Dear Parents:
Please read important information sent by Dr.Habegger to the CNG community
Informational Meetings for Parents
These will take place this Monday, October 26 at two times: 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. Please click on the following meeting link below at that time and provide your first and last name for acceptance into the meeting. This informational sessions will be made available exclusively for CNG parents and families.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 708 363 8384
Warm Regards,
PTA Officer Appointments for the 2020-2021 School year : Read here
K4 Admissions Process - INVITATION TO APPLY (see information at the bottom of this email)
Make sure you take some time to navigate the Parents as Partner HUB, it’s filled with important, useful links for CNG parents!
HS High School
From the Principal’s Desk
Last week was quite the week. As we continue to try to make the best decisions for our entire school community, it is understandable that sometimes emotions can run higher than usual. I want to thank all parents who have reached out to respectfully agree or disagree with the decisions and the work we are doing. Your input is valued and it is this type of open community that I am proud to be a part of every day.
MS Middle School
With the end of the quarter nearing, this week we saw many students engaging in summative assessments, providing teachers with feedback on how to improve the learning environment and participating in both Asynchronous and Synchronous learning. School certainly looks different from when we were in school, but we see learning can happen any time, anywhere!
ES Elementary School
Dear ES Families,
In the spirit of flexibility (WOW), we are having a SPIRIT WEEK with our Primary School friends. Please see the details in the CCN. Parent Council Representatives also sent the information out to group chats on Friday. We are excited to have the students re-energize their creativity and bring it to Distance Learning this week!
Thank you for your Partnership!
PS Primary School
Dear Primary School Parents!
The last week of October is here. Although we can't officially celebrate Halloween we have a few surprises planned for next week. So please mark your calendars with some exciting activities through zoom and in school.
Dear parents,
As we continue planning the best hybrid start for you and your children, we know that the hybrid start may be more challenging for students with special educational needs. Students with special educational needs may require more support to adapt to changes, learn new routines, and acquire new behavior expectations. The needs and challenges for students will be different depending on the age, grade level, and needs. With that in mind, your building level coordinators will be reaching out to you to provide you with age-appropriate resources and get your feedback and what specific areas of support your children may need. Through explicit teaching of expectations, guided practice, modeling, and frequent feedback we know children will make a successful transition and we are here to support you in this process. Stay tuned for more communication from your divisional coordinator.
Dear CNG Community,
During the month of October Counselors and Teachers continue enhancing the Responsibility trait aligned with the Character Strong Program.
As always, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any support, and remember you can do this through our Counseling Hub.
Athletics & Condor Activities
In the book “The Whole-Brain Child,” Daniel J. Siegel states “the moments you are just trying to survive are actually opportunities to help your child thrive.” Our activities and athletics department has been doing a great job of surviving and thriving in virtual learning. With the latest news of not being able to progress towards on-campus learning yet, we will continue with the mindset of surviving yet still thriving to adapt, learn, and improve ourselves daily building community and keeping connection.
You may have noticed our Instagram post of Condor Activities sending cooking kits to students’ homes. This is a perfect example of CNG continually thriving in the midst of a pandemic. Our instructors and coaching staff appreciate our students’ ability to stay engaged and passionate while participating in activities and athletics.
K4 Admissions Process - INVITATION TO APPLY
Once again our K4 Season has begun. If you have a child born between May 1st, 2016 and August 31st, 2017 and are interested in applying to CNG, please complete the application online along with all the requirements by November 20th. Full details on requirements and the dates of the admissions process can be found in the Admissions section of our website. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Laura De Brigard at or 359-9344.
This year has been unique on all fronts, and that includes our Admissions process. Since we cannot have you join us for an information session and tour on campus, we invite you to join us at one of our Virtual Information Sessions on November 5th or 6th at 9:00am. Please sign up here for the session that is convenient for you: SIGN-UP VIRTUAL INFORMATION SESSION
Additionally, we invite you to a very special Q&A session with our Student Ambassadors. Spaces are limited in every session. Sign up by clicking on the link with the date and time that suits you best:
Una vez más la temporada K4 ha comenzado. Si ustedes tienen un hijo(a) nacido(a) entre el 1 de Mayo de 2016 y Agosto 31 de 2017 y están interesados en aplicar al CNG, por favor completen su aplicación y los demás requisitos a más tardar el 20 de noviembre. En la sección de admisiones de nuestra página web encontrarán los requerimientos para la aplicación. Si llegan a tener alguna duda o pregunta, favor contactar a Laura De Brigard en ó en el 359-9344.
Este año ha sido único en todo sentido, y eso incluye nuestro proceso de Admisiones. Dado que no podemos ofrecerles la sesión informativa y tour en el colegio los invitamos a que nos acompañen en una de nuestras Sesiones de Información Virtuales el 5 o 6 de noviembre a las 9:00 am. Por favor registrense en la sesión que sea más conveniente para ustedes: SIGN-UP VIRTUAL INFORMATION SESSION
Adicionalmente, los invitamos a una sesión de preguntas y respuestas muy especial con nuestros estudiantes embajadores. Los espacios son limitados en cada sesión. Se podrán registrar haciendo clic en el enlace con la fecha y hora que más les convenga: