Sisters and Brothers of Team 10th District,
The last several months have been very busy for the IAFF and the 10th District; however, I would be remiss if I didn’t congratulate my Brother, IAFF 6th District Vice President Mike Hurley, for winning his election for Mayor of Burnaby, BC against a 31-year incumbent. Also, wishing the General President’s Chief of Staff Jim Lee the best of luck in retirement - thanks for all of your contributions to labor and the IAFF.
Team 10th District hosted another very successful 10th District PEP event and Caucus in Los Angeles where quality education and solidarity run strong. We have been plagued with Wildland Fires that have brought the IAFF Disaster Relief resources to our members and tragically, multiple traumatic Line of Duty Deaths (LODDs). Team 10th District immediately deployed to the Carr Fire in Redding and the senseless shooting in Long Beach, assisting our members in need. The 10th District represented the IAFF at all of the California LODD funerals. We have also maintained constant vigilance to ensure that the main mission of the IAFF is fulfilled by taking care of our families left behind. We have partnered with Fire Department Administrations, the fallen families, and the Local affiliates to make sure that the Federal Public Safety Officer Benefit (PSOB) application is filled out correctly.
The 100th Anniversary of your IAFF was celebrated in Seattle, Washington during the IAFF’s 54th Convention. Resolutions were debated, committees worked hard, and the delegates spoke out on which way they wanted to steer our International Union for the next two years. Team 10th District was very engaged and held spirited debates in our caucus. We came out of our caucus as a united voice with the largest voting block in all of the IAFF’s Districts. Thank you to all of the elected union officials in the 10th District for your leadership.
The 10th District continues to grow as we are still steadily organizing Local affiliate unions. The 10th District has successfully picked the right fights for our members. IAFF Legal has taken on Cities, Counties, and Fire Protection Districts that are not paying our members correctly in compliance with Federal overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Our Union leaders in the 10th District continue to be fiercely protected when they get terminated and retaliated against for their union activity under the IAFF’s Guardian Policy.
In closing, make sure you take the time to
Vote on November 6th
as elections at all levels of government and Local labor unions have consequences. The IAFF always supports candidates and issues that support our Firefighter agenda, such as the right to have a fair contract, the right to collective bargaining, the safest working conditions possible, due process in the discipline arena, solid retirement security, fair wages, pay parity with police, quality health care, and benefits for our fallen Firefighters, to name just a few.
Be careful out there.
In Solidarity,
Frank Lima
10th District Vice President
International Association of Fire Fighters
Arizona, California, Hawaii, New Mexico, and Guam
Supporting Our Own: Nov. 2018 Midterm Elections
Daniel Valenzuela pictured with AZ Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema, DVP Lima, and PFFA Chuck Levinus
Elect Glendale Firefighter Daniel Valenzuela as Mayor of Phoenix
One of the Team 10th’s own, Glendale, Arizona Firefighter Daniel Valenzuela, is running for mayor of the nation’s fifth largest city, Phoenix, Arizona. In Daniel’s fifteen plus years on the job, he has risen through the ranks of his Local, has spent the last six years serving on the Phoenix City Council, and is now ready to serve as Phoenix’s next Mayor. Brothers and Sisters, we have an opportunity in our District that is unprecedented nationwide - to have one of our own lead a major city. Brother Valenzuela’s race has become a top priority for the IAFF.
As Firefighters, we know that it is our responsibility to set ourselves up for future successes. Now is the time and we need your help. The campaign will be accepting donations of $499 or less, but there may be ways for your Local or PAC to give beyond that. To contribute to Daniel’s campaign, make checks payable to “Daniel for Phoenix,” his campaign ID is CAN-17-23. Contributions smaller than $500 do not have to be registered with the City of Phoenix Clerk Office. Checks can be mailed to the address below. Thank you, Brothers and Sisters, for your support.
