Papel amor


La Sirena
27 East 3 Street
(Calle 3)
NYC, 10003
Open 12-7 daily
Abierto de 12-7pm todos los d�as


Save 10%

off on all hearts

Corazon sale !!
Bring in this coupon or save a tree and say,
 corazon email before checking out to receive discounts, 10% of on all hearts!!
Offer Expires: February 14th 2013
sacred heart buckleflaming corazon

heart necklace 


mano mirror 

Hola Amigos !
La Sirena is getting ready for Valentines day with whimsical, creative, one of a kind, hand made gift ideas, home decor, fiesta fun and lots lots more!!!!
*Valentine's Day en Mexico:
February 14th is celebrated in Mexico as the D�a de San Valentin, but it's more commonly referred to as El D�a del Amor y la Amistad, the "day of love and friendship." People commonly give flowers, gifts, candies and balloons to their romantic partners, but it's also a day to show appreciation for friends.
Nos vemos, Dina y Las Sirenitas

doble corazon Asst loveone loveflaming heartbuckle

 "La amistad es lluvia de flores preciosas"  
"Friendship is like a shower of precious flowers"        
 Aztec Poem


milagro nicho

DOD T shirtwomens  

doble corazon





hand, heart, earrings  


 te amoFlaming Heart