Holy Family Catholic School



Eucharistic Miracle of Tumaco, Colombia 1906

Lord God, let Your light shine brightly within me, guiding my every step. Help me to truly hear and embrace Your words, and let them transform my heart. May I share Your love and truth with those around me, and grow in wisdom and grace each day. Use me, Lord, to reflect Your glory in all that I think, say and do. Amen.


“I wish I could lose myself and never find myself except in God.” St. John Vianney

Dear Parents,

This week has been a special celebration. 25 years is certainly a milestone for our school. We thank God for the gift of Catholic education at Holy Family and each person who has helped and continues to help to make our school a great place.

· To our parents: thank you for the many sacrifices made in order to send your child to Holy Family. We are thankful that we are able to partner with you in the education of your child.

· To our volunteers: thank you for supporting our campus through your time, talent and treasure.

· To our faculty and staff: thank you for believing in the mission of our school and tirelessly working to support the students and families.

· To our priests and deacons: thank you for your support of Catholic education at Holy Family by celebrating the sacraments with us and helping us grow in our faith.

· To our students: thank you for bringing joy to our community through your desire to grow and learn.

As we continue to celebrate Catholic Schools Week, we will remember you in our prayers.

God Bless,

Erin Vu


The registration deadline for Spring sports is Thursday, January 30th. Please click the link at the bottom of this newsletter to access the Athletic Newsletter and registration link.


Mass on Wednesday, February 5th at 10am

We had a wonderful Mass this morning. Thank you to the students in Mrs. Stratton's third grade class who proclaimed the readings to us.

Next week, Mass will be on Wednesday, February 5th with St. Dominic Savio High School. Please consider volunteering to help with set-up before Mass or take down after Mass.

All are welcome to attend!

Liturgy Volunteer Sign-up

Angel Virtues

In January, grades 2-4 focused on the virtues of affability and faith. Students in grades 5-8 focused on the virtues of affability, industriousness, faith and perseverance. Each teacher in these grades chose students who modeled these virtues in an especially positive way. Congratulations to our Angels!


Jessica Harman-Sister Chiara Luce

Clark Chambers-Mrs. Reilly

Makenna Mock-Mrs. Reilly

Ophelia Griles-Mrs. Wilson

Gabby Juhlke-Mrs. Wilson

Aliana Cervantez Rosas-Mrs. Blackstone

Aiden Yu-Mrs. Blackstone

Isabella Orozco-Mrs. Blackstone

Anastacia Jones-Mrs. Mejia

Adriana Manrique-Mrs. Mejia

Jillian Moore-Mrs. Stratton

Dominic Tran-Mrs. Stratton

Greyson Coleman-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Annaliese Tegtmeier-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Rex Dickerman-Mrs. Rhodes

John Paul Perales-Mrs. Rhodes

Garrison Meyer-Ms. Stein

Anna Moreno Vargas-Ms. Stein

Rafael Gonzalez-Ms. Donohoe

Sasha Peterson-Mr. Segura

Avery Klaus-Ms. Spielman

Jewel Ingle-Mrs. Amador

Clara Scully-Sister Rene Noel

Lyric Segura-Sister Rene Noel

Alex Costilla-Mrs. Cook

Abigail Nguyen-Mrs. Griffin

Wesley Cain-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Lucy Culver-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Thomas Heyl-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Francesca Batlle-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Fer Garcia de Alba-Mrs. Mackey

James Herro-Mrs. McGill

Luke Abando-Ms. Oliva

Simon Chandy-Ms. Paynter

Ian Duncan-Ms. Paynter

Mila Garcia-Mrs. Poulos

Valerie Lopez-Mrs. Poulos

Keilani Hunter-Ms. Ruiz

Lizzy Franklin-Mr. Sasu

Alyssa Kuster-Ms. Soto

Gregory Kloke-Mr. Stanton


Alyssa George-Sister Chiara Luce

Fernando Ortego-Sister Chiara Luce

Sadie MacDonald-Mrs. Reilly

Michael Vu-Mrs. Reilly

Julia Castro-Mrs. Wilson

Vincent Kraus-Mrs. Wilson

Gaston Andrade-Mrs. Blackstone

Esthela Martinez-Mrs. Blackstone

Teresa Kloke-Mrs. Mejia

Alessia Pastore-Mrs. Mejia

Blaine Brunson-Mrs. Stratton

Wesley Wray-Mrs. Stratton

Victoria Cogwin-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Caden Le-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Mia Mactal-Mrs. Rhodes

