360,000 reservists mobilized mean an estimated 1 million children's lives ripped away from Daddy since October 7th, 2023. What are you doing about it?
Join us in feeding and emotionally supporting
(1) wives and children of soldiers
(2) women and children on the home-front suffering from anxiety, fright and war trauma struggling to keep emotional and functionally stable homes
(3) hire refugees from the South to do household work by overwhelmed Jerusalem families in need [double milage - helping two families with every donated dollar]
(4) adopt communities of wives & kids of reservists and arrange homemade food and goodies for shabbos from a sister community of Avreichim, facilitating Kiddush Hashem, positive relationships & ahavas chinam between the two communities.
To Date:
We facilitate Shabbos Meals & weekday pizza dinners to reservists' families in איבי הנחל, צור הדסה, מעון, כפר אלדד, מודיעין - more to come with your help!