The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
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10th Sunday after Pentecost
August 14th, 2022

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am, this Sunday!
Livestream Worship, 10:30 am, every Sunday!
Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services!
*Sunday School for Pre-K-5th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday!
Get your bulletin here.
*Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim
Dear Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

One of the hallmarks of Presbyterian governance is shared authority. The Pastor(s) does/do not run the church, the Session does; but both the Session and the Pastors are elected by the congregation. The Pastors are members of Session and work together with the elders to organize ministry in the local congregation. In the case of Pastors, when there is a vacancy, the Session does not search for a Pastor, but the congregation elects a Pastor Nominating Team. It is a significant responsibility and a weighty task to serve on such a team. In our case, Pastor Jon has accepted a call to a church in California and we need an Associate Pastor Nominating Team (APNT). The relationship between and pastor and a congregation is a three cornered shape (shared authority). The APNT, the Congregation of Ark and Dove, and the Presbytery of Baltimore must all agree on the candidate. The APNT searches for an Associate Pastor, The Presbytery Commission on Ministry aids and guides the APNT and vets the candidate and the congregation must ultimately approve the candidate at a congregational meeting, and the vote needs to be carried by a substantial majority. That’s not part of the rules, but a substantial majority is needed to assure a good fit and harmonious congregation. A 51 to 50 vote might work in the Senate, but spells trouble for a church. The votes to elect me and Pastor Jon were unanimous.  That gets you off to a good start.

The Session of Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church is pleased to call a special congregational meeting for Sunday August 21st at 11:45 AM, the purpose of the meeting is to elect an Associate Pastor Nominating Team. The following names will be placed in nomination by the Session:

Ylonda Fauntleroy     Laura Willoughby

Adora Grace Nilsen Johnson

Julie Devers       Emma Talbert

Donna Anderson     Aaron Fox

Fred Barrow     David Lawson

Jim Cooper      

As one of the long term goals of our congregation is to continue our journey toward becoming a multicultural community; the session has worked to nominate a diverse team of church leaders in terms of race, gender identity, cultural background, age and length of membership at Ark and Dove. 

This will be a hybrid meeting, taking place in person, in the sanctuary and by Zoom. CLICK HERE for the Zoom Meeting Invitation.

Three other significant staff updates:

  • The Session can and does call Interim Ministers. The session is planning to call two pastors to share the 80% time Interim Associate Position. The Presbytery Credentials Committee is meeting early next week to approve the Session’s candidates. Well that’s our prayer, and we have very reason to believe they will approve.

  • A Job Description for an Interim Director of Youth Ministry has been developed (that’s the other 20%) and the search will begin next week.

  • A Job description for a Director of Children’s Music has been updated and the search will begin next week.

And a final piece of wonderful news. A Library Team of Kim Champagne (Team Leader) Yewande Bayly, Amy Tardiff, Shelly Franklin, Paula Sparks, and Lori Kronser have completely reorganized our church library in the Ark and Dove Room. It was a herculean effort! Thank you to the team. The entire collection is also online. You can email the Librarians at [email protected]

Kim will hang out in the library after church, this Sunday if people want to chat about the library, sign up as a patron, or wish to join our team.

Peace of Christ,


Verse and Prayer
“I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish it were already ablaze! I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!
- Luke 12:49-51 Jesus the Cause of Division?
As the wind is your symbol, so forward our goings.
As the dove, so launch us heavenwards.
As water, so purify our spirits.
As a cloud, so abate our temptations.
As dew. So revive our languor.
As fire, so purge our dross. Amen.
Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)
This Sunday, we have prepared a gorgeous offertory piece, called He Will Give the Weary Strength by Ellie Holcomb. Brittany Wellington and Kim Champagne will sing this, accompanied by Pat Sise on the guitar. Most of you know Brittany as an incredible cellist, but she also has a gorgeous voice and I'm so grateful for her leadership in the band and for Kim's leadership. This song has a folk-like feel, and the text is taken from Isaiah 40: 31- "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." 

I want to send a special thanks to Pat Sise for leading worship music for me this Sunday. Some of you may remember one of our soloists, Fatima Imani Smith. She was a special student of mine, and after she graduated, she became our children's nanny during most of Covid. She is getting married in Ohio on Sunday and we are elated to be able to be there. Anderson and Arden will be in the wedding. I'll share a photo in the next Arkive. Have a wonderful weekend, friends.

With love,
Director of Music
DONATE ONLINE! One-time and recurring!

TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481
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To donate for Ukraine help, text amount followed by Ukraine.

