Tuesday, September 26, 6pm: Monthly Vestry Meeting in Ministry Center. All are invited to attend, listen, and offer feedback.
Wednesday, October 4, 6pm: Annual Blessing of the Animals service in the Memorial Garden.
Tuesday, October 31, 6-7:30pm: All Hallow's Eve Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 29: Consecration Sunday Celebration
Tuesdays at 11:30am
Let's Lunch at ABAC Dining Hall. ALL are welcome!
Wednesday Evenings
6-6:30pm - Dinner for kids & their grownups (Parish Hall)
6-6:30pm - Holy Eucharist in Little St. Anne's
6:30-7:30pm - Pre-YC, EYC, and nursery (Ministry Center)*
6:30-7:30pm - Bible Studies for Grownups (MC Room 102)
*Pre-YC kids must be signed in at the Ministry Center by their grownups, no earlier than 6:30pm
Thursdays, 10-11:30am
Bible Study in the Ministry Center, Room 102. This is a lay-led Bible Study focused on the Gospel of John.
Every 4th Thursday, 6pm
Vestry meeting in the Ministry Center, Room 102