Highlights of this issue:
Inner Journeys with Anne Marie: More and Less
Kindred Spirits' Glorious Give-Away Extravaganza
FR*EE SoulCollage® Zoom: Ministering to Your Deck
- SoulCollage® Online Seriies: Create Your Grief Toolbox
SoulCollage® Community Card Share
- Upcoming SoulCollage® Community Zoom Schedule
Soul Nourishment (Resources for SoulCollagers)
- Contact Information
Life is both dangerous and fleeting, and thus there is no point
in denying yourself pleasure or adventure while you are here.
~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Inner Journeys with Anne Marie Bennett
Integrating the Practice of SoulCollage® Into Our Daily Lives
Several years ago, Facilitator Barb Horn shared an “11 Card Draw” SoulCollage® card reading with our community here at Kindred Spirits. You can listen to me as I guide us through the reading in one of our 2012 audio classes here.
Last year I adapted this “free flow” reading as a way to start the New Year, although it can definitely be used at ANY time of year. I call it “More and Less.” It’s very simple and a quick way to get connected to your cards, as well as to what your body/mind/spirit might be needing.
Simply draw 11 cards randomly from your deck. If you don’t have a ot of cards, you can use a stack to images to randomly draw from. No peeking! Keep the cards in a stack.
Each card is going to speak to you with two sentences, and those sentences begin with:
You need more. . .
You need less. . .
That’s it!
To begin, turn the first card in the stack over, say hello to it, and thank it for coming to you today. You might ask, “What do I need more of?” Listen carefully, write down the answer. Then ask “What do I need less of?” Listen again, and write down what you hear.
The idea is to do this quickly, without thinking too much.
When you are done with all 11 cards, find a way to thank them for sharing their wisdom withyou. Then read back over what you wrote and choose ONE “more” and ONE “less” that you can put into action today, this week, this month.
You can see the cards that appeared for me and read what they told me in this reading here.
Try this reading this week, as a way to ease into the New Year.
You could use 7 cards instead of 11 if you have less time.
Use this reading any time you feel that your life is out of control, or that you’ve lost direction.
Feel fre*e to share this with others, and in your workshops if you’re a Facilitator.
Community Gatherings
on Zoom
for Kindred Spirits
Sunday, January 28
@ 3 pm Eastern-
Ministering to Your Deck:
A Soul Tending Practice
with Facilitator Michele Manos from California.
This is part of your membership.
Friday February 9
@ 1 pm Eastern-
Infusing Grace on Your Grief Journey, with Facilitator Patti Lockenbach (Florida).
This is part of your
Tuesday February 27
@ 7 pm Eastern-
Community Card Share:
Mother Earth/ Planet Earth
with Facilitator Kata Ritenburg from Maine.
This is part of your membership
Kindred Spirits
Glorious Give-Away
Every month we give away several gifts, so please be sure to renew your membership on time! Winners are chosen randomly at random.org.
We'll announce all winners in each month's first issue of Soul Treasures.
Our 7 Glorious Gifts for January 2024:
- Unapologetically Enough (book)
- SoulCollage® Card Jacket made by Carol Davis
- Spirt Junkie Deck by Gabrielle Bernstein
- Soulful Collage Imagery 3- by Shannon Fitzgerald
- KaleidoSoul Aasis Audio Breaks Volume 1 CD by Anne Marie Bennett
- Walking the Path of SoulCollage® by Anne Marie Bennett (book)
- Trust the Process Sticker Sheet
If your Kindred Spirits
renewal payment is due this month,
please be sure to send it in
by the end of the month to be eligible
for one of these fabulous 7 Gifts!
Next * FREE * 90-Minute Video Class
Ministering to Your Deck:
A Soul Tending Practice
with SoulCollage® Facilitator
with Facilitator Michele Manos from California
Creating SoulCollage® cards is just the beginning of a meaningful practice. The big magic happens when we listen and tend to the Neters that our cards represent. Discover new ways to tend to your deck. Consider what cards are seeking repurposing, revision, or perhaps retirement. Find pathways to manage, or even de-clutter, your deck to create a collaborative team of allies who are accessible and available for your deepest needs. Please come even if you don’t have all the suggested cards below.
