05 - September 6, 2020

As per our email on August 6, we would like to let parents know that ALL CNG School Materials need to be returned to campus. The due date for this will be: Friday, September 11. The form is here. We recommend parents/students print out one form for each child who is a CNG student and note down the information of what is being returned. Please place all materials for ONE division in a single plastic bag along with the form. Please note PS, ES, MS, or HS (or EVL) on the outside of the bag to facilitate the inventory of these materials. Thank you!

Following this date, families will be billed for any missing CNG School Materials. For those of you outside of Bogota and unable to meet this deadline, please complete this Google Form by Friday, September 11. Please note that families with outstanding CNG School Materials will not be able to check out textbooks or library materials until the materials are returned and/or the invoice paid. We thank you for your understanding regarding this as we need to provide other students with these materials.

We’d also like to invite you to take a look at CNG’s updated Distance Learning 2.0 Handbook available on the Distance Learning HUB

Thank you!
The Parents as Partners HUB was developed based on feedback from the parent community. It gathers useful tools and resources for parents to be involved in their children’s education, which we know is the number one predictor of student success! 

Take advantage of the available resources: why the parent-school partnership is paramount, valuable parent education resources, school calendars with features to copy events in your personal calendar, character education curriculum, student learning expectations (standards & benchmarks), among others.


Athletics & Condor Activities

All athletic and Condor Activities are now in motion! We want to thank all the parents and students for committing to staying connected. As mentioned in previous CNG Community News, we will continually collect feedback from students and parents to improve our program during distance learning, hybrid, and the eventual return to on-campus education. An additional thank you to the parents that attended the open dialogue meeting with the Athletics and Condor Activities team. If you did not have the opportunity to attend the meeting, the presentation is available here. 


"Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats; Life is a desert, but we can transform our corner into a garden." 

For More Information: