Fall 2021

L-R: Bill Barrow, Patrice Brown, Nedra Haymon, and Vern Morrison
Library Happenings
ILL Service Recognized by OCLC as an Express Provider
by Sarah Benedict, Coordinator interlibrary Loan Services
Congratulations to our Interlibrary Loan department for maintaining the exceptional service required for OCLC's Express digital delivery program, which connects libraries committed to delivering digital resources within 18 hours. For more information visit https://library.csuohio.edu/services/ill/
Academic Writing Club for CSU Graduate Students and Faculty
by Mandi Goodsett, Performing Arts & Humanities Librarian, OER and Copyright Advisor
Could you use some structured time to write and receive feedback from colleagues? Do you wish you could graduate with some published academic writing under your belt? Do you have some academic writing that needs polishing to become publishable? If so, this writing club is for you!

Sign up today!
MSL Welcomes OhioLINK Luminaries Resident for the
2021-22 School Year
by Sarah Benedict, Coordinator interlibrary Loan Services
CSU's Michael Schwartz Library is excited to announce its participation in the OhioLINK Luminaries Program.

This program gives one CSU student the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge in the field of librarianship, information studies, and data sciences through a paid residency position at the library. The student will work closely with a mentor, gain valuable career skills, networking opportunities, and the ability to work on creative projects that will enrich student experiences at the Michael Schwartz Library. 

This year’s OhioLINK Luminaries student is Thyra Chaney, a fourth year Film and Media Arts major with minors in Classical Studies and International Film. Ms. Chaney will be developing programming as well as working on an array of projects within instruction, collections, data management, and e-resources that explore representation of diverse groups among materials at the Library. 
Constitution Day Eagle
Celebrate Constitution Day, September 17
Join the celebration of our nation's heritage by visiting a special display to recognize the importance of the U.S. Constitution. Visit the Constitution Day display titled, "We the People" located in the Michael Schwartz Library, first floor. Free and open during regular library hours through September 2021.
New Products or Services
New Tools for Student Learning and Creativity
by Ben Richards, Business and Communication Librarian

This fall, keep your eyes on the Digital Design Studio on the 3rd floor of the library. New gadgets will be coming available for students to use as the semester unfolds, including a podcast studio, Canon DSLR cameras and camcorders, photography and video lighting, Blue Yeti USB microphones, Zoom H1n Handy Recorders, Arduino and Raspberry Pi starter kits, Oculus headsets, and more! Stop by or check out the Digital Design Studio's website.
Where are my Requests? Understanding Delivery Delays
by Sarah Benedict, Coordinator interlibrary Loan Services
We are experiencing much longer than usual wait times for requests
for items through the OhioLINK and SearchOhio services. 

The State Library of Ohio, which manages and coordinates the distribution of materials around the state, recently switched delivery vendors. The new delivery service supplier, STAT Courier Service, Inc., is facing a severe backlog of delivery items that has affected all OhioLINK member libraries in Ohio, including the Michael Schwartz Library. We have been assured that the State Library of Ohio, OhioLINK, and STAT Courier Service are doing everything they can to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. 
Continuing to Keep Patrons Safe with Contactless Pickup
by Sarah Benedict, Coordinator interlibrary Loan Services
The library is extending the contactless service for library material pickup through the Fall 2021 semester. Students, faculty, and staff have the choice to pick up library materials at the User Services desk or through the contactless method. 

For those who prefer the contactless option, the service may be requested by calling User Services desk at (216) 687-2479 during Library operational hours, or by emailing library.userservices@csuohio.edu. Materials for contactless pickup will be placed on the hold shelf within the lobby of Rhodes Tower, sorted alphabetically and labeled with the patron's name. Patrons will receive an email when their order is ready and have ten business days to collect their requested items. 
New Alternate Subject Headings in Scholar
by Yuezeng Shen, Head, Catalog Librarian
In 2016, the Library of Congress (LC) decided to change their LC Subject Headings "Aliens" to "Noncitizens" and "Illegal aliens" to "Undocumented immigrants" but due to legislative reasons, did not actually make the change. In June 2020, a report from ALA's Subject Analysis Committee (SAC) explained the current situation and provided guidance for libraries wanting to make the change. OhioLINK's Database Improvement and Discoverability (DIAD) Policy Team began discussing what it would mean for any of the member institutions interested as well and created guidelines for local changes.

Recently with a focus on inclusivity and diversity initiatives, numerous libraries and library consortia including Cleveland State University libraries have made local changes to their library catalogs and discovery systems to implement the change in order to better serve their users.
Library Fall Semester Hours
Library Building Hours
Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m.
The Library will be closed on University Holidays including Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11; and Thanksgiving Recess: Thursday - Sunday, November 26th - 29th.

