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September 18, 2013

AutoArt will release their long-lost 1/18 scale Jaguar D-Type in 1955 LeMans winning livery this November. No retail price has been announced as yet but we expect it to be somewhere between their 1/18 E-Type Jaguars ($245.95) and their 1/18 Alfa Romeo 33 TT12 ($329.95). 
We are accepting advance orders for the Hawthorn / Bueb car on a 'provisional' basis until we can confirm the final price. 
1/18 Jaguar D-Type

#6 Jaguar D-Type 1955 LeMans Winner 
J.M.Hawthorn / I.L.Bueb
November 2013 Release - Price: TBA
Reserve HERE


AutoArt has set a $260.00 retail price for the 1/18 scale #30 Porsche 804 Grand Prix car with Dan Gurney Driver Figure and adjusted the Jo Bonnier Driver Figure version down to $260 from the $270+ price announced originally. 


We expect delivery of those pieces in October.


If you're a Jaguar fan and collect 1/43 scale, AutoArt's 1/43 '55 LeMans winning E-Type is one of the best 1/43s on the market today. Take a look.


Talk to you soon.


- Paul

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