September 23-24, 2023
Upper Montclair, NJ
Early Decision Deadline 1/15/23
24th Fall Brookdale Park
October 21-22, 2023
Bloomfield/Upper Montclair, NJ
Early Decision Deadline 1/15/23

The Fall Rose Squared Art Shows have an early application period from 12/1/22 to 1/15/23. If accepted to the show and if you pay your booth fee by 2/15/23, you will save $50 in jury and booth fees. Please note that the jewelry category ususally fills up on the first round of the jury process.
Showcase your original art at the Rose Squared Art Shows this fall. Each show is located in a gorgeous Essex County NJ park. These shows are curated, balanced and run by professional staff. Our patrons are art educated, affluent and loyal to the shows.

  • Friday set up and Sunday tear-down
  • Gorgeous park setting
  • Park behind your booth
  • Ample storage for each booth
  • Balanced, curated show
  • Professional staff onsite during entire show
  • 24 hour security using local police
  • 15-18,000 loyal, art educated patrons
  • Extensive PR and marketing
  • Indoor restrooms with attendant
  • Highly ranked by Sunshine Magazine
For more information
contact Robin Markowitz, Director
or call 301-755-4599

Visit our website at