First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara | 21 East Constance Avenue, Santa Barbara
Join us this Sunday on campus or via Livestream at 9:30 am & online anytime
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Greetings, FPC congregation!
I enjoyed my time at a conference last week and am refreshed by being with colleagues in times of worship, prayer, study, and deep theological discussion. This leaves me wondering: Do you need refreshment for your spirit? Are you in a place of spiritual desert or weariness? If this resonates with you, I hope you will take the opportunity to experience spiritual refreshment and renewal by attending the Weekend in the Word this Friday evening (6:30 - 8:00 pm) and Saturday morning (9:00 am – noon). Come to all or just a part of this faith formation offering! My hunch is that you will find it very encouraging, and you will discover some new ways to engage with Scripture and experience God’s nurture in your life. We will gather in Anderson Lounge, and I really hope to see you there!
May the many blessings of our good and gracious God be with you, today and always!
~ Pastor Ann
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Sunday, October 16th | 9:30 am | The Sanctuary
Join us this Sunday in the sanctuary. Rev. Dr. Brad Munroe will be preaching on John 20:19-22 and Acts 16:6-15 and his message is entitled "Spirit Nudges".
Unable to attend worship in person? Join us via Livestream!
Worship at 9:30 am live from your home via our YouTube livestream feed. Can't join at 9:30 am? The service be available on our website later Sunday morning, and all our worship services remain on YouTube and on our website so you can worship at anytime.
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Sundays |10:45 am -11:45 am| Locations Below
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Children and Family Sunday School meets in the Children's Education Center (lower level)
Family Sunday School is for children infant through 6th grade and their parents. Children K-6th grades may be dropped off to Family Sunday School if their parents prefer to attend another class being offered.
Jr and Senior High meets in the Youth Lodge (lower level)
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Following Worship and Fellowship Time | Anderson Lounge
Praying the Scriptures
Rev. Dr. Brad Munroe Presbytery Pastor for Grand Canyon & de Cristo Presbyteries (Arizona)
In conjunction with our Weekend in the Word program October 14 & 15 (no need to attend Weekend in the Word to attend this class)
What’s So Important about Giving
FPCSB’s Stewardship and Finance & Facilities Teams
To be announced
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Friday, October 14 | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm | Anderson Lounge
Saturday, October 15 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm | Anderson Lounge
Brad Munroe is an engaging speaker, an effective leader, and a compassionate pastor. He serves a “pastor to the pastors” for the entire state of Arizona. He will be leading us in two learning sessions for “Weekend in the Word” related to Praying the Scriptures. This is a wonderful opportunity to grow in your understanding of Scripture, deepen your prayer life, and connect more closely with God. Brad will guide us in the use of poetry, prayer, and paraphrase to enhance our devotional and worship life. The Participant’s Guide can be found here. While we will have copies available, you are encouraged to print out at home or access on your electronic device.
Mark your calendars to plan to attend this enriching workshop and invite your friends as well! An Informational flyer can be found here.
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Sunday, November 6 | 4:00 pm | Sanctuary
With the midterm elections scheduled for November 8, we do well to inquire about the values we wish to see in today’s political leaders. On Sunday, November 6, we will have the opportunity to engage the beliefs that made Abraham Lincoln one of our greatest presidents. New York Times bestselling biographer, Ron White, a friend of our congregation, will preach on Sunday morning and then present an engaging and informative lecture Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm. Click Here for more information
Dr. Ronald White is one of the nation’s leading historians on Abraham Lincoln. He is a graduate of UCLA and Princeton Theological Seminary, receiving a Ph.D. from Princeton University. He is a Senior Fellow at The Trinity Forum in Washington, D.C. He has taught and lectured extensively throughout the United States and abroad. Click Here for his full biography.
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Sunday, October 23| 11:00 am – 1:00 pm | Christian Fellowship Center
Do you have questions about First Presbyterian Church? Are you ready to become a member? We invite you to an INQUIRER'S CLASS at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara on Sunday, October 23. We’ll meet in the CFC, and a light luncheon will be served.
If you are new to First Pres or have been attending for years, we would love to give you the chance to learn more about our beloved church and its mission and ministry. Discussion will include First Pres and its history and ministry and our Presbyterian denomination and theology, with ample opportunities for questions.
For more information or to let us know you’ll be joining us, contact Pastor Ann.
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Wednesday, October 26 | 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Upper Parking Lot
Instead of visiting houses, visit cars in our upper parking lot! All ages are welcome, and costumes are encouraged (but not required).
Want to join by handing out candy from your car? The more cars the better! Decorating is optional (but encouraged!), but do provide your own candy/treats and plan to arrive between 4:30-4:45. Also, it is important to RSVP to reserve your parking space (day of is ok).
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Sundays beginning October 23 | Following Worship | Church Patio
Get ready for all your holiday baking! We will be selling pecans on the patio every Sunday beginning October 23 until we sell out. No pre-ordering and no order forms! We will have pecan halves, pecan pralines, mixed nuts, and chocolate pecans. Cash or check accepted. Contact Carey Caulfield with any questions (805.403.3555).
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Featuring Motivational Speaker Michelle Jackman
Saturday, November 5 | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm | FPC Campus
First Pres women are invited to a time of fellowship and discipleship as we enjoy worship, lunch, and a message from motivational speaker Michelle Jackman. Cost is $20 and can be forwarded to the church office. Checks should be payable to Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery. Contact Yvonne Bazinet for more information and access the promotional flyer here.
