04 - August 30, 2020

We thank you for attending Open House this past week and into this coming week. It is a wonderful opportunity to partner with our students and families. 

In case you weren’t able to attend, we are sharing the videos which were shared during the various Open Houses from: 

And please note next Friday, September 4 will be a Professional Learning Day instead of our half-days originally scheduled for September 14 and October 21. We do encourage students to use Friday, September 4 as a day to catch up on any asynchronous work. 

As per our email on August 6, we would like to let parents know that ALL CNG School Materials need to be returned to campus. The due date for this will be: Friday, September 11. The form is here. Following this date, families will be billed for any missing CNG School Materials. Please note that families with outstanding CNG School Materials will not be able to check out textbooks or library materials until the materials are returned and/or the invoice paid. We thank you for your understanding regarding this as we need to provide other students with these materials.  

Thank you!
Today we are sharing a document that we hope will facilitate meaningful conversations within our CNG families about the global issue of racism. We invite you to use these resources to open meaningful discussions about anti-racism. Visit the document in the Parent Education section of the Parents As Partners HUB (link below).


Athletics & Condor Activities

We have a great enrollment in Athletics and Condor Activities! Our department is impressed by the number of students continually staying connected with teams and groups to build a stronger social, emotional, and physical well being. We are truly fortunate to have an amazing coaching and instructor staff to support our students during distance learning. 
While the Elementary, Middle, and High School athletics programs are now in full swing, on September 1st, Primary School will begin their 2020-21 program, as well as ALL Condor Activities which will begin on the week of September 1.
On September 4th, we will have no activities due to teacher professional learning sessions. 
The Athletics and Condor Activities departments will be offering an opportunity to have an open dialogue with Andres Silva (Athletics Director), Solita Baron (Condor Activities Director), and Colin Lauman (Co-Curricular Activities Coordinator). The following times and zoom links include:
  • PS/ES Wednesday, September 2, 1:00-1:30
  • MS/HS Tuesday, September 1, 9:00-9:30

For More Information: