Holy Family Catholic School



Eucharistic Miracle Sokolka, Poland 2008

Loving Lord, give me the strength and perseverance to follow the narrow path that leads to Your Kingdom. Keep me faithful to Your journey and close to Your heart. Amen.


“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,” Matthew 25:35

Dear Parents,

As we conclude October, I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to our Parent Association who hosted a wonderful Eat and Treat this year.

All families are invited to mark their calendars for the Humanities Night on November 13 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. The event will showcase student work connected with our faith, writing, reading, social studies, and the arts. There will be an exhibit in the gym with student work from across the grade levels on display. Additionally, there will be interactive sessions that families can participate in together. We hope to see you there!

It’s difficult to believe that the holidays will be here soon, but tomorrow is the start of a new month. I would like to share a new initiative that is intended to provide new families with the opportunity to experience our wonderful school. The new initiative is called: 3rd Quarter for Free, and it will allow families an opportunity to come to our school for the third quarter. It is our expectation and hope that new students will finish the year with us and return for the following year.

If you know a family who may be interested in joining our wonderful community, please share this new initiative with them. For more information, please read the full explanation here.

God Bless,

Erin Vu

Please click the following link for Important Dates for the 2024-2025 school year. There have been some changes and will be shown in red.

Important Dates 2024-2025



Sixth Grade Hosting Mass

Mass on Friday, November 1st will be hosted by sixth grade. If your child's class will be hosting Mass, please consider volunteering to help with set-up before Mass or take-down after Mass.

All are welcome to attend!

Liturgy Volunteer Sign-up

All Saints Day Expo

November 1st

HFCS 6th grade students will create a Living Saint Museum in the pavilion before Mass. This will start shortly after prayer at 8:00 in the morning and run until 9:30. Students will then process to St. Vincent de Paul for All Saints Day Mass. Grades 2-8 will be able to view the Saint Expo before Mass while grades Pre-K - 1st will have "Saints" visiting their classrooms. Parents are welcome to sign in and visit the pavilion at this time as well.

Angel Virtue Awards

In October, grades 2-4 focused on the virtues of courtesy and foresight. Grades 5-8 focused on trustworthiness, courtesy, foresight and circumspection. Each teacher in these grades chose students who modeled these virtues in an especially positive way. Congratulations to our Angel Virtue award recipients.


Garrett Costello-Mrs. Reilly

Isabella Crowley-Mrs. Reilly

Henry Dennon-Sister Chiara Luce

Katherine Fitzpatrick-Sister Chiara Luce

Ellie Gormley-Mrs. Wilson

Abby Veale-Mrs. Wilson

Luke McCullough-Mrs. Blackstone

Cristian Peck-Mrs. Blackstone

Matthew Mandac-Mrs. Mejia

Max Perritte-Mrs. Mejia

Samuel Bas-Mrs. Stratton

Elena Durbin-Mrs. Stratton

Michael Fuentes-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Aria Perez-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Lillian Dennon-Mrs. Rhodes

Benio Goertz-Mrs. Rhodes

Maria Bareno-Ms. Stein

Cody Hodge-Ms. Stein

Christopher Meadows-Ms. Stein

Mary Frances Ramos-Ms. Stein

Will Stephenson-Ms. Donohoe

Eleanor Zhuang-Mr. Segura

Mika Jiao-Ms. Spielman

Brodie Hodge-Ms. Amador

Clara Scully-Sister Rene Noel

Lucia Riojas-Mrs. Cook

Abigail Nguyen-Mrs. Griffin

Jorge Paez Padron-Mrs. Griffin

Leighton Wright-Mrs. Griffin

Wesley Cain-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Lucy Culver-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Maggie McCurry-Mrs. Mackey

Emily Carson-Mrs. McGill

Tobias Urias-Ms. Oliva

Claire Warren-Ms. Paynter

Sofia Ibarra-Mrs. Poulos

Bryce Buechler-Ms. Ruiz

Zoe Tambo-Mr. Sasu

Nhi Do-Ms. Soto

Jacquelin Nguyen-Mr. Stanton


Julia Blair-Mrs. Reilly

Jameson McGuirk-Mrs. Reilly

Piper Foster-Sister Chiara Luce

Matthew Heyl-Mrs. Wilson

Kayleigh Klaus-Mrs. Wilson

Katelyn Bartlett-Mrs. Blackstone

Emily Kazmierski-Mrs. Blackstone

Antonio Griffith-Mrs. Mejia

Francesca Suarez-Mrs. Mejia

Emma Lepak-Mrs. Stratton

Natalia Rodriguez-Mrs. Stratton

Aurelia D'Mello-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Elliott Pena-Mrs. Catherine Lyman

