02/27/2024: Restaurant Grant - SBA 7(a) Loan/Somercor - March Events & Meetings - Check out the Breakfast Club - Area Real Estate Developments

Greg Hill Foundation & GrubHub Announces

National Grant for Small Business Restaurants

The Restaurant Strong Fund began accepting applications for the program’s next grant cycle on February 20th, 2024. The Fund focuses on grants impacting revenue growth and areas including, but not limited to, updating technology/equipment necessary to enhance day-to-day operations, marketing & public relations services, staff training programs, incentivized wages, or maintenance/updating of current infrastructure.

Restaurants apply for the grant by providing specific plans outlining how funding will be utilized and their growth expectations. Grants range from $5,000 to $15,000 and are awarded based on the need and growth opportunity showcased in the application. The deadline for submission is March 15th, 2024. 

The launch marks the fourth year of partnership between Grubhub and The Greg Hill Foundation’s Restaurant Strong Fund. A portion of grant funds is earmarked for new restaurants established in 2021 onwards to aid in their introduction to the restaurant industry. Grants will be awarded to selected restaurants in April.

Click to learn more and how to apply

Free, Remote Webinar

City of Chicago Small Business Expo

Empowering Entrepreneurs with Resources & Insights to Grow Their Business

Thursday, March 14th, 2024 - 9 AM - 12:30 PM

Presenting Industry Experts sharing their knowledge, experiences, best practices, and Crucial insights related to operating a business...

  • How to obtain a business license
  • Develop marketing tactics
  • Manage finances
  • Engage with customers

Click to view/download flyer with details/contact info'

State of Illinois Workforce Portal

Whether you're hiring, job hunting and looking for a Job Fair, the State of Illinois Workforce Portal is a great starting point. Click here to access it.

MARCH Events - click on event for flyer

03/14/24 - BACP Small Business EXPO - 9 AM to 12:30 PM

03/23/24 - Easter Bunny Walk - 12 to 1:30 PM

on North Avenue between Pulaski Road & Kostner Avenue

03/26/24 - NWCC Presentation & Networking - 9:30 AM

Liberty Bank. 2392 North Milwaukee

Guest speaker: Assistant from the office of the Attorney General Office

Events and other resources are posted there almost daily

Welcome to new NWCC Member...

Taqueria La Paz - 5052 West Armitage

Visit their website

Thank you to these NWCC member for renewing their partnership with the Chamber - 1st Qtr

Adam Greene, State Farm Insurance - American Veterans - Carnicerias Jimenez - Community Savings Bank - Cozy Corner Restaurant - Helpico Insurance - Logan Square Pest Control - Norford Hotel - North Pulaski Food Market - Parkside Food & Liquor

Click to view NWCC Membership: Alphabetical or by Category

Area Real Estate Development

from Yimby Chicago

"Timeline Revealed for Logan Square

Traffic Circle Reconstruction" - Click to learn more.

"New Details Revealed For Affordable Development At 2525 N Kedzie Boulevard" - Click to learn more.

"City Announces Winners Of Over $30 Million In Grants" - Click to learn more.

Learn About the SBA 7(a) Community Advantage Loan

Do you need business capital to start or expand your business?

A Community Advantage loan is a Small Business Administration 7(a) loan financed by mission-based lenders, like SomerCor, instead of through a conventional lender or the SBA. The SBA 7(a)CA loan can cover working capital, debt refinance, tenant improvements, and significant purchases that are part of the day-to-day necessities of running a business. Funds can also be used to acquire a building and heavy equipment and range from $50,000 to $100,000.

Click here to learn more about the SBA 7(a) and Somercor

Expand Your World.....NWCC events are open to everyone, member or not. But, there are perks to membership and we do go a step further to promote our members every chance we get.

NWCC events offer networking opportunities to meet business neighbors & community leaders - Your business, its products, services are promoted throughout the year with annual promotions - Outings are a fun way to entertain clients, customers, friends and family at fun outings.

Regards, Pete Schmugge, NWCC Executive Director

773/558-8743 - nwconnectioncc@gmail.com

Click to view NWCC Members Roster - Click for a Membership application

The Bryn Mawr Breakfast Club

Two locations:

Click on each location for Menu

4459 W. Belmont Avenue


3348 W. Bryn Mawr 


The Bryn Mawr Breakfast Club serves creative twists on sweet and savory breakfast favorites, plus sandwiches, salads, and tacos, seven days a week.

Dine in, Order Online, Catering 

The NW Connection Chamber of Commerce is a Place Making Generalist agency for the City of Chicago Business Affairs Neighborhood Business Development Center, funded to assist the Cragin, Hermosa, Humboldt Park, and NorthAustin Communities.

Click to go to the website - Visit our Facebook page