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
July Financial Statement
YTD Expected Unpledged Income $29,167
Actual Unpledged Income $10,927
Behind $18,240

YTD Expected Pledged & Electronic Giving $298,659
YTD Actual Pledged & Electronic Giving $296,317
Behind $2,342
Bulletin - 10th Sunday after Pentecost
Special Congregational Meeting
On August 21st at 11:45am a special congregational meeting will be held to elect the Associate Pastor Nominating Team. This will be a hybrid meeting, taking place in person, in the sanctuary and by Zoom. CLICK HERE for the Zoom Meeting Invitation.
How Close Can You Get?
The Lobby
Latest Episode: 31 July

Join our guest host, Michelle Schoonmaker as she interviews Ark and Dove's Outreach and Connections Elder, Katie Nilson-Johnson, to discuss Ark and Dove's rebranding.
Previous Episodes
24 July

Have you met our newest staff member, Cara Moody? Hear Christa Kronser ask about Cara's path to child care and being an awesome nursery coordinator in the July 24 edition of The Lobby. Cara shares how the nursery is an important ministry, and her loving, fun nature confirms why she is the right person for this position.
10 July

Ark and Dove Guest Host Michelle Schoonmaker interviews Sonia Prescott, a Public Services Associate with the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia to discuss the history of the Presbyterian Church along with two historical figures: John Witherspoon and John Gloucester.
GLEAM (God’s Love Embraces All Ministry)
Planning Meeting Tuesday, August 23 at 7:30 pm. Contact Amy Tardiff [email protected] for zoom link.
Mission Ministry Back to School Program - Update
As of Wednesday night, we have 11 elementary school students remaining on our Back to School signup. Backpacks and supplies need to be delivered to Van Bokkelen Elementary school by August 25, or to Ark & Dove by August 21. Click HERE for the signup with detailed instructions on all three forms of giving.

We also continue to accept supplies for middle school students and monetary donations. No sign-up is necessary to support the Meade Middle school students; just purchase supplies and drop them off at the school or at Ark & Dove. If dropping off supplies at Ark & dove, please leave supplies at drop off location outside of the Nursery. There is a designated sign, and as well the school Supply list. Designated monetary donations to Back to School can also be made through the usual methods of church giving.

Any questions, please contact Greg Makar ([email protected]).
Annapolis Run for the Light House
Let's get together on September 18th and participate as a team to support the Light House! We can walk, jog, or run. (I'll be walking!!) Let Lori know if you are interested and sign up HERE. It will be fun and we will be supporting one of our favorite local organizations!
Together We Win
In her book, The Sum of Us - What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together, Heather McGhee addresses the dysfunction in our democracy and the spiritual and moral dilemmas we face. She focuses on the "zero-sum paradigm" - the idea that progress for some of us comes at the expense of others and the "Solidarity Dividend" - what we accomplish and gain when we unite across race. Recently SURJ Annapolis held a zoom interview with the author that is a great introduction to the book.

As we prepare for door knocking, meeting neighbors, and for the upcoming election in November, the book is helpful in understanding those who may have strong differing opinions on policy issues or the banners we display. I encourage you to watch this one hour recording of A SURJ Webinar and consider reading the book. We hope to schedule a discussion on the book in the fall.
Earth Care Team
Coping with climate change anxiety
With stories of heat waves across America and Europe, fires burning in our forests, and droughts across the western states constantly in the news, it’s understandable that many of us are suffering from climate anxiety. In fact estimates are that 2/3 of Americans suffer from some type of climate anxiety. How do we cope? Several articles from the Internet have suggestions. First know that your feelings are valid. Climate change is a problem but it’s not hopeless. There are still things we can do to limit the effects. Second, talk with your friends and family about your feelings. You will find out your feelings are much more common than you think. Third, act. Join an advocacy group such as the Ark and Dove Earth Care Team. Support green candidates for office. Take small actions at home to reduce your carbon footprint. Finally pray about climate change. Make it part of your daily prayers.

Watch a video seminar:

Read More:
Christian Education
Ark and Dove Book Club - August Read
Join the Ark and Dove Book Club this month as we read Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Our discussion will take place on Zoom at 7:30pm on Thursday, August 25th. For more details, contact Kim Champagne([email protected]).
Children's Christian Education
Sunday Service Christian Education
9:00 AM Service:  
  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3

10:30 AM Service: 
  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3
  • Summer Sunday school for PreK-5th grade, 4 year old and early middle schoolers are welcome to attend as well.

Leaders and Helpers Needed
Nursery and Summer Sunday school needs 2 adult/teenage leaders, from different nuclear families to help provide leadership. Please consider volunteering for one of the following this summer.
Nursery Volunteers

You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed and be another set of eyes/hands in the nursery.