Sienna Garza-Mrs. Rhodes

Declan Verhoff-Mrs. Rhodes

Emil Dabaghi Garza-Ms. Stein

Tony Dany-Ms. Stein

Jack Rogers-Ms. Stein

Parker Weiss-Ms. Stein

Paige Zhang-Ms. Stein

Juan Pablo Miranda-Ms. Donohoe

Juliana Bartlett-Mr. Segura

Clyde MacDonald-Ms. Spielman

Calleigh Dick-Sister Rene Noel

Julie Griffith-Mrs. Cook

Pearce Fitzpatrick-Mrs. Griffin

Janie Raborn-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Bryn Hatton-Mrs. Mackey

Cate Lepak-Ms. Oliva

Alex Zarzar Apud-Mrs. Poulos

Bella Edwards-Ms. Ruiz

Jacob Bierschenk-Mr. Sasu

A.J. Winkeler-Ms. Soto


Leonardo Mangolini-Ms. Donohoe

Danvic Lorenz-Mr. Segura

Avery Klaus-Ms. Spielman

Evangeline Nally-Ms. Spielman

David McMurray-Ms. Amador

Lyric Segura-Sister Rene Noel

Sean Fry-Mrs. Cook

Lexi Gladden-Mrs. Griffin

Tim Zuercher-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Nash Baker-Mrs. Mackey

Isabella Muleiro-Mrs. McGill

Elena Vasquez-Ms. Oliva

Amelia Gonzalez-Ms. Paynter

Alex Flores-Mrs. Poulos

Zandie Karikoga-Ms. Ruiz

Indira Adiputra-Mr. Sasu

Megan Simon-Ms. Soto

Nathan Scully-Mr. Stanton


Lizzie Moller-Ms. Donohoe

Dominic Fuentes-Ms. Spielman

Lucas Poles-Ms. Spielman

Andrew Simon-Ms. Amador

PhiAn Tran-Sister Rene Noel

Dev Gaidhane-Mrs. Griffin

William Zongker-Mrs. Griffin

Thomas Heyl-Mrs. Jeanne Lyman

Nicco Pena-Mrs. Mackey

Jesse Johnson-Mrs. McGill

Jai Gaidhane-Ms. Oliva

Hanna Teklu-Mrs. Poulos

Chloe Perales-Ms. Ruiz

Pia Merx-Mr. Sasu

Gabrielle Rogers-Ms. Soto

Sibling Applications for 2025-2026

If your family has a sibling applying for admission for the 2025-2026 school year, applications will be available online on November 1, 2024. You may click here to access the Online Application and forms. Please be sure to read the Application Checklist thoroughly. You can submit items individually, but to be considered in the first round of admissions, your child's file must be complete with all checklist items submitted (teacher reference, birth certificate etc.) and the application fee has been paid by Saturday, February 1, 2025. 


Screenings for applicants will be conducted in January and February. 

Please contact Cammy Nguyen at (512) 244-4825 or cnguyen@holyfamilycs.org with any questions.   


If you know of a family who is interested in Holy Family, please ask them to visit our website and register for one of our upcoming Information Sessions.

Prospective Parent Information Sessions

Do you know a family that might want to learn more about Holy Family? We are hosting a number of Prospective Parent Information Sessions in order for families to learn about the school and the admissions process. Sessions are scheduled for November 5, December 3, January 14, February 4 and 25, and March 25. Interested families can register at www.holyfamilycs.org/admission/parent-info.cfm      

or contact Cammy Nguyen in the Admissions Office at 512-244-4825 or cnguyen@holyfamilycs.org.

Lifetouch Picture Re-Takes

Individual picture re-takes are scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th. There are a few order forms available in the office with Mrs. Flores. If you ordered a picture package initially and are not satisfied with the outcome, please have your child bring them with him/her to the retakes. Remember to wear your formal Mass uniform on this day. To place an order online, go to mylifetouch.com and use the following Picture Day ID: EVTRMZZ97.


Date: November 22, 2024

Time: 10am-1:30pm

Where: Holy Family Pavilion

If you are unable to stay the entire time, please sign up and “comment” the time you are available to stay and help or email Stephanie Boss and sboss@holyfamilycs.org.

Volunteer Sign-up

Evening with Eagles Fall Open House

When: Wednesday, November 6th

Time: 5:30-8:00pm

Prospective families (parents and students) are invited to our Fall Open House to discover and experience what makes Savio a unique and engaging place for inquisitive minds. Registration requested.

Evening With Eagle Fall Open House

Christmas Card Art Contest

The Diocese of Austin invites all Catholic School students to submit a design for the Office of Catholic schools 2024 Christmas Card!

Question? Please contact the diocese at catholicschools@austindiocese.org or call 512-949-2497.

Click here for more information