Friends of Daniel Valenzuela
531 E. Bethany Home Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Kern County Board of Supervisors District 3:
Jeff Heinle
For a list of recommendations by the California Professional Firefighters, visit
For a list of endorsements from the New Mexico Professional Fire Fighters Association, click
IAFF Celebrates 100-Year Anniversary at 54
The IAFF’s 100 Year Anniversary Convention in Seattle was a huge success. Team 10
District had a large and powerful showing. The events began with early committee work where testimony, arguments on resolutions, and democracy ultimately played itself out.
Team 10
assembled into a packed District Caucus where hundreds of members reviewed over 50 resolutions that were submitted. The committees provided valuable feedback and ultimately made recommendations on each resolution with only a few resolutions requiring further discussion, debate, and slight amendments. Some resolutions that were submitted were eventually withdrawn by the makers and co-sponsors. One example was
Resolution 10
that was submitted by California locals regarding IAFF officials, state associations, and local elections. Resolution 10 was heard in the Constitution and By-Laws Committee and after a long debate between the maker and DVP Lima urging the committee to oppose the Resolution, the Committee unanimously rejected the proposal with a vote of 18 to 0. The Resolution was then pulled by the maker and the co-sponsors and it never hit the Convention floor. This is just one small example of democracy within the IAFF in action. Team 10
District came out of the Caucus in complete solidarity and carried that unity to the Convention floor.
Melody & Doc Roberts (Chula Vista L2180), Brittany & Tim Aboudara (Santa Rosa L1401), Lisa & Frank Lima, and Pamela & Vince Wells (Contra Costa County L1230)
The 10
District social gathering was held on a barge, with music, food, drinks, and camaraderie. It was an event well attended, including a welcome visit from the General President. Many great points of personal privilege were given to several 10
District members and our delegation had a heavy presence at the microphones during the Convention.
The 100-Year Gala event was a huge success as it was a wonderful celebration of our history and ultimately brought in a large donation to our IAFF Foundation. The next Convention will be held in Orlando, Florida in 2020.
IAFF Disaster Relief Operations: On the Frontlines of the CA Wildfires
Unfortunately, this past summer, California was devastatingly impacted by more than 20 wildland fires burning throughout the State. DVP Lima was organizing IAFF Locals in Imperial County for the Ferguson Fire when the Carr Fire in Redding broke out. Sadly, Redding Local 1934 President Oliphant notified DVP Lima that a few members lost their homes. Upon hearing the news, DVP Lima immediately called for assistance from the IAFF and State Representative Tim Aboudara deployed for 7 days without hesitation to setup IAFF Disaster Operations at Local 1934’s Union Hall. CPF President Rice and DVP Lima later arrived on-site to console the families and make certain their needs were met during this difficult time, demonstrating tremendous collaboration between the IAFF and the CPF State Association.
DVP Lima attended several Redding Firehouse visits with Mike Lowery (L1934 VP), met with Redding Fire Management and the Local, toured the Incident Management Team Command Post, and delivered Disaster Relief Cards to 10
District Members in need.
An already tragic situation was made worse by the loss of Brother Jeremy Stoke from L1934 who was overrun by the wildland fire. As L1934 grieved the loss of their brother, the IAFF Behavioral Health Peer Support Team was also called upon and made a substantial impact.
To read more about the devastating impacts of the CA wildfires and IAFF response, click
Honoring the Fallen
The summer of 2018 was a tough and solemn time for our members throughout the 10th District. Long Beach Local 372
Captain David Rosa
was laid to rest after he was senselessly murdered during fire suppression operations. The IAFF immediately had a presence in Long Beach assisting the Local and Captain Rosa’s family with pressing needs. Soon after, CAL FIRE Local 2881
Heavy Equipment Operator Braden Varney
was killed while working the Ferguson Wildland Fire in Mariposa. As mentioned above, Redding Local 1934
Fire Prevention Inspector Jeremy Stoke
was laid to rest after he was overrun by a wildland fire while trying to save others. The IAFF 10th District responded and provided immediate assistance to our affiliate Locals at each of these LODDs and attended the funerals to support our 10
District Family in Long Beach, Modesto, and Redding respectively.