Summer Sunday School

We still need 2 lead teachers and many assistant teachers for the months of July and August. All materials and lesson plans will be prepped for you. 😎

Prayer Requests
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Lourdes Cordero for a safe trip; those in Gaza under attack; Karen Judeich recovering from surgery and COVID; Harrison-Wyatt Family searching for Jamil Wyatt; people of Smith Island, MD who are recovering from tornado hit; Ronald Sahai, Rawn’s Dad, recovering from a heart attack; Marie Sahai, Nikol’s Mom, health issues; Irina Lee, Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law; Tricia Gray; Payton 18 months old , starting chemo therapy; Fran; Laura Talbert; Dot Forloines; Vaughn Brown; Dick Paronto; Pamala Morrison recovering; the family of Lillian Henderson, who passed away; for Candis Milbournes's family after the passing of her aunt; For members of the Davie family killed in East Glacier Park Village, Montana; for Julie Devers' friend Zenia Dacio-Messina, recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer; for Hope Sutphin, recently diagnosed with breast cancer; Dotty Kaufmann; Arlyce Lohr; the family & law enforcement office of Daniel Vasquez; a friend and her family experiencing big changes, Talbert family for passing of Aunt; Emily Wehage; Diane Makar's friend mother, 95 and recovering from surgery; Donna Beckwith recovering from 2nd round of chemo; Joshua having oral surgery; Alex from Communidad Presbiteriana La Trinidad; Stephen Herman; Jeff Miller, Kathy Miller brother-in-law; Freyja Hartzell; Amy Goldber's father, Michael Cooper; Denise Bartgis; Rebecca Echols friend, Lauren Douglas, and Uncle, Rick Orfinger; Andy, friend of Karen Dodson; Jeanne Elbefeld; Abawi family member; Praise the healthy arrival of Lillian Rose, Great niece of Laurie & Fred Barrow; Charlotte Davie; Mike Bartgis's cousin; Lydia Doughty; Marjorie Tanner, Laura Doughty’s mother; Ellen; Cara Moody father-in-law, Gary Moody Sr.; Friends of Michelle Schoonmaker: Carly & Chris Taylor and Bri Reed; Jan Hof; Laurie Barrow's brother, Steve Beckwith; Fred Barrow’s sister, Betsy Sargant; Debbie Saylor's Family and Friends: Carlene Printy, Helen Rossum, Wayne Rennex, Alison Buffington & Chris and Jeff; Karen Mongold, colleague of Ray Bussey; Donna Kurtz ; Chris and Jeff, friends of Deb Saylor; Amber Maschino, neighbor of Craig West; Jack Sweeney; Mary Lou Dulina, friend of Cheryl Schafer; Alvin Dennis and Audrey Price; Ashton Borsella; Tiffany Thompson; Courtney, Deborah Dingle’s niece; Anna Scofield; the people of Ukraine; Lou Kareha's friends and family: Aubriella and Michael Steele, B. Wicker, James Karanasky (sister-in-law's brother), Thomas Kochis (cousin), and Nando Smacci (friend); Mike and Denise Bartgis' son-in-law; Lourdes Cordero's family and friends: Diane Cordero (sister), Jose (brother), granddaughter, and Fred and Arelene Jones (friends); Christy Hipchen’s nephew and grandmother, Ann Chubon; Josh Arnold; the family of Mike Esparza; Amy Tardiff’s Aunt Fran; Michelle Schoonmaker; Bernice Taylor, Michelle Schoonmaker's great aunt and Ylonda Fauntleroy’s Aunt; Cameron Jackson, Ylonda Fauntleroy’s cousin, dealing with a difficult situation; Frank Stillwell; Mary Caolo; David Johns; Angela Goska; Belinda Edwards; Karen Stokes; Betty Small; Calvin Latham; Ann Hirschy's family: Isaiah, Aunt Cindy, and brother; Ann Hirschy; Adell Gaurin; Carol Saylor; Ray Bussey's mother, Doris; Amy Hagemann’s sister, Susan Pratt; Mary Benson’s sister; Bill Lifsey Sr., Amy Carskadon Lifsey’s father-in-law; Helen Wilkens' mother, Jane Reinert; Karen Dodson’s cousin, Miles and the family; Pam, Carrie Dodson's friend; Jennifer Schwandt-Gayle, Lewis Shorter’s niece; Dot Forloine’s Family: Melisa Tucker Saatthoff (granddaughter) and Luke (great-grandson); Linda Taylor’s mother, Izola; Amy Goldberg’s grandmother, Ruth Cooper; Diane Johnson's Family: Uncle Ed, Aunt Janet, and Cousin Richard; Diane Johnson's friend, Tom; Shelley Franklin's father; James Franklin's sister-in-law, Kelli Franklin; Gunther Kurtz, Laurie Barrow’s nephew; Carl Hahn, Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law; Ruth Doughty, Paul Doughty's mother; Cheryl and Doug Walcutt’s Family: Cheryl Walcutt (mother of Cheryl), Judy (sister of Cheryl); Don Clark, friend of Cheryl Walcutt; Margaret Schade, Erika Sealing's grandmother; Rob Yeager’s friends: Greta Daughtrey and Peter Brown; Linda Jordan, Christy Yeager’s mother; Bonnie, Linda Jordan’s niece.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at [email protected] and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | [email protected] | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113