
In This Issue

SP Review: Core Values

Next School Calendar Set

Kindergarten Registration Scheduled for 2/20

Take SP Survey by 2/3

93 in 93: CS Instructional Coach Dominika Romano

SMS 6th Graders Learn Financial Literacy

5th Grade Band Debuts

Attend Winter Concerts

EJ Families Read Together

Free Parent Programs

Clases de Inglés Gratuitas

1/30 BOE Mtg. Recap

Dear Friend of CCSD93,

Messages From

Superintendent Hill:

CCSD93’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan serves as a roadmap to guide the district’s efforts and ensure the success of our students.

The plan is organized into four key sections:

  • Mission & vision statements
  • Strategic priorities & objectives
  • Core values
  • Key performance indicators

Recently, we reviewed CCSD93’s mission and vision statements and strategic priorities and objectives. This week, we turn to our core values, which are traits or qualities that represent an organization's deeply held beliefs and fundamental driving forces. They are what’s most important to an organization.

CCSD93's core values are:

  • Students are at the heart of all we do.
  • All students can learn, grow and meet high expectations.
  • Educators working collaboratively, using data, make an impact.
  • Shared leadership and responsibility are essential. 
  • Strong, respectful and supportive relationships lead to success.

The core values were developed through the strategic planning process by taking into account the institutional history of how CCSD93 has operated, priorities of senior leaders, and the input of more than 2,400 parents, students, staff, and community members who shared their perspectives through surveys.

In short, these core values help to define the district’s identity, and all district educational decisions that are made must align with one or more of these core values. By keeping these core values in focus, it ensures that the district operates with consistency, integrity and in the very best interest of its stakeholders. As such, they serve as a critical component of CCSD93’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.

CCSD93 2025-26 School Year Calendar Set

At last night’s Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the 2025-26 School Calendar. It includes a start date of August 20, 2025 and a tentative end date of June 9, 2026, though the school year will conclude up to a week earlier, depending on whether the district takes any emergency days. I invite you to view the complete calendar here, and you can always find it at www.ccsd93.com/calendar.

Save the Date for Kindergarten Registration 2/20

CCSD93 Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-26 school year will be held online at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 20 at www.ccsd93.com/kindergarten.  

Join us if you live in CCSD93’s boundaries and have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025! You'll learn about kindergarten in CCSD93 through a video from your child’s school principal and be asked to submit basic information to begin the registration process. You’ll also learn about CCSD93’s Dual Language program, which kindergarteners are invited to commit to in order to become bilingual in both English and Spanish.

Please FORWARD this email on to anyone you know who has an incoming kindergartener.

Para español, visite www.ccsd93.com/kinder.

Please Take Strategic Plan Survey by 2/3!

CCSD93 strives to continuously improve as an organization. In order to do so, we seek stakeholder feedback in a variety of ways. One key method is CCSD93’s Strategic Plan Survey, which parents, staff and 4th-8th grade students are asked to take.

The survey has been extended until February 3. Please complete it at www.ccsd93.com/spsurvey when you're able if you haven't yet!

By sharing your perspective on this school year, you’ll helps us to improve while measuring the progress of our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.

Please review the following for important news and updates from CCSD93, and have a wonderful weekend!


Dr. David H. Hill

Superintendent of Schools


CCSD93 in 93 Seconds: Carol Stream Instructional Coach Dominika Romano

Carol Stream School Instructional Coach Dominika Romano has been with CCSD93 for a decade. She helps teachers meet students’ academic needs in a variety of ways. Spend a minute and a half getting to know her, including her pets, her unique and festive musical tastes, and much more in the latest edition of CCSD93 in 93 Seconds

Stratford 6th Graders Learn Budgeting & Financial Literacy With Hands-On Experience

Today, Stratford 6th graders received a hands-on lesson in financial literacy at “JA Town,” thanks to our partners at Junior Achievement! Students were assigned careers and salaries, then navigated through stations in the school’s gym, where they made decisions about real-life expenses such as housing, insurance, education and more, learning to budget and make smart financial choices. Local area high school students and Junior Achievement staff led this interactive experience, which, combined with classroom lessons on managing money, is helping the students develop essential life skills.

5th Grade Band Members Make Concert Debuts!

Congratulations to CCSD93’s 5th grade band members, who played their first concerts this week! They’ve made remarkable progress since first picking up their instruments in the fall and were joined on stage by their middle school’s jazz band. Way to go, young musicians!

Save the Date: CCSD93 Music Winter Concert Schedule

CCSD93 has active band, orchestra and choir programs, with hundreds of 5th-8th grade students in band, 4th-8th graders in orchestra and middle schoolers in choir throughout the district. Save the date for the following remaining performances this winter!

Elsie Johnson Families Read Together!

On Tuesday, Elsie Johnson families were invited to join their children before school to read together in the Innovation Center! The event coincided with the school’s Pajama Day, making for an extra cozy morning. By curling up with a good book together, families can strengthen bonds while building literacy skills and instilling a love of reading in children.

You're Invited to Attend Free Parent Programs!

CCSD93’s partners at Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) provide terrific, free programming for today's parents. Even though it has Glenbard in the title, all CCSD93 families are invited to attend GPS events. This year, GPS is offering an incredible slate of speakers. You're invited to attend the upcoming parent programs below. Mark your calendar and visit www.glenbardgps.org for more

Clases de Inglés Gratuitas en Carol Stream

1/30 Board of Education Meeting Recap

CCSD93’s most recent Board of Education meeting was held on January 30 at Cloverdale Elementary School. The following occurred at the meeting.

  • Cloverdale students and staff presented about the Coyote's Den, a schoolwide program that regularly brings together teams of students and teachers from across the school’s grade levels with a focus on creating a sense of belonging and community in the school. Students led the Board members through one of the lessons from this year. 
  • Members of CCSD93’s Kindergarten Committee presented about planned updates to CCSD93’s kindergarten processes and curriculum for 2025-26.
  • Assistant Superintendent for Business Services John Benedetti presented on the Tax Levy Process.
  • The Board approved the 2025-26 school calendar, CCSD93’s 2025-26 budget calendar, as well as Board of Education and Finance Committee meeting dates for 2025-26.
  • The Board approved the sale of MacBook computers to families of graduating 8th grade students.
  • The Board further reviewed and finalized its Board Member Agreements document, which reminds all Board members of their collective responsibility.
  • The Board added a Press Plus exhibit to Board Policy. View the meeting’s agenda at www.ccsd93.com/board for more.

CCSD93 strives to maximize the academic, social & emotional potential of each student.

Click to find out more about CCSD93's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, its guiding document designed to maximize student outcomes!

Click to find out more about the qualities identified by our community that we're instilling in our students by 8th grade!

Click to listen to any of CCSD93's Talk D93 podcasts and find out more about district programs, services, history and more!

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High-quality communication is one of CCSD93's goals. We welcome your feedback. Please call 630.539.3001 or email us with your comments or suggestions.  Tell us what kind of news you'd like to read more about.

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