NMPFFA Convention
The NMPFFA Convention held July 13th through the 15th was a great success! The Convention was kicked off with the annual NMFIREPAC fundraiser joined by GP Harold Schaitberger, GST Ed Kelly, DVP Frank Lima, and several statewide IAFF Presidents and endorsees. We had unprecedented attendance with special guests, including the MDA, Firefighters First Credit Union, and Anthem Financial, among other contributing sponsors. Elections were held and all NMPFFA Executive Board members were elected through acclamation to include new CD 2 Vice President Scott Maxwell who also serves as President of Carlsbad Firefighters, IAFF Local 1687. The body unanimously passed a resolution to establish a Peer Support Committee promoting awareness and IAFF resources to members in need. We also honored NMPFFA VP Robert Sanchez, NMPFFA Communications Director Michael Judge, and IAFF Local 4339 President Ron Padilla for their leadership and invaluable contributions to our membership. We were honored to have Gubernatorial Candidate, Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham, address the delegation with an inspiring speech focused on her longtime advocacy for IAFF members and her commitment to public safety.
San Diego Proposition B Ruling Update: Boling v. Public Employees Relations Board
On August 2, 2018, the California Supreme Court issued an excellent ruling in favor of public sector unions in a case in which the IAFF filed an amicus brief. The decision is very important in that it clarifies the meet-and-confer requirements of local governments under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (“MMBA”) and demonstrates that public officials cannot avoid the meet-and-confer obligation.
The mayor of San Diego had sponsored a private citizen’s initiative to eliminate pensions for new municipal employees and refused to meet and confer. He contended that because he initiated a public referendum as a private citizen, there was no meet-and-confer duty under California law. The affected unions filed an unfair labor practice charge and the California Public Employment Relations Board (“PERB”) found that there was a meet-confer duty. The City appealed, and a Court of Appeals reversed the PERB ruling, in part because it determined that PERB’s interpretations of law that was arguably outside its typical realm of expertise deserved no deference. The unions appealed the decision.
To support the unions’ petition before the California Supreme Court, the IAFF filed an amicus brief encouraging the California Supreme Court to reverse the Court of Appeals, and find the appellate court applied the incorrect standard of review, that PERB’s interpretations of law are entitled to deference under a “clearly erroneous” standard. The amicus brief urged the California Supreme Court to find that the Court of Appeals was incorrect in its narrow reading of the meet-and-confer requirement of the MMBA and reinstate PERB’s finding that the mayor committed an unfair labor practice when he refused to meet and confer with the unions. The plain language of the MMBA was emphasized, as well as its statutory purpose to foster communication between public employers and employees, something that would be frustrated by the Court of Appeals’ interpretation of the MMBA.
The California Supreme Court agreed on all of the points the unions and IAFF General Counsel raised. It found that PERB’s legal interpretations deserved deference under a “clearly erroneous” standard. It also found that the Court of Appeals’ unique interpretation of the MMBA was incorrect, based on the language of the MMBA and the stated purpose of the statute. The Court determined that the mayor “plainly” had an obligation to meet and confer, and that PERB was correct in its finding that he violated that obligation. The California Supreme Court remanded the case to the Court of Appeals to address the appropriate remedy for the violation. PERB had ordered a make-whole remedy based on compensation lost as a result of the public referendum. It did not invalidate the results of the referendum, but that is relief that the Court of Appeals may consider on remand.
to read Local 145 President Jesse Conner’s Q&A on Proposition B.
10th District PEP
In June, the second 10th District Partnership Education Program (PEP) was held in Los Angeles at the Westin Bonaventure and was a huge success with approximately 300 IAFF members in attendance. The program provided an opportunity for members to acquire relevant information from insightful speakers, including California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, LAFD Fire Chief Ralph Terrazas, President of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO Rusty Hicks, as well as representatives from all four of the State Associations, and several other great union affiliate leaders. Special thanks to IAFF General President Schaitberger for his opening comments via video message and his continued support and resources that have made the 10
District programming so successful.
The event continued with a Caucus where several members came to the microphone to express their gratitude and appreciation for how the District is being led.
