St. Anne's Episcopal Church

September 21, 2023

Fall Fun & Feasts Coming Soon!


Search Committee Update

The search committee has interviewed two applicants. After prayerful consideration, the search committee has decided to repost the ad for a new rector. The ad will post for 30 days. At that time we will receive names of any applicants. We ask that you continue praying for our parish as we continue the search. 

For more information about the search process and committee, or to view our Parish Profile, click here for the rector search page on our website.

"Let's Lunch" at ABAC - Tuesdays @ 11:30

Get together with St. Anne's friends during the week at the ABAC Dining Hall every Tuesday at 11:30am. Purchase a lunch buffet at the dining hall and join Mtr. Leeann and St. Anne's friends near the mural. The buffet lunch is $10 per person without a meal plan or employee ID. Bring friends, co-workers, or family!

Adult Formation Series

This Sunday, we will hear how God is transforming lives through Tifton Street Outreach, a ministry of compassion and hospitality alongside persons experiencing homelessness. St. Anne's member Ricky Day will share his volunteer barber experience, and he will be joined by Renee Cannady, President of the organization.

Diocesan Youth Event Registration Open!

Youth and youth parents/guardians! Mark your calendars and register for Diocesan Youth Events that take place this fall! New Beginnings, an event for youth in grades 7-9, will take place October 20-22. This event helps middle schoolers and young high schoolers center themselves in who they are as God’s beloved children, even in the middle of all the calls on their time, energy, and attention.

Happening, which is for youth in grades 9-12, takes place November 17-19, which is the weekend before Thanksgiving. Happening allows high school participants to experience God’s Love in real and tangible ways while also encouraging them to think about how they interact with each other and with the world.

These events are led by youth for youth. Each one has a staff of approximately 20 young people who are already preparing for the events and who will gather together for an overnight staff retreat about a month before each event. Both events are held at Honey Creek. 

Cost for the events is $145 per participant. However, cost should never be an obstacle to participation. If a youth needs financial assistance to attend youth events in the Diocese, please reach out to both the youth committee at St. Anne's and to Canon Varner at or Communications Manager Liz Williams at

Click here to register for New Beginnings:

Click here to register for Happening:

Collect & Scriptures for the

Feast Day of Anna Alexander, Deaconess

This Sunday is the Feast Day of Deaconess Anna Ellison Butler Alexander (1865-1947), a saint of Georgia and the Episcopal Church. She was born to recently emancipated slaves on St. Simons Island, Georgia. She became the only African American set aside in the order of deaconess in The Episcopal Church (now recognized as deacons).

Our seminarian, Brandon Medley, will preach this Sunday about St. Anna's ministry on the coast of Georgia and we will use the Collect and Scriptures designated for her Feast Day.

A moving short film about St. Anna, produced by the Diocese of Georgia, can be found here. Several members of St. Anne's are participating this weekend in a pilgrimage on the Georgia coast to observe this important feast day and learn more about her ministry; we look forward to hearing their stories and insights soon.

A Collect for Deaconess Alexander:

O God, you called Anna Alexander as a deaconess in your Church, and sent her as teacher and evangelist to the people of Georgia: Grant us the humility to go wherever you send, and the wisdom to teach the word of Christ to whoever we meet, that all may come to the enlightenment which you intend for your people; through Jesus Christ, our Teacher and Savior. Amen. 

Click below to view this week's Scriptures:

Mark Your Calendars

Tuesday, September 26, 6pm: Monthly Vestry Meeting in Ministry Center. All are invited to attend, listen, and offer feedback.

Wednesday, October 4, 6pm: Annual Blessing of the Animals service in the Memorial Garden.

Tuesday, October 31, 6-7:30pm: All Hallow's Eve Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29: Consecration Sunday Celebration


Tuesdays at 11:30am

Let's Lunch at ABAC Dining Hall. ALL are welcome!

Wednesday Evenings

6-6:30pm - Dinner for kids & their grownups (Parish Hall)

6-6:30pm - Holy Eucharist in Little St. Anne's

6:30-7:30pm - Pre-YC, EYC, and nursery (Ministry Center)*

6:30-7:30pm - Bible Studies for Grownups (MC Room 102)

*Pre-YC kids must be signed in at the Ministry Center by their grownups, no earlier than 6:30pm

Thursdays, 10-11:30am

Bible Study in the Ministry Center, Room 102. This is a lay-led Bible Study focused on the Gospel of John.

Every 4th Thursday, 6pm

Vestry meeting in the Ministry Center, Room 102



Online Worship and Bulletin
St. Anne's Calendar
Youth Newsletter

REGULAR OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

MTR. LEEANN's SCHEDULE: Mother Leeann is in Alabama for a few days for the funeral of her husband Albert's aunt, Mary Myrtle Kipple (Myrt). She will return Friday afternoon but can be reached by phone while she is away.

PARISH DIRECTORIES: Updated Parish Directories are now available. Please see Emily in the Parish Office.

DAILY MORNING PRAYER: A daily service of word and prayer takes place from 8:30 am - 9 am in the Sanctuary Side Chapel.

WEDNESDAY WORSHIP: A 30-minute said Eucharist (no music) or Evening Prayer celebrating a saint or feast of the church, in the Little St. Anne's Chapel.

ALTAR GUILD, GREETERS, MEDIA, USHERS NEEDED: See Darrell or Pat Walker if you are interested or contact Emily.

IF YOU ARE HOMEBOUND: If you are not able to come to worship in person for any reason and would like to receive Communion and healing prayer, please contact Mtr. Leeann directly or the church office at (229) 382-7505 to schedule a visit.

Free COVID19 Home Tests: St. Anne's has received a donation of home tests for Covid-19. If you would like to have a test or two on hand, stop by the church office.

IF YOU ARE HOSPITALIZED: If you are hospitalized, please contact the church office at (229) 382-7505. The hospital does not alert the church on your behalf. We will gladly add you to the prayer list and let the pastoral care team know of your needs.



Text stannestifton to 73256


P.O. Box 889 Tifton, GA

Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord

Nellie Riddle performed on Brodie Field last Friday night with other Tift County Blue Devils "Future Cheerleaders," who participated in a cheerleading clinic at the high school in August. They wowed the crowd with a cheer and a dance. We love you and we are proud of you, Nellie!

Location: 2411 Central Ave. N., Tifton, GA 31794

Mail: P.O. Box 889 Tifton, GA 31793

(229) 382-7505

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