Chat, Phone, and Text Hours
Ask a Librarian: use the chat box, call us at 216-687-5300, or text us at 216-820-9691
Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m.
Chat/text reference will not be available on University Holidays including Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11

Reference Center Hours
Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
No reference service on University Holidays including Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11; and Thanksgiving Recess: Thursday - Sunday, November 26th - 29th.

For more information visit Library Hours at https://library.csuohio.edu/information/hours.html
New Nature Journal Content Available
by Hannah Pearson, Collection Management & Acquisitions Librarian
To better support faculty research and to align the library’s collection with CSU 2.0 priorities, the library has added six new Nature journals.

The library has also added archival content from the flagship journal Nature. The campus community can now access content published in Nature from 1950-1986 online in addition to content from 1997 to present that the library had purchased previously.

The six new journals are:

The library will add new content from these titles until at least 12/31/2022.
New for Fall 2021: An Improved A-Z List of Research Databases
by Donna Stewart, Web Specialist
Welcome back, researchers!

Our indispensable lists of research databases have had a facelift over the summer, and the robust new version is both easier for you to use, and simpler for us to maintain.

You'll now find just a single link to a full A-Z list, from which you can more easily select subjects or limit results to a variety of database types, like raw data sources, news sites, e-books, dictionaries, government sites, streaming media, maps, etc. A few helpful new features include:
When the Library is Closed
by Donna Stewart, Web Specialist
Nothing can replace the range of services and study spaces available to you when you visit the Michael Schwartz Library. But if you have access to a computer or other smart device and an internet connection, there are still many resources available to you, even when the Library is closed.

Many of you have asked where you can go to work after hours, so we've compiled a list of campus computer labs and weekend study options available to you both on- and off-campus. Here's a helpful list to keep you going after the library closes, including the Fenn Tower General Computer Lab, which is open 7 days a week, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm.
Activate your Access to the New York Times
Faculty, Staff, and Students of Cleveland State enjoy access to the New York Times courtesy of the Library. Discover original, quality journalism that helps you understand the world—and make the most of every part of life. Activate your access at AccessNYT.com.
Library Services
For a complete list of Library services, visit https://library.csuohio.edu/services/.
Affordable Learning at CSU
Announcing our Fall 2021 Textbook Affordability Grants
Textbook Affordability Grants are offered through the Michael Schwartz Library to encourage and support the creation or compilation of low-cost or no-cost course materials. Faculty whose projects are selected will receive a $1,000 grant to revise or remix an existing open textbook. Appropriate support to find, adopt, or adapt an existing open educational textbook or other education resources to replace a traditional, high-cost textbook will be provided by the Michael Schwartz Library, the Center for eLearning, the Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, and the Center for Faculty Excellence. Five awards are available.

LSTA Grants
The William Wynne Photography Collection
by Marsha Miles, Head, Collections and Digital Initiatives

As part of a Metadata Mini-Grant awarded by the State Library of Ohio LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) funded through the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services, photographs from the Michael Schwartz Library’s William Wynne photograph collection and John Carroll University have been cataloged and added to the Cleveland Memory Project (http://www.clevelandmemory.org/) for inclusion in the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) (https://dp.la/).

Reuniting materials from two separate collections reflecting different aspects of the work of Plain Dealer photojournalist William Wynne, the images showcased in this site demonstrate a wide range of subjects captured by this remarkably gifted man.

The collection metadata will be harvested by the DPLA in September to increase the reach of our local collections.
EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University
New Look
EngagedScholarship @ CSU, has a new look! The site is the digital repository of the research, scholarly, and creative output of CSU faculty, staff, and students. The look may be new but it still holds journal articles, books, images and audio recordings (more than 20,000 items!) for researchers to discover worldwide. There were 505,860 downloads from January 2021 through July 2021 and 4,580,057 all time downloads through July 2021.
Students: Get Published
Are you a CSU student with a book manuscript in search of a publisher? Look no further! MSL Academic Endeavors, the publishing imprint of the Michael Schwartz Library can digitally publish your book in EngagedScholarship @ Cleveland State University.
Join the Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library
The Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University is closely associated with the Michael Schwartz Library but is an independent organization whose purpose is to support the library in a number of different ways. By sponsoring programs of interest to faculty, staff, students and the general public we hope to attract favorable attention for the library and interest in its activities. Programs include book discussions, local author book talks, and more. Join us today!
In addition to this newsletter, the library offers many other channels to stay up-to-date with all the latest news and information about our resources, services, and facilities. You can subscribe to our blog https://researchguides.csuohio.edu/blog , like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MichaelSchwartzLibrary/, or follow us on Twitter @SchwartzLibrary.
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