100% Cotton News
Summer 2020

It seems every edition of the 100% Cotton News comes at a new time of uncertainty for cotton production in Georgia, and today is no different. We may not know what issue our industry faces next, but we will be here to face it head on. As always, please forward this newsletter to anyone you think would benefit from reading it.

Georgia Cotton Commission
Richey Seaton to Retire from Georgia Cotton Commission,
Sills to Serve as Executive Director
The Georgia Cotton Commission recently announced that Richey Seaton, the Commission’s Executive Director, has decided to retire effective August 1, 2020. Taylor Sills will serve as Executive Director upon Seaton’s retirement.

Seaton has served in his role since 1994, and prior to that, worked for the Georgia Department of Agriculture as the Director of the Commodities Promotion Division. During Seaton’s tenure, he was responsible for reestablishing the Commission’s office and staff, and has ushered the organization’s programs of research, promotion, and education to new heights as Georgia’s cotton acreage has increased over the years.

“Richey’s 26 years of service to Georgia’s cotton farmers and nearly 50 years of service to agriculture will not be forgotten. Through good times and bad, Richey’s support for the cotton industry here in Georgia has been unwavering,” said GCC Chairman Bart Davis, a cotton farmer from Colquitt County. He furthermore added, “Richey has been a mentor to many, and his influence has made an incredible impact on thousands of cotton farmers across the state. On behalf of Georgia’s 3,500 cotton farmers, I want to publicly thank him for his service.”

“I look forward to continuing to work closely with Taylor as we build on the foundation that Richey has laid and continue our tradition of service to cotton farmers,” said Davis.
Seaton on a Career of Service to the Cotton Industry
I have had the privilege of serving as Executive Director of the Commission since April of 1994. My official retirement will be August 1. The Georgia cotton industry has changed drastically during my tenure. During my first year Georgia produced its first million bale crop since early in the twentieth century. This tremendous crop was brought about by the successful Boll Weevil Eradication Program and to commemorate this the Commission held a funeral for the Boll Weevil at the Sunbelt Expo. These high points were followed by increases in cotton acreage as Georgia moved to become the second largest producer of cotton in the United States. There were also many challenges such as weather events, low prices, quality, and trade issues.

The cotton industry is a part of my life in many ways. I fondly remember playing in a cotton wagon as a child. Riding with my Dad taking cotton to the gin was a great adventure. That was where I first began to recognize the complexity of the cotton industry and how important it was to so many individuals and their communities. I recall as an early teen a conversation with my Dad about what checkoff programs were all about. He told me that if you grow a crop, you should be willing to contribute to promote it.

The cotton industry is fortunate to have organizations that work together to move the industry forward.  Producer support of cotton groups has enabled the industry to remain strong during troubled times and face future obstacles. After a particularly difficult meeting I asked a Georgia representative how you could hold your temper when the conversation didn’t go as we thought it should. He paused and said, "I did it for cotton." That attitude along with recognition that all segments of the industry know that we need each other to survive is the key to cotton’s past and long-term success.

I am fortunate to have worked with dedicated people in all aspects of the industry and the friendships that came from this are a blessing. I would like to express appreciation to the present and past members of the Commission staff for their dedication and support. Be assured that Commission staff will continue to uphold the high standards set by our Board. I am appreciative to each of the Commission board members I have worked with over the years for their confidence in me and giving me the opportunity serve the cotton producers of Georgia. It has been a great experience to work in an industry that produces a product that is an important part of our daily lives. 

My Best Regards to each of you! 

Richey Seaton
Upcoming Events & Deadlines

  • July 15 - USDA acreage reporting deadline
  • July 23 - Sunbelt Expo Field Day, Moultrie
  • August 28 - Coronavirus Food Assistance Program signup deadline
  • September 30 - ARC/PLC yield update deadline
  • October 20-22 - Sunbelt Ag Expo, Moultrie
  • January 5-7, 2021 - Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, LA
  • January 13-16, 2021 - Southern Cotton Growers Annual Meeting, Hilton Head Island, SC
  • February 12-14, 2021 - National Cotton Council of America Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN
Culpepper: Cooperation, Preparation, and Sound Science are the Keys to Agricultural Sustainability
Stewarding agriculture is a passion that we all have in common and are working every day to achieve. As the world’s population is expected to approach 10 billion people by 2050, family farms are faced with feeding and clothing them all. To meet this demand, science confirms growers must have access to economically effective pesticides. However, it is equally important that all pesticides are used carefully and strategically in ways that protect consumers, applicators, growers and their neighbors, and our environment.
Georgia Cotton Commission Approves 2021 Research
At its April 22nd Board Meeting, the Georgia Cotton Commission Board of Directors approved $688,994 in research funding for the 2021 crop year. This money will go to fund sixteen projects that will be conducted by researchers and extension specialists from the University of Georgia based at the Tifton, Athens, and Griffin Campuses. Projects come from a broad range of academic disciplines. The goal of this producer-funded research is to help the cotton producer’s bottom line by conducting research that can either raise yields, promote efficiency, or open new markets.
GCC Calendar at a Glance
April 2020
  • Held GCC Research Advisory Meeting
  • Held GCC Spring Board Meeting & State Support Meeting
  • Attended American Cotton Producers Spring Meeting
  • Participated in Southern Cotton Growers conference call
  • Participated in Georgia Department of Agriculture industry update meetings
  • Met with Georgia Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture staff
  • Sent "Cotton: The Story" educational kits to educators in Camden County and Alaska
May 2020
  • Sponsored Georgia FFA Fiber/Oilseed Proficiency Award
  • Sponsored UGA Tifton Campus MVP Award
  • Spoke to congressional offices about CFAP
  • Interviewed Education & Outreach Specialist candidates
  • Met with marketing groups to discuss promotional plans
  • Met with Georgia Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture staff
  • Met with Georgia Forestry Association staff on educational programming
  • Met with Cotton Incorporated consumer marketing staff on educational programming
  • Met with sponsorship partners
  • Attended Georgia Department of Agriculture industry update meetings
  • Sent "Cotton: The Story" educational kit to educators in Fulton County
June 2020
  • Met with GPB Education department about programming
  • Met with sponsorship partners
  • Signed on to letter to NASS about reporting changes
  • Wrote comment letter to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Interviewed Education & Outreach position finalists
  • Spoke to Fort Valley Kiwanis Club
  • Met with congressional offices about dicamba registration revocation
  • Participated in meeting with Georgia Department of Education
  • Held summer GCC Board Meeting
  • Attended Georgia Department of Agriculture industry update
Georgia Cotton Commission
Board of Directors
Bart Davis
Colquitt County
Matt Coley
Dooly County
Lee Cromley
Bulloch County
John Ruark
Morgan County
Steven Meeks
Wayne County
Chris Hopkins
Toombs County
Chad Mathis
Baker County
Ex Officios
Gary Black
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Gerald Long
Georgia Farm Bureau
Commissioner's Designee
Eddie Green
Dooly County
Commission Staff
Richey Seaton
Executive Director
Martha Harris
Office Manager
Taylor Sills
Director of Public Affairs
(478) 988-4235