Members from the 10th District listen to California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla during the 10th District PEP event.
Overall, the PEP fostered great camaraderie, solidarity, and networking in addition to providing quality instruction to our 10th District membership. A special thanks to CPF President Brian Rice, Los Angeles City L0112 President Tony Gamboa, Los Angeles County L1014 President Dave Gillotte and their Executive Boards for sponsoring the PEP. These sponsorships allowed for quality breakfast and lunch that is not normally provided in the IAFF budget. All of the funds were used to benefit the members in attendance. Other 10th District donations were used to provides scholarships to the PEP, allowing over a dozen smaller locals the opportunity to participate. This proved to be very beneficial to all as inclusion and participation has increased across Team 10th District. Special thanks to General Secretary-Treasurer Kelly for attending and sharing his motivational words of wisdom with Team 10th District.
Team 10
District is in the process of securing the location and date for the next 10th District PEP. Once the plans are finalized, information will be distributed to our membership.
South Pasadena Guardian Case
At times, union leaders are met with resistance and retaliation at a great personal cost when striving to perform their duties. Often these leaders are targeted for union activity by chiefs, mayors, or city managers. This is where the IAFF Guardian Policy kicks in to protect our union leaders who are fighting for our members on the frontlines every day. After utilizing the Guardian Policy, a very favorable Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) ruling was recently given to the City of South Pasadena Union President, Cliff Snider, CA Local 3657. Brother Snider was wrongfully terminated for his union activity by a former Los Angeles City Deputy Chief, Mario Rueda. Chief Rueda has a long history of anti-unionism. The lower PERB court ruled that Brother Snider shall be reinstated immediately with full benefits and backpay dating back to 2016 with 7% interest. In addition, all records of the termination with the City of South Pasadena shall be expunged and destroyed and the City shall post in all work locations that they violated the law for union protected activity. Fire Chief Rueda ultimately proved to be the best witness in the case for the IAFF. The City of South Pasadena has appealed the decision to the full PERB board; however, we expect a decision soon that ratifies the lower board’s ruling. Special thanks to Brother Snider who spoke at our 10
District Caucus and PEP event. His testimony conveyed the true value of the IAFF and how this union stepped up for him, his family, and his Local. Team 10
looks forward to seeing him on the job soon.
To read more about the PERB decision, click
Updates from Hawaii
The Hawaii Fire Fighters Association, Local 1463 (HFFA) is appreciative to share the following highlights for June - October:
House Bill 1778 Signed Into Law
July 5, 2018: Hawaii’s Governor David Ige signed House Bill 1778 into law as Act 107, improving access for Hawaii’s Firefighters to comprehensive benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Law upon diagnosis of cancer that is presumed to arise out of and in the course of employment.
Hurricane Lane & Disaster Relief
August 22 - August 26, 2018: Hurricane Lane upgraded to Category 5 late Tuesday (August 21st) and expected to make a dangerously close encounter with the State of Hawaii, packing peak winds of 160 mph. The Central Pacific Hurricane Center posted hurricane watches for Hawaii Island and Maui at the beginning of the week; Hawaii Island having been hit the hardest where residents needed to be evacuated via water rescues by our Hawaii County Fire Fighters. As Hurricane Lane moved closer to Hawaii, while the force winds remained, the category of the hurricane began to slowly downgrade. However, that weekend was still challenging for our Firefighters across the state. In addition to the water rescues/evacuations on Hawaii Island, both Maui and Oahu Fire Fighters were battling fast-moving wildfires (due to Hurricane Lane’s winds) that both threatened and damaged homes, thus forcing evacuation, as well as scorched several thousand acres.
Despite more than 52 inches of rain, only one death was attributed to Hurricane Lane and HFFA is extremely appreciative of the IAFF and our brothers and sisters from locals across the nation for their assistance in providing resources in anticipation of what could have been a deadly incident had Hurricane Lane remained at Category 5 when it hit Hawaii.