Luke Montes de Oca-Mrs. Rhodes

Catherine Culver-Ms. Stein

Emil Dabaghi Garza-Ms. Stein

Gabriel Zarzar-Ms. Stein

Stefan Poles-Ms. Donohoe

Lucy Warren-Mr. Segura

Evelyn Adiputra-Ms. Spielman

Mateo Ferriz-Ms. Spielman

Matthew Travis-Mrs. Cook

Jorge Paez Padron-Mrs. Griffin

Mateo Wehbe-Gonsalvez-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Dylan Buechler-Mrs. Mackey

Vivian Golab-Mrs. McGill

Brianna Gerace-Ms. Oliva

Lucas Nguyen-Ms. Paynter

Theresa Winkeler-Ms. Ruiz

Skye Olvera-Mr. Sasu

Abigail Cook-Ms. Soto


Bryanna Wilkens-Ms. Donohoe

Gray Zongker-Mr. Segura

Amaira Verma-Ms. Spielman

Domcio Goertz-Sister Rene Noel

William DeChene-Mrs. Cook

Zach Santos-Mrs. Griffin

Arabella Jones-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Alex Rouege-Mrs. Mackey

Emily Carson-Mrs. McGill

Hannah Blair-Ms. Oliva

Gabby Molina-Ms. Paynter

Anabelle Bierschenk-Mrs. Poulos

Bryce Buechler-Ms. Ruiz

Maciek Goertz-Mr. Sasu

Thomas Cioffi-Ms. Soto


Sophia Martirosian-Ms. Donohoe

Landon Leifeste-Mr. Segura

Henry Marty-Ms. Spielman

Layla Salas-Mrs. Amador

Maggie Peoples-Sister Rene Noel

Heba Reda-Mrs. Cook

Awdri Juhlke-Mrs. Griffin

Janie Raborn-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Bryn Hatton-Mrs. Mackey

Isabella Muleiro-Mrs. McGill

Andrew Meadows-Ms. Oliva

Noah Guzman-Ms. Paynter

Elise Melero-Mrs. Poulos

Jonah Lierman-Ms. Ruiz

Indira Adiputra-Mr. Sasu

Isabella Dickerman-Ms. Soto

Fox Lavalle-Mr. Stanton

Health Guidelines

Note: Any confirmed diagnoses should be reported to our school nurse.

2024 FACTS Innovation Award Winner - Dr. Verity Kahn

Our very own, Dr. Kahn, was selected as one of five winners of the 2024 FACTS Innovation Award. FACTS serves 12,000 schools globally and supports classroom innovation in private, faith-based K-12 school communities. FACTS annually awards 5 outstanding teachers for their innovation, creativity, and commitment to the students they serve. Dr. Kahn's submission detailed her work with the 8th graders for the publishing house and the HFCS Interactive Library Shows. We are so proud of her, and grateful for her service to our students and our school community.

FACTS will be on campus on Friday, January 31st, 2025 to present Dr. Kahn with a check for $5,000 for her efforts, and a check for $1,000 for the Holy Family Catholic School Library. Please join us during the Spirit Rally (HFCS Pavilion) at 2:00 pm on Friday, January 31st for the presentation. 

Holy Family PSIA Team

Congratulations to all of our students who will represent Holy Family Catholic School at the PSIA District 36AA Meet on Saturday, February 8. 

