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City of Vallejo
April 26, 2019
For more information:
Joanna Altman, Assistant to the City Manager,, (707) 648-4362
VALLEJO, CA -  The City of Vallejo has announced action steps it is taking to address a recently established City Council goal of "Improving Community and Police Relations." City Manager Greg Nyhoff has formally invited the Department of Justice (DOJ) Community Relations Service ( ) to aid the City's efforts. All DOJ Community Relations Service support is provided free of charge. Mayor Sampayan and City Manager Nyhoff have been in communication with DOJ representatives and will be coordinating a community engagement plan with the experts.

Mayor Bob Sampayan stated, "Having strength is knowing when to ask for help and that time is now. I welcome the wisdom and insights of the DOJ Community Relations Service to improve our police department and assist in elevating the level of community engagement with our residents."

"Our elected leaders and City staff are committed to improvements on all fronts in the City of Vallejo, and that includes a cooperative and constructive relationship with the very community that we serve," stated City Manager Nyhoff.

City Council has also prioritized a review and reduction of the City's risk liabilities. The City will leverage independent resources and tools designed to enhance the culture, policies and practices in law enforcement. This initiative also includes assessments in Fire, Public Works and all areas of the organization to ensure alignment with operational best practices.

The improvement plan will be developed and implemented over time. City Staff will be reporting on these initiatives and milestones to City Council and the community throughout the year.

"To improve, we must listen, assess, review, plan and change. Whether we celebrate areas we are strong in or change areas where we are weak, every step we take will be to improve the quality of life for our residents and the working environment of our employees," concluded City Manager Nyhoff.

About City of Vallejo
The City of Vallejo, California is located in the Bay Area. The City serves a population nearly 122,000 people with a full service operation that includes police, fire, water, community planning, public works and related professional administrative services. The city is home to a wealth of culture, attractions and events from the popular theme park Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, to museums, parks, music venues, art galleries and theatres. One of the great small towns of Northern California, Vallejo's residents, businesses and City Council are working together to help make Vallejo a safe and clean place to live, work and to enjoy all the attractions and events.

About Department of Justice, Community Relations Service
The United States Department of Justice Community Relations Service is America's Peacemaker for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin. Created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, CRS is the only federal agency dedicated to assisting state and local units of government, private and public organizations, law enforcement, and community groups with preventing and resolving racial and ethnic tensions, disputes, and civil disorders within communities, and in restoring racial stability and harmony. CRS helps facilitate the development of viable mutual understandings and agreements as alternatives to coercion, violence, or litigation. CRS Conciliation Specialists are impartial and do not take sides among disputing parties. Rather, CRS aids parties in developing their own mutually agreeable solutions. All CRS services are provided free of charge to the communities and are confidential. CRS works in all 50 states and the U.S. territories, and in communities large and small, rural, urban and suburban. For more information, please visit
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