iPad & Apple Pencil Giveaway Inside!
Click the event below for more info
Monday, April 25
iPad and Apple Pencil Giveaway
11 A.M. Queer Studies Lecture Series Presents: Leo Herrera "Queer Art in the Algorithm"
12 P.M. Associated Students Presents: Lobo’s Pop Up Pantry
3:30 P.M. ASP Presents: FREE Grad Pics Photo Session
Tuesday, April 26
$2 off Tuesday
Freebie Friday
iPad and Apple Pencil Giveaway
11 A.M. Pop Up Recruitment: Withum
12 P.M. Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Presents: In/Visible: Asian American Feminism at SSU
12 P.M.Common Thread (Drop-In) Group: LGBTQIA+ Support Group
2 P.M. Whole Body Wisdom: An 8-Week Workshop with Meredith Denton, LCSW, MPH
4 P.M. Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series Presents, The Bosnian Genocide Deconstructed
4:30 P.M. Getaway Trip: San Francisco Giants v. Oakland A’s Baseball Game
6 P.M. Umoja Queens
Wednesday, April 27
Freebie Friday
iPad and Apple Pencil Giveaway
9 A.M. InMotion Yoga
11 A.M. Pop Up Recruitment: Lynn & Darla LLC
11 A.M. Not the Perfect Family Group
12:30 P.M. JUMP Presents: Hygiene Kit Assembly
4 P.M. MATH Colloquium: 'FaceTime Math' and the Power of A Good Mathematical Story
5:30 P.M. Theater Arts & Dance Guest Speaker Series Presents: Osvaldo Ramirez
7:15 P.M. The German Film Series Presents: Das Leben der Anderen
Thursday, April 28
Freebie Friday
iPad and Apple Pencil Giveaway
11 A.M. Pop Up Recruitment: Solage
12 P.M. I Want to Know What Love Is: Relationship Group
3 P.M. Survivors of Sexual Assault Support
5 P.M. Sex & Disability: Intimacy and Loving Is For Everyone
6 P.M. ASP Presents: Drag Bingo with Dusty Ray Bottoms
7:30 P.M. Spring Performance Festival - Eurydice
Friday, April 29
iPad and Apple Pencil Giveaway
9 A.M. $5 Friday’s At The Kitchens
9 A.M. InMotion Yoga
1 P.M. Women in Computer Science (WiCS) Club Meeting
4 P.M. Trans & Gender Questioning Group
5 P.M. Friday Night Live Feat. Escape Rooms
7:30 P.M. Spring Performance Festival - Spring Dance
Saturday, April 30
iPad and Apple Pencil Giveaway
10 A.M. Natural History Hikes
1 P.M. Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Presents, JACL Mochitsuki (Mochi) Making
2 P.M. Osborn Sudden Oak Death Blitz - Bilingüe en español
2 P.M. Spring Performance Festival - Senior Projects
3 P.M. Getaway Trip: Golf Clinic at Foxtail Golf Course
7 P.M. DIY Craft of the Week: Sand Art
7:30 P.M. Spring Performance Festival - Eurydice
7:30 P.M. Symphony Orchestra
Sunday, May 1
iPad and Apple Pencil Giveaway
9 A.M. Galbreath Sudden Oak Death Blitz
12 P.M. Community Climbing Competition
2 P.M. Spring Performance Festival - Senior Projects
2 P.M. Navarro Trio
4 P.M. Intro to Belay Clinics
7:30 P.M. Student Composers