Grade 1

Creative Writing: Athena Pereira, Eva Pais

Storytelling: Cameron Roberts, Lucas Andrade, Emmaline Bierschenk, Reagan Reilly (alt.)

Grade 2

Creative Writing: Swithun Tan, Piper Foster, Abigael Veale, Luciana Wernicke (alt)

Number Sense: Swithun Tan, Milo Maulit, Nicole Lucci,

Francis Kritt (alt)

Storytelling: Michael Vu, Clark Chambers, Nicole Lucci,

Sadie MacDonald (alt)

Mathematics: Swithun Tan, Jonas Inscoe, Milo Maulit,

Abigael Veale (alt)

Spelling: Abigael Veale, Jonas Inscoe, Milo Maulit, Teresa Madathil (alt)

Grade 3

Mathematics: Jon Antonio Griffith, Emily Kazmierski, Oliver Samoail, Benjamin Kempner (alt)

Number Sense: Maximilian Perritte, Benjamin Kempner, Emily Kazmierski, Wesley Wray (alt)

Spelling: Isabella Orozco, Emily Kazmierski, An Tran,

Maximilian Perritte (alt)

Music Memory: Joseph Strittmatter, Vivi Olvera

Ready Writing: Emily Kazmierski, An Tran

Storytelling: Teresa Kloke, Katelyn Bartlett, Sadie MacDonald

Grade 4

Art Memory: Paige Zhang, Ana Sofia Ortego, Aria Perez,

John Paul Perales (alt)

Mathematics: Benio Goertz, Ethan Maulit, Emil Dabaghi,

Anuj Chintalapati (alt)

Oral Presentation: Victoria Cogwin, Sienna Garza

Music Memory: Katie Blair, Luke Reilly

Ready Writing: Samantha MacDonald, Heidi Van Kirk

Listening Skills: Samantha MacDonald, John Paul Perales

Number Sense: Ethan Maulit, Benio Goertz, Declan Verhoff

Spelling: Declan Verhoff, Ethan Maulit, Mia Mactal,

Samantha MacDonald (alt)

Maps, Graphs & Charts: Ethan Maulit, John Paul Perales, Benio Goertz

On-site Drawing: Hannah Bogner, Samantha MacDonald

Grade 5

Art Memory: Tesla Inscoe

Mathematics: Jeryl Tan, Clyde MacDonald, Lizzie Moller

Ready Writing: Rose Kritt, Clyde MacDonald, Laura Kate Cook,

Evelyn Vu (alt)

Dictionary Skills: Haddie Roberts, Tesla Inscoe, Roscoe Wacker,

Victoria Parodi (alt)

Number Sense: Jeryl Tan, Clyde MacDonald, Amiara Verma

Spelling: Clyde MacDonald, Haddie Roberts, Victoria Parodi,

Mateo Ferriz (alt)

Listening Skills: Mateo Ferriz

On-site Drawing: Cecilia Carattini

Vocabulary: Laura Kate Cook

Maps, Graphs & Charts: Nathan Thomas, Tesla Inscoe, Valentina Wernicke, Lizzie Moller (alt)

Oral Presentation: Rose Kritt, Haddie Roberts, Evelyn Vu

Grade 6

Art Memory: Smantha Foyt

Mathematics: Benjamin Mitchell, Mateo Wehbe-Gonsalvez,

Nathan Thomas

Ready Writing: Gabrielle Molina, Avery Tran, Nathaniel Willett

Calculator Application: Benjamin Mitchell

Number Sense: Benjamin Mitchell, Sasha Peterson

Science: Benjamin Mitchell, Patrick Vu, Mateo Wehbe-Gonsalvez

Dictionary Skills: Domcio Goertz

On-site Drawing: Nathaniel Willett, Domcio Goertz, Avery Zhang, Samantha Foyt (alt)

