"Knowing and Sharing the Joy of Salvation through Jesus Christ"

Thank you from the Harrison Family

Don K. Harrison and family thank the ILC family and friends for their thoughts and acts of kindness on the transition of his wife, Norma, into Heavenly Eternity.

Norma Louise Harrison

April 9, 1925 - November 22, 2024

Christmas Decorating Fun

Thanks to all who came out to help decorate for Christmas! We had a great turn out with 25 people coming together to work, fellowship, and enjoy coffee and one another's company.

Midweek Advent Worship

Christmas Worship

Church Office Holiday Hours

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Office Hours

Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

[Island Lutheran Church, 4400 Main Street, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926] [843-689-5200] [office@islandlutheran.org]  

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