Greg Hill Foundation & GrubHub Announces
National Grant for Small Business Restaurants
The Restaurant Strong Fund began accepting applications for the program’s next grant cycle on February 20th, 2024. The Fund focuses on grants impacting revenue growth and areas including, but not limited to, updating technology/equipment necessary to enhance day-to-day operations, marketing & public relations services, staff training programs, incentivized wages, or maintenance/updating of current infrastructure.
Restaurants apply for the grant by providing specific plans outlining how funding will be utilized and their growth expectations. Grants range from $5,000 to $15,000 and are awarded based on the need and growth opportunity showcased in the application. The deadline for submission is March 15th, 2024.
The launch marks the fourth year of partnership between Grubhub and The Greg Hill Foundation’s Restaurant Strong Fund. A portion of grant funds is earmarked for new restaurants established in 2021 onwards to aid in their introduction to the restaurant industry. Grants will be awarded to selected restaurants in April.
Click to learn more and how to apply