Spelling: Gabrielle Molina, Avery Zhang

Maps, Graphs & Charts: Lizzie Moller, Roscoe Wacker

Oral Presentation: Samantha Foyt

Vocabulary: Domcio Goertz

Grade 7

Art Memory: Paul Blair

Maps, Graphs & Charts: Lilia Brazener, Hanna Teklu, Paul Blair

Oral Presentation: Anabelle Bierschenk, Chloe Perales

Calculator Application: Theo Roberts

Mathematics: Theo Roberts, Rose Isaac, PhiAn Tran

Ready Writing: Jemma Mathew, Ada Byther, Emily Carson

Dictionary Skills: Lilia Brazener

Modern Oratory: Chloe Perales

Science: Lilia Brazener, Aashi Chintalapati, Emily Carson

Impromptu Speaking: Anabelle Bierschenk, Chloe Perales

Number Sense: Theo Roberts, Rose Isaac

Spelling: Lilia Brazener, Rose Isaac, PhiAn Tran, Hanna Teklu (alt)

Listening Skills: Lilia Brazener, Chloe Perales

On-site Drawing: Claire Larsen, Emily Carson, Chloe Perales

Vocabulary: Jemma Mathew, Ada Byther

Grade 8

Impromptu Speaking: Skye Olvera, Liam Bierschenk, AJ Winkeler, Maciek Goertz (alt)

Music Memory: Hannah Blair, Skye Olvera

Science: Maciek Goertz

Maps, Graphs & Charts: AJ Winkeler, Maciek Goertz, Theo Roberts

On-site Drawing: Liam Bierschenk, AJ Winkeler, Isabella Muleiro

Mathematics: Claire Larsen, Aashi Chintalapati

Oral Interpretation (Poetry): Liam Biershcenk

Vocabulary: Hannah Blair, Isabella Muleiro

Modern Oratory: AJ Winkeler

Ready Writing: Isabella Muleiro

Several other students participated in PSIA at Holy Family this year and we congratulate them for all of their hard work!

Athena Pereira, Eva Pais, Reagan Reilly, Makenna Mock, Jameson McGuirk, Francis Kritt, Gianna Vaca-Guzman, Luciana Wernicke, Santiago Perez, Loretta Dabaghi, Teresa Madathil, Diego Toledo, Roselyn Kildegaard-Morales, Julia Blair, John Paul Vu, Wesley Wray, Brooks Higdon, Josh Roshan, Ava Martirosian, Anuj Chintalapati, Aurelia D'Mello, Vincent Ravo, Leonardo Mangolini, Sophia Martirosian, Emma Alas, Luke Bogner

Join us for the community performance of our One Act Play,  Hallmarks of Horror. This 40-minute comedy is put on by 6-8th graders, and will be performed for all friends and families on Wednesday, February 12 at 6:30 pm in the Holy Family Pavilion. Please RSVP here so we can accurately plan for the event :

Also, all are welcome to the PSIA One Act Play competition at Brentwood Christian Academy Iva Lea Worley Barton Theater, 11908 N. Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78753 on Saturday, February 15th. There is an entry fee to watch the performances. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jeanne Lyman.

The After School Art Program(ASAP) at Holy Family will start on February 3rd. Students in grades K-5 can register now.

Our Spring 2025 Art Program 🎨 will focus on famous artists through fun and engaging lessons. We will also paint canvas art for Easter. All materials are provided, and the cost is $230.

Click here for more information and to register

5 Different Ways you can participate with Gala:

  • Grab some Easy Volunteer Hours. Sign up to Volunteer Leading Up to Gala and on the Day of! 
Sign Up Here
  • Buy Your Tickets and Attend Gala


VIP Reception Tickets on Sale Now!

Heart of Angels Gala 2025 | HelloFund

Prospective Parent Information Sessions

Do you know a family that might want to learn more about Holy Family? We are hosting a number of Prospective Parent Information Sessions in order for families to learn about the school and the admissions process. Sessions are scheduled for February 4 and 25, and March 25. Interested families can register at www.holyfamilycs.org/admission/parent-info.cfm      

or contact Cammy Nguyen in the Admissions Office at 512-244-4825 or cnguyen@holyfamilycs.org.