Sunday, January 29, 2023


Worship from 10:00 – 10:30 am followed by 5th Sunday work to prepare for the Taco Dinner. Dinner 5:00 – 7:00 pm. Hope you will be at one, the other, or both! Contact Lynda [email protected] with questions. 


The Annual Congregational Meeting is February 12 immediately following worship. The Annual Report is on our website ( under the Resources tab. Hard copies are in the rack outside the office and at the back of the sanctuary for those who need them. 



The 2023 per capita is $36.50/member. We are required to pay per capita for each member to the Presbytery whether members donate or not, so every unpaid per capita hits our bottom line.




Please prayerfully consider making a pledge for 2023 so we can better forecast and control our budget. Pledge cards are still available online or in the rack across from the office. Or the easiest pledge of all - just email me! A reminder that the proper email for me at RPC is "[email protected]”. Blessings to you in 2023!  



Sunday, February 5 is our annual Scout Sunday! We hope to see many Scouts of all ages in worship! There are ways you can participate as greeters, through the gift of music, and by assisting with fellowship. Contact Carrie Staubus at [email protected] to volunteer your (or your child’s) time!



As we wind down the 150th year, there are still ways you can support the efforts and have a beautiful keepsake! There are lobes of stained glass that have been beautifully framed by Jon Jansky available for a donation of $150 (small) and $250 (large). The few remaining are on display in the social hall.


Childcare is available for children 1st grade and younger. Let the greeter know upon entering if childcare is desired from after the Mini Message through the end of worship.



All students going into their freshman year – just graduated their senior year are invited to attend. Spread the word because friends are welcome too! Specifics about location and cost coming in the next few weeks.




Purchasing gift cards? Hundreds of retailers have joined RaiseRight, offering gift cards with up to 12% of the profits donated directly back to the preschool in the form of cash. They have sooo many name brands! You can even purchase Mariano’s gift cards to do your own grocery shopping and the Preschool will receive 4% back. Download the app or go to and use enrollment code 8AFCE1BL55L23



We will meet via Zoom. Here is the link you can click on in order to join our session, as well as the passcode you will be asked to type in when the box opens requesting it: pwd=MUU4b0J2Y3FiV3luQm1jTnBqODBrZz09, Passcode: 448942. You can access a clickable link on the RPC website, or request one via email from Doug Asbury. 

1/29 — No TED Talk today due to taco dinner.

2/5—Scilla Elworthy on “Dare to Question Why We Are So Afraid of Getting Older”.



It was great to have so many members assist with the work day last Saturday! Many hands do make work lighter. A special word of appreciation to Stuart Marciniak for the VERY thorough cleaning of the kitchen. It has not looked (or smelled) that nice in years. The trustees now have a running list of small, easy projects and monthly monitoring of things like lightbulbs that can be done at any time, not just on work days. John McGlennon or Lynda Nadkarni can help you access the list if you have time to spare.



The church mailboxes have been reorganized. Staff, Elders, Deacons and Trustees all have mailboxes. The names are on the top of the mailbox. Please take a minute to familiarize yourself, find your mailbox and regularly check it for important information.



We love Music with Dr. Sally and all of our other visitors! Would you like to share a talent, read a story, or run around the gym? Let Lynda know what day works for you!


Preschool enrollment for fall 2023 is now open! YOU can help share the preschool story in person with friends and neighbors and by liking and sharing our preschool Facebook posts at



I met this couple outside of the Berwyn Fruit Market, asking for a ride to the Beds Plus shelter in Brookfield. We first stopped by RPC for supplies. They eagerly gulped down the fresh milk, ate a zucchini, and pocketed apples, granola and bread.  Your work makes a difference. Thank you, Doug Harvin



RPC is pleased to welcome New Life Community Church to our building! RPC will continue the tradition of Sunday services at 10am followed by Faith Formation and fellowship. New Life, led by Pastor Rick Tatina, will hold worship at 11:45 am and be followed by a monthly fellowship gathering. Our congregations share the belief in the word of God and teachings of his son Jesus. We share the words of the Apostles Creed. And we care about taking our beliefs and using them to care for the world and its people. You can read more about New Life at



Copies of the January-February Upper Room are available in the sanctuary and in the rack outside the office.


  • Rudy Nekovar, father of Keri Nekovar Herrera
  • Lloyd Bradbury
  • John Lynch
  • Kathy Wynn, mother of Mary Beth Wynn
  • Edward Hand, brother-in-law of Elizabeth Musick.
  • Jack Smith
  • Monica and James Wood
  • Duci Musick, daughter-in-law of Elizabeth Musick

Your financial gifts are
important at this time.
Please mail your tithes and offerings
to the church.
You can also give online.

Sunday's Bulletin

The church office is open Monday-Thursday 10 am - 1 pm. If you need to come at another time, please call to make arrangements.
Opportunities for Mission


During this time of year, it's more important than ever to remember those who rely on our Little Food Pantry for added sustenance. Donations are welcome, especially of canned goods with protein such as canned meats, beans, soup with meat, whole meals (like ravioli). Thank you for supporting our neighbors in need.


GIVE THE GIFT OF TIME THIS YEAR—Make a commitment to give the Gift of Time to your church family in 2023. Consider gifting a hour a month to serve as a greeter or liturgist. No previous experience is required. Everyone is welcome to serve, instructions are provided and appreciation will be abundant. You could donate flowers for the church service or host fellowship after Sunday worship. Stop by the signup board outside of the pastor’s office after worship today, sign up and share your gift. You many also call the office during the week and request to be signed up.


If you have not “liked” our church Facebook page, you can do that here: This will assure you get all our updates.
Consider subscribing to the church’s YouTube page. You can easily stay informed of our newest content. All you need to do is tap the subscribe icon. RPCyoutube.
