January 23, 2023                                    www.SiliconDragonventures.com

What a nice birthday present! My box of author books arrived just in time, straight from the printer's warehouse. Big thanks to my publisher Charlesbridge/Imagine and distributor Penguin Random House.

On the circuit so far, the most popular question is why I wrote the book.

10 Reasons (and probably a lot more...)

  1. Silicon Valley is spreading
  2. Remote working is here to stay
  3. Inland hubs are growing
  4. Heartland VC and angel investment is picking up
  5. Covid expedited all these trends
  6. China-US VC and tech deals softened
  7. Decoupling has accelerated
  8. Traveling to China was off (now on again)
  9. The Heartland beckoned with hotspots
  10. I'm from the Heartland (Ohio)

If you think that's all there is to it, then read the book. Lots of interviews from my on-the-road journey covering this emerging frontier, and during Covid. And read about my own pivot!

Pre-order the book now:

Silicon Heartland

launching March 7!

Book Tour Dates 2023

Stamford, March 21

NYC, March 28

Morgantown, WVa March 30

Hudson, Ohio April 3

Lancaster, Ohio April 5

Cincinnati, April 11

Cleveland, April 14

San Francisco, April 26

Palm Beach, May 3

Milwaukee, June 27

Chicago, June 22 / July 13-14

Madison, Wisc., Oct 19-22

.More in progress

Happy Lunar New Year!

In Chinese, the 12 zodiac animals are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and

Pig. This year's Rabbit signifies elegance, peace and a dash of luck.

Next Ask A VC 


Heartland Series

January 25

4pm ET

Q&A and Chat with

Jackson Andrews,

Endeavor Midwest

Larry Horn, Amplify


Sign Up!

Why and How

Louisville Is

Emerging as 1 of the Region's More Promising Hubs.

How Scaling Up, Not Starting Up Factors In

Silicon Heartland's Special Series of AskAVC shows Online and Live

Click our YouTube Channel for Videos

Silicon Heartland cover

"Rebecca's book is indispensable for founders, makers and change-makers."

Jim Breyer,

Breyer Capital

Silicon Heartland author chats with Breyer at SXSW 2023

on March 11

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Silicon Dragon Circle Membership

for 2023

Next VIP Event

Silicon Heartland Book

LA, February 9


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Founder/Author/CNBC contributor

Rebecca A. Fannin

[email protected]

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