08 - September 27, 2020

Our libraries are very excited to begin to provide a book pick up service to our community. Please watch their 3 minute video HERE and/or review on this PDF the steps. Once you have returned your CNG books from 2019-2020, please try out the reservation system. You’ll be contacted by the library once your books are ready for pick up by family code at the Main Gate at CNG.

Thank you!
The Parents as Partners HUB was developed based on feedback from the parent community. It gathers useful tools and resources for parents to be involved in their children’s education, which we know is the number one predictor of student success! 

Take advantage of the available resources: why the parent-school partnership is paramount, valuable parent education resources, school calendars with features to copy events in your personal calendar, character education curriculum, student learning expectations (standards & benchmarks), among others.


  • Link: Distance Learning HUB
  • We invite you to take a look at CNG’s updated Distance Learning 2.0 Handbook

Athletics & Condor Activities

In the past two weeks, we connected with the newly formed Captain Council to further develop a stronger CNG sports culture. The athletics department was appreciative of the feedback they provided to improve our current distance learning athletics program. Condor Activity instructors and athletic coaches will keep working hard to ensure our children stay connected to their teams, understand concepts, and maintain physical fitness. 

We all received the information from Dr. Habegger explaining our approach to hybrid learning in the upcoming months. In regards to Condor Activities, we will continue virtual learning for the remainder of the semester. Our team is constantly reviewing options for the second semester. 

Attached is a video we shared with our teams this week, demonstrating the importance of staying mentally tough in the face of diversity. 


For More Information: