06 - April 26, 2020
If you haven’t yet, please make sure you check out the new one-stop resource for CNG Parents with tons of useful information and links!

Feedback for improvement may be provided to your Parent Council Rep.
A communication was sent last week to 3rd Grade families informing them that the annual  3rd Grade Bingo event has been officially cancelled . Although the event will unfortunately not take place, the gathered funds and prizes will be donated to FHNG’s Plan Padrino scholarship program. 

Thank you for your participation in the Week Four surveys. We look forward to sharing the conclusions next week. 

Stay healthy!

" A Fiddler on the roof... sounds crazy, no? And how do we stay up there and keep our balance? I'll tell you in one word: … Tradition !" The first line of this precious musical perfectly defines the journey of this moment. And what is the strongest tradition in our community? In a word, COMMITMENT!
In the drama department we want to continue our tradition, doing what we love: PERFORMING, regardless of the circumstances, problems, or the format. 
We honor all the people of our community, especially those students who have continued in the process of working on the musical. We also wish to recognize each CNG staff member, who even during these difficult times, maintains a positive spirit and holds the balance through service to and in each of their areas.  
And as this musical closes: " Come on children, let's go! " We will not stop. Enjoy!

Dear community, please click on view more to see the schedule for Athletics starting on Monday, April 27th. Note that Elementary Schedule has some adjustments according to the recommendations and for Primary School we will offer Condor Kids and Soccer.
Condor Activities

We had a wonderful week, we had many students taking their classes online and we hope that for next week we have more of the students that have not been able to attend yet.
We are keeping the same days that were offered at school and our schedules are: 
  • PS 3:00 PM
  • ES 7:00 AM & 4:00 PM
  • MS & HS 4:00 PM
If you are being transferred outside of Bogota, and you already know you will not be coming back to CNG for the 2020-21 school year, please email [email protected] as soon as possible and we will assist you with your withdrawal process.