1) Entertain the person I care for: Read a book, watch TV, or take them for a drive—so I can have a break

2) Take me out: Go to lunch, to a movie, or for a walk with me

3) Go shopping: Pick up a few items for me when you’re at the grocery store

4) Run errands: Return books to the library or take mail to the post office

5) Drive us: To an appointment or engagement

6) Be available for talking: Help me to laugh and have perspective on my situation

7) Help with a project: It’s always easier to do things with someone else’s encouragement

8) Tend to the garden: Mow the lawn or plant flowers

9) Care for my pet: Take pet to the vet or on a walk

And, if you can…

10) GIVE : Support a caregiver by donating to Family Caregiver Alliance today!
Dear Friend,

When caregivers contact Family Caregiver Alliance or access our online FCA CareJourney service, they are offered comprehensive and practical information, training, support and resources that fit their needs, all at no or little cost to them. These services, supported by our wonderful donors, can be a lifesaver for a caregiver who is feeling burnout.

Donors also make it possible for us to work alongside other organizations to advocate for more caregiver resources locally, here in California, and nationally. With your support , we will continue to provide services while advancing policies and programs for caregivers in every state in the country.
We support and honor caregivers for their work of love and compassion. Please join us in caring for them. We wish you the best during this holiday season.
Warm regards,
The Staff and Board of FCA

To give by phone or mail, or for other giving options,
please visit our donation page at caregiver.org/donate .
Thank you!