Min. Bob Cutting
Your piece of God for today.
Minister Bob Cutting
Luke 10:25-28  (AMP)
25 And a certain lawyer [an expert in Mosaic Law] stood up to test Him, saying, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"  26 Jesus said to him, "What is written in the Law? How do you read it?" 27 And he replied, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."  28 Jesus said to him, "You have answered correctly; do this habitually and you will live."



10/3 Churches That Abuse


Good, Great Morning! A book written in the 80's is all too relevant today. It is called Churches That Abuse.  It is not only the cults, but is becoming the #1 reason that people will not come to church today. A sad comment on Christianity. It is important to see if the church that you go to, may accidentally or on purpose practice these things. 

I will summarize the principle of the Bible violated in these churches. However the book is still available on Amazon and a similar one " So You don't Want To Go To Church Any More?" is like it.   And similar books are available at Christian Books.

The Biblical principle violated is very basic. IF each person has loved God with the "ALL" phrases in today's Scripture, they can put NO preacher, NO denomination, NO practice or thought of man ahead of God. In other words full surrender and ALL control is given to God.

What happens is thoughts of man, traditions of man, insecurities of the leaders and their lack of surrender to God can all play into this and because people put these things ahead of God in their love for Him, they make other Gods.  

Have you heard of this before in Scripture? Many times! Right after Moses delivered the 10 Commandments, did the people not make a golden calf? What are our 'golden calves today?

I hope I have helped you today, the books are even better and more eye opening.  One of the more effective and rising tools today for evangelism is home gatherings for Bible Studies in small groups because of this very reason with the Churches. Maybe this will inspire you to start such a gathering?

My prayer for us today is this:

Dear Father God,

Help us to examine when ourselves, or our churches put other things ahead of you. May we NEVER abuse another human being and keep them from you because of our poor example. 
In Jesus Holy Name, 
PS: I apologize to my Weekly subscribers for going over with these messages, but I felt they were critically important and good. 

 Minister Bob Cutting & Friends
COMING NOV. 1st - 3rd
NORTHEAST MEN'S RETREAT <Click here for information.

* Michael Grimm's  Thought For The Week
* Bill Nugent - DEFENDING THE FAITH #331 Actor Tom Cruise
and the  Danger of Scientology and UFO Cults