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As we continue to pray over the war in Ukraine, we want to especially remember our friend and mission partner, Nita Hansen and her ministry in Ukraine, God’s Hidden Treasures. Nita has been keeping us up to date with the effect of the situation on God’s Hidden Treasures, and you can read her recent emails and prayer requests from September and October here.
Click Here to learn more about God’s Hidden Treasure’s or to make a monetary donation to support their work with evacuees.
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Area Director Dave Petersen dropped off a booklet at the Church Office on Friday, October 7th. The booklet has great pictures and letters from the students at Camp this summer. Our financial support of Young Life helps support scholarships for this summer camp. Please contact Chuck Curtis if you would like to see it. Dave has asked us to share both Praises of Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests that we can help pray to support the ministry to students here in Santa Barbara. Click here for this information.
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Sunday, October 2 and through the month of October
The Peace & Global Witness Offering encourages the church to cast off anxiety and fear, discord and division, and embrace our God's mission of reconciliation to those around the corner and around the world. Our official giving Sunday is October 2, but we will be collecting this offering through the month of October. If we we all do a little, it adds up to a lot!
Click here for more information.
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Special Concerts and Events every month
Friendsgiving Concert
Sunday, November 13 | 3 pm | Sanctuary
This exciting afternoon will include Erin Bonski-Evans on piano along with friends of the FPCSB Music Ministry. Guests include Andrea DiMaggio, flute; Joanne Kim, clarinet; Christine Hollinger, soprano, and more…
Messiah Sing-along
Tuesday, December 13 | 7:30 pm | Sanctuary
We are excited to again host the Messiah Sing-along, in person in our sanctuary. This long-standing Christmas tradition is a fundraiser benefiting the Unity Shoppe. Cost is $10 and tickets are available at Chaucer’s Bookstore or at the door.
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Rehearsal every Thursday | 7 pm | Music Room
All ages and abilities are welcome. Training and support are provided in a friendly and fun rehearsal setting. Commitment involves Sunday mornings and Thursday evening rehearsals; flexibility provided for those who have other evening commitments. Contact Erin Bonski-Evans for more information.
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Sunday, October 23rd | 10:45 am - 11:45 am | CFC Kitchen
First Pres has a long history with Transition House, which is a local housing support group. We provide meals on the 4th Monday of each month, and following worship the day before, the youth will meet in the CFC kitchen to make sandwiches and cookies. Participants can receive community service hours for attending. All are welcome to help! Please mark your calendars if you would like to join. Contact Amanda with questions.
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Sundays | 10:45am - 11:45am | Christian Education Center
Meet in the Christian Education Center for Sunday School for children infant through 6th grade and their parents. Children K-6th grade may be dropped off if their parents prefer to attend another class being offered.
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Sundays | 10:45am - 11:45am | Youth Room
Weekly fellowship on Sundays from 10:45 am - 11:45 am on the Youth Patio. Contact Amanda with questions.
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Every Other Friday | 6-8:pm | Youth Lodge
October 21: Dinner Provided
November 4: Dinner Provided
November 18: Almost Sleepover Movie Night 6-10pm
December 2: Dinner Provided
Contact Susan Croshaw or Amanda Hur with questions
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Starting in September, our Music Minister will be teaching music classes once a month during our education hour for K-6 kids and youth. We’ll sing songs, play instruments, dance, and learn the building blocks of musicianship in a fun, engaging setting. The following week, they’ll be invited to make music together as part of our Sunday worship service.
Audio of all upcoming music for children and youth can be heard here and the words and music found here.
Your kids (and you!) will want to be sure to join us on the following Sundays:
K-6 Music Education: November 13, December 18
K-6 Kids Music in Worship: November 20, December 24
Youth Music Education: December 11
Youth Music in Worship: October 16, December 24
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Tuesdays | 8:00 am - 9:00 am | Connect via Zoom
FPCSB Men! Our weekly gatherings will resume this coming Tuesday. We will continue to meet via Zoom and will use the previously used link. Contact Gordy Hess or Warren Myers for the Zoom login info or with questions.
Our Men's Bible Study comes together weekly to share with one another, pray for each other, and read the upcoming sermon text. We discuss our thoughts and questions, and we ponder together how to apply the insights we've discussed to our lives. This is an opportunity to grow in God's Word and be encouraged by one another as brothers in Christ. Here is where acquaintances become friends and friends become brothers. Never been a part of this group, but think it sounds interesting? We'd love for you to join us!
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2nd Wednesday of the Month | 10 am | Anderson Lounge
3rd Monday of the Month | 2 pm | Anderson Lounge AND VIA ZOOM
Sabbath reminds us to honor God who honors us by giving us a day each week to reset our pace, our priorities, and our lives. In Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight, Carol M. Bechtel leads us through a study of Sabbath over nine lessons. Participants will consider Sabbath anew and will come away renewed.
We hope you can join us for this exciting new study. The same lesson is covered in both sessions, and zoom will be an option this year for the Monday study.
Click Here to join Zoom Meeting OR
Dial by your location: 669-444-9171
Meeting ID: 861 4726 2904; Passcode: 213440
Contact Jo Bakker for more information and to secure a book (cost is $12). You also can order it directly from the PC(USA) store. Large print and audio versions also are available through the PC(USA) store.
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CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
If you need access to the facility outside of these hours, please contact the church office ahead of time.
Want to let our congregation know about what is happening in your ministry? Pease send your information to Denise Rodman. WEEKLY DEADLINE is Monday at Noon
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God calls us to worship faithfully.
God calls us to serve lovingly.
God calls us into community:
Sharing grace unconditionally
Seeing Christ in all people.
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