"...I’m inspired most by the people and teams I have the opportunity to work with. I’ve been fortunate to be able to work with amazing students, staff, faculty and research colleagues, and I’m inspired by and take such pride in their accomplishments. It’s such an important part of my life to see them succeed."

In this special year-end edition of the Global CO2 Initiative Newsletter, we are honored to be able to feature Dr. Karen A. Thole, Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering at the University of Michigan (U-M COE) and Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering.

Previously, Karen served as a Distinguished Professor and department head in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Pennsylvania State University where she founded the Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) Lab, a center of excellence for two turbine manufacturers. She also founded the Engineering Ambassadors Network, an organization focused on mentoring and developing future leaders in engineering and STEM. A recipient of numerous awards, she holds degrees from University of Illinois (BS and MS, Mechanical Engineering) and University of Texas (PhD, Mechanical Engineering).

You were named the United States White House Champion of Change for STEM. What changes might we expect to see at the U-M COE in the coming years? 

It was an honor to be recognized by the White House for my work in encouraging engineering as a program of study to all high school students, to encourage students from all backgrounds to consider the engineering profession. This is still a passion, and one that I know is shared by many across the College — with numerous programs to help young people from a variety of different backgrounds discover engineering and choose Michigan Engineering as the place where they want to prepare for their future. I expect this to be a continued theme as we launch our strategic planning process, which will bring forward a number of ideas as we think about the future of Michigan Engineering.

You grew up on a farm. It seems that people whose livelihoods are tied to the land sometimes have a different perspective on climate change related events. Could you explain how your background influences how you think about climate change?

As I was growing up, I quickly learned how the predicted weather forecast would shape the days’ work ahead. Whether it was cutting hay at the right time to make sure it dried before baling or planting the corn to make sure it received adequate, but not too much rain, absolutely everything we did encountered weather risks. Today, weather patterns continue to have a significant impact. My experiences reinforce both the complexities and challenges we face due to climate change. Engineers have and will continue to play a critical role in addressing important issues aimed at reducing climate impacts by increasing fuel efficiencies, using technology to maximize crop yields, and by reducing the use of chemicals. 

You were driving a tractor in fifth grade. Did taking on a big task like handling a tractor at a young age help give you some of the strength and confidence needed to succeed in a male dominated field? If so, do you have any advice for people who are facing similar challenges?

One of the most influential things I learned from growing up on my small family farm was that it was a team effort. Whatever needed to be done, all four of us worked as a team to make it successful, and we all contributed different skills. I applied this in my work by hiring and building teams with a diversity of skills and backgrounds, aiming for inherently better solutions through the team’s efforts. The composition of teams can influence culture, as well, creating a more welcoming and inclusive experience. I also have a nature of taking negative remarks or feedback and turning them into opportunities to prove them wrong. So, being told that I could not do something was more inspiring than limiting. Although not everyone approaches such situations the same way, my advice is to continue building confidence one step at a time.

You have stated that your passion is for improving the efficiencies of gas turbines. Do you have any thoughts about using Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) made from captured CO2

Reducing CO2 in aviation is challenging given today’s safety first requirements, cost, and infrastructure. I see the solution in the near-term being sustainable aviation fuels, tackling the other issues in the long-term. As a matter of fact, sustainable aviation fuels are already being used as blends with petroleum jet fuel (traditionally used), but the issues for increased usage are costs and availability. SAF's cost is about 2-5 times that of petroleum jet fuel. In 2024, only 30,000 barrels per day of SAF were produced whereas in 2023, we burned about 1.6 million barrels per day of petroleum jet fuel, leaving a wide gap between production and what we need.

Do you have any predictions for the future of carbon capture and utilization in general?

I see carbon capture and utilization as an exciting approach to developing a new, more circular carbon economy — one where the carbon that's removed from the atmosphere is used in valuable products rather than sequestered, or stored. Through strong support and many programs in the Department of Energy, there has been significant progress in the technologies required for carbon capture, but again these processes come at a cost. Faculty, staff, and students in our College of Engineering are researching the efficacy and performance of different technologies for carbon capture. As these technologies continue to develop, I am hopeful that costs will come down. At the same time, I'm thrilled at the leadership the Global CO2 Initiative has demonstrated in identifying what products are good candidates for carbon utilization.

Of your many awards and accolades, do you have a favorite?

Although being a White House Champion of Change was special, my favorite is the R. Tom Sawyer Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, which is given to those making significant contributions to the gas turbine industry. I am grateful to have been recognized for the research that my students and I have done over the past years, which has led to more efficient and more durable gas turbines. 

What inspires you?

Technology excites me, and it’s exciting to see my research going into real products, but I’m inspired most by the people and teams I have the opportunity to work with. I’ve been fortunate to be able to work with amazing students, staff, faculty and research colleagues, and I’m inspired by and take such pride in their accomplishments. It’s such an important part of my life to see them succeed.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

One fun fact is that I’ve traveled to all 50 states, thanks in part to my research, and part to my love of exploring the outdoors. My travel has also let me observe first-hand the vast natural resources our country has to offer, and provided opportunities to connect with many people and organizations working toward a more sustainable future. 

News in a Nutshell

Meet Some of the Top Innovators from UpLink’s Carbon Capture and Utilization Challenge

Denmark tops 'climate change performance index'

COP29 Carbon Markets Deal Faces Credibility Test

COP29: What Will Donald Trump Mean For Global Carbon Markets?

Electro-biodiesel: Scientists make fuel from CO2 that’s 45x more efficient

Imminent Events

OpenAir's 3rd Annual Carbon Removal Challenge

Applications due January 15, 2025

Students around the world are invited to design and build solutions that remove excess carbon from the environment. This event will help build connections that will bring the next generation of talented engineers, thinkers, and designers into this important sector.

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