January 14, 2021 
Dear Families and Stakeholders:  
Today we held our first of several scheduled COVID-19 vaccination clinics with CVS. We had originally scheduled 211 staff, individuals, and volunteers to be vaccinated but were able to get 300 people vaccinated and did not waste a single dose.  
Our staff and individuals were amazing. The day ran incredibly smoothly thanks to the attention to detail and extensive planning that our operations and program staff put into planning the day. Our partners at CVS/OMNICARE were prepared and flexible in meeting the needs of the people we support. 
We have another clinic with CVS scheduled next week. We will continue to prioritize our front-line workers and residential clients in accordance with the state’s vaccination program for people living or working in congregate care settings. As we have mentioned in prior communications, we continue to pursue multiple options to ensure all the people we support and our staff have access to vaccines. 
Today, our primary focus has been on the vaccination clinic. We have received multiple requests for visits this weekend. As previously communicated, we have suspended visits as the data for positive COVID cases is volatile. We are supporting some visits if circumstances are extreme. We will attempt to respond to all requests tomorrow, but please be patient as we work through the priority of vaccinations.  

Thank you for your understanding and patience.
John Randall
President and Chief Executive Officer
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Amego, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, is qualified under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Service Code to receive gifts, grants, and contributions which are deductible for United States federal income tax purposes.

Amego, Inc. supports individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disabilities
Our team works hard to provide an extensive network of support for both the clients and families we proudly serve
Since 1971, Amego has been providing a structured and safe learning environment both in and outside of the classroom
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