CO2 valorization in emerging nanotechnologies: a technical analysis of gas feedstock purity and nanomaterials in electrocatalytic and bio-electrocatalytic CO2 conversion

The CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 announces six nominees for the innovation award “Best CO2-Utilisation 2024”

Demand-side flexibility enables cost savings in a reversible pH-swing electrochemical process for oceanic CO2 removal

U.S. Department of Energy Announces Intent to Launch Voluntary Carbon Dioxide Removal Purchasing Challenge

Imminent Events

Clean Fuels & Products Shot™: Alternative Sources for Carbon-based Products

April 8-9, 2024

BETO and collaborating federal offices will host a virtual Summit to provide information, including progress, updates, and future plans for the Clean Fuels & Products Shot.

Harmonizing Assessments of Carbon Management Approaches 

May 21-23, 2024

This annual workshop addresses open issues and future directions related to environmental, economic, and societal assessments of carbon dioxide capture, conversion to products, use for other purposes, or sequestration in their many forms. Attendance can be virtual or in-person.

CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024

April 17-18, 2024

The upcoming 12th edition of this hybrid conference will showcase again the newest and most important developments in the fast growing field of CO2 capture and utilization.

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