Statewide Fill the Boot Drive
HFFA hosted its annual statewide Fill the Boot Drive for the Muscular Dystrophy Association-Hawaii during Labor Day Weekend for Hawaii Island, Kauai and Oahu and the weekend of September 21 and 22 for Maui County (rescheduled due to Hurricane Lane). In total, all four counties were able to raise nearly $60,000 for MDA-Hawaii. HFFA is extremely grateful for our members and their families who took the time to help raise money for a great cause and especially to our members who helped to organize the various statewide sites.
November Ballot Initiatives
The upcoming November 6, 2018 General Election will contain two ballot initiatives – one of which relates to allowing Hawaii’s voters the decision to establish a Constitutional Convention. Article XVII of the Hawaii State Constitution requires that such question be on the general election ballot every (9) years, at max. Many private and public sector unions (including HFFA) alongside other various organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, the Sierra Club and the American Civil Liberties Union – all of whom are aligned with/responsible to the protections also provided for their respective affiliations – have taken the position in opposing the Con-Con and have been working collaboratively since July to inform our members and the public about the impacts a $55+ Million dollar Con-Con could have. Currently, our State Constitution recognizes both public and private employees and their right to organize for the purpose of collective bargaining. Should Hawaii’s voters elect to hold a Con-Con, the proposals submitted to amend the constitution can severely affect our members, including the total elimination of the aforementioned right (Article XII) and our state employee retirement system (Article XVI, Section 2).
Congratulations to Bobby Lee for being elected as the State and Provincial Professional Fire Fighters Vice Chairman
Recently, a vacancy became available for Vice Chairman of the Federation of State and Provincial Professional Fire Fighters (FSPPFF). This Association is a very important arm of the IAFF, as State and Provincial leaders meet to regularly discuss legislation. It is such an honor to announce that my good friend and a tremendous union leader, Robert Lee, was voted in unanimously by his peers in the FSPPFF. Brother Lee has been the President of the Hawaii Fire Fighters Association (HFFA) and Local 1463 for over 20 years and always leads by example. Brother Lee preaches the importance of a Union every day and epitomizes the ‘Union Strong’ mantra. Congratulations, Brother Lee, on your new position and thank you for representing the 10th District so well. Click
to read more.
Connect with Team 10
on Facebook
The new Team10th Facebook page is up and running. This page will share important information throughout the 10th District. Please like and follow the page to get relevant and important updates regarding the IAFF 10th District:
The International Association of Fire Fighters joined the Orange County Professional Firefighters Association (OCPFA), the Huntington Beach Firefighters Association, and the Costa Mesa Firefighters Association in endorsing Harley Rouda for the 48th Congressional District seat in Orange County. Vote November 6th!
HFFA L1463 presents DVP Lima with a lei at the IAFF 100-Year Gala, symbolizing friendship and loyalty.
General President Schaitberger and DVP Lima with HFFA President Lee and a strong Arizona labor contingency.
As a die-hard Dodgers fan, DVP Lima gives much appreciation and respect to the SF Giants for signing a jersey for Jeremy Stoke’s family after he passed away from being overrun by wildland fire in Redding, CA at the Carr Fire. Stoke was a big SF Giants fan. Class Act Giants. RIP Brother Stoke.
Tony McHale, Doc Roberts, James Roscoe, Tim Aboudara, Jacqui Irwin, Chris Mahon, Kevin Aguayo, Matt Gurrola, Frank Lima, and Derek Robinson at a fundraiser for Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin
DVP LeBlanc, CPF President Rice, Toronto L3888 President Frank Ramagnano, & DVP Lima.
Team 10th District visits a Benecia Fire Station with the L1186 Board. Team 10
also visited Firehouses in American Canyon, Vallejo, and Fairfield.
DVP Lima, CPF President Emeritus Dan Terry, CPF President Rice, CPF Sec/Tres Lopez in procession for the California Fallen Firefighter Memorial.
DVP Lima and DFSR Gilman visit a fire station in Goodyear with United Goodyear Fire Fighters L4005, Avondale Professional Fire Fighters L3924, United West Valley Firefighters, L4371 President Dean Mitchell, L3924 President Evan Titterington, L4005 VP Dan Freiberg, and Long Beach L372 Director Jimmy Smith.
Team 10th District & New Mexico Brothers congratulate IAFF 12th DVP Emeritus Larry Osborne. It was an honor to serve with Brother Osborne on the IAFF Executive Board.
DVP Lima took the mic at Convention to give a brief report on 10
District success stories, including: the Burbank Airport Strike Sanction for IAFF Local I-61; President Jim Grigoli and the San Bernardino County Local 935 Firefighters staying Union Strong and shutting down the scabs trying to take our members’ jobs; Frank Ramagnano and DVP LeBlanc applying pressure to a private for profit company owned by OMERS pension fund. “When we fight, We Win!”
10th District Sponsorship Tee Sign for the Long Beach Firefighters Local 372 Golf Tournament to support families of our Fallen Firefighters.
Congratulations to Ron Saathoff (Ret. L145) for receiving the 2018 IAFF Local Leadership Award
DVP Lima and HFFA L1463 at the IAFF Convention in Seattle.
DVP Lima speaking at Local 1186 membership meeting at the Teamsters Hall in Vallejo.
Members of San Francisco Firefighters Local 798 campaigned for London Breed in her bid for Mayor of San Francisco. After her win in June, Mayor Breed returned to the Local 798 Union Hall to thank our Firefighters and acknowledged Local 798 for their tremendous support during this critical election for the City of San Francisco.
District Field Service Representatives
Stephen Gilman
Stephen Gilman has been in the fire service since 2005 and serves as a Hazmat/Captain/Paramedic for the City of Goodyear, Arizona Fire Department. He currently holds the following labor positions: President of the United Goodyear Fire Fighters, Staff Representative for the Professional Fire Fighters of Arizona (PFFA), and 10th District Field Service Representative for the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). The IAFF 10th District is the largest District in the IAFF and encompasses Hawaii, Guam, California, Arizona, and New Mexico.
Prior to joining the fire service, Stephen served four years in the United States Marine Corps. After the Marines, Stephen attended Arizona State University and Life Chiropractic College West where he earned a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. He ran his own chiropractic practice prior to joining the fire service. Stephen has attended the IAFF Political Training Academy as well as the IAFF Communications Academy.
Stephen currently helps locals in the state with strategic planning, political strategy, and obtaining Meet and Confer.
Stephen Gilman
United Goodyear Fire Fighters
(602) 418-3766
Brian Rice
California Professional Firefighters
Diego Arencon
Albuquerque & NMPFFA - Local 244 NM
State Service Representatives
Bryan Jeffries
Professional Firefighters of Arizona out of Mesa - Local 2260
Josh Campbell
Tucson Fire - Local 479
(520) 889-2831
Bill Whitaker
10th District PEP Instructor
Phoenix Fire - Local 493
Shon Buford
San Francisco - Local 798
Jeff DelBono
Alameda City - Local 689
Tony Spitaleri
Retired President
Palo Alto Fire - Local 1319
Tim Aboudara
Santa Rosa Fire Fighters - Local 1401
Tim Strack
Riverside City Fire - Local 1067
(951) 237-8518
Robert Sanchez
Albuquerque & NMPFFA - Local 244
Robert Lee
Hawaii Fire Fighters Association - Local 1463
Andy Fukuda
Hawaii Fire Fighters Association - Local 1463
Aaron Lenchanko
Hawaii Fire Fighters Association - Local 1463
Stephen Gilman
United Goodyear Firefighters Association – Local 4005
Derek Robinson
Kern County Firefighters - Local 1301
Hunter Clare
United Phoenix Fire Fighters Association - Local 493
Standing Committees
David Gillotte
Los Angeles County Firefighters - Local 1014
Derek Robinson
Kern County Firefighters - Local 1301
Cristian Cruz
Albuquerque, New Mexico Local 244
Kevin Burkhart
United Emergency Medical Professionals of Arizona- Industrial I-60
David Bautista
Orange County Firefighters – Local 3631
Anita Paratley
San Francisco Firefighters - Local 798
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