- Your curiosity and sense of humor
- At least one card that is new, unknown, or otherwise unsettled
- At least one card that lacks energy or feels meaningless
- At least one Committee card that feels energetic and present
- Your Soul Essence or other Transpersonal card
- A list of at least 3 cards that you’ve been intending to create
- Your journal, pen, and the rest of your deck
Sunday, January 28, 2023
Time: 3 pm Eastern
How to access this 90-minute Zoom Video Class:
Meeting ID: 830 3747 9679 Passcode: 709837
Telephone: US: 669 900 6833 OR 646 558 8656
Upcoming SoulCollage® Online Workshop
Using SoulCollage® to Create
Your Grief Toolbox
with Facilitator Patti Lockenbach
4-Session Zoom Series
February – May 2024
In this four-part series, you’ll be guided to create a toolbox that will provide grounding support when using the SoulCollage® process to explore Grief through the four suits. In the Community suit, we’ll use our cards to identify those who are able to walk with us on our grief journey. We will also use the Committee suit to discover the parts of our selves where grief shows up. The Companions suit will help us discern where grief lives in our bodies, and within the Council suit, we’ll explore the archetypal energy of Grief that touches everyone.
Registration Fee: $150.00 $115.00
Kindred Spirits (that's YOU!) save $35.00 with code KINDRED35 when you register.
Note: The code works on the monthly pay plan as well as the one-time pay.
SoulCollage® Comminity Card Share
Tuesday February 27
7 pm Eastern
with Facilitator Kata Ritenburg
from Maine
Even if you don't have cards for this topic yet, please join us anyway. You'll feel more connected to our community AND you could learn something valuable for your journey.
Meeting ID: 815 2506 6602
Passcode: 204631
This is part of your membership.
Do you have an online SoulCollage-focused event that you'd like to advertise here? Excellent idea! Soul Songs goes out to over 2000 avid SoulCollagers every month and Soul Treasures reaches 950+ paid subscribers who love SoulCollage®. Please send a reply to this email or use the Contact form on KaleidoSoul.com and we'll send you more info.
Soul Nourishment
(Resources for SoulCollagers)
The Bird Hotel, by Joyce Maynard. After a childhood filled with heartbreak, Irene, a talented artist, finds herself in a small Central American village where she checks into a beautiful but decaying lakefront hotel called La Llorona at the base of a volcano. This beautifully-written novel tells the story of this young American who, after suffering tragedy, restores and runs La Llorona. Along the way we meet a rich assortment of characters who live in the village or come to stay at the hotel. With a mystery at its center, it is also filled with warmth, drama, romance, humor, pop culture, and a little magical realism. Highly recommend.
The Comfort of Crows, by Margaret Renkl. A Backyard Year. This beautiful little book contains 52 chapters that follow the creatures and plants in the author’s backyard over the course of a year. As we move through the seasons, what develops is a portrait of joy and grief: joy in the ongoing pleasures of the natural world, and grief over winters that end too soon and songbirds that grow fewer and fewer. Along the way, we also glimpse the changing rhythms of a human life. This is a book that just feels good in your hands and is gorgeously presented. It would make a great gift (for yourself or someone who loves Nature).
Your Brain on Art, by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross. How the Arts Transform Us. The authors show how activities from painting, music, and dancing to expressive writing, architecture, and more are essential to our lives.
Compelling research is shared that shows how engaging in an art project for as little as forty-five minutes reduces the stress hormone cortisol, no matter your skill level, and just one art experience per month can extend your life by ten years. There’s lots to reflect on here, and lots of good action for us to take.
Loving Leah, featuring Laura Ambrose, Rikki Lake, Adam Kaufman. To honor an ancient Jewish custom, a doctor agrees to marry the widow of his older brother. This is a drama, but it is also delightful and uplifting. It is partly a love story, but it is more about the story of Leah’s journey to herself.
Spinning the fragments of your world
into wholeness and beauty through SoulCollage®.
SoulCollage® cards are made either from one's own art or from images found in materials which have been bought by or given to the SoulCollage® card maker. These collaged cards are used only for the cardmaker's own inner exploration.
SoulCollage® cards are not sold, traded, bartered, or copied (except as a back-up for the card maker's own use) as is stated in the Principles of SoulCollage®.
Where SoulCollage® cards are available to be seen by others, it is for the purposes either of demonstrating the SoulCollage® process of sharing the card maker's inner process in the context of community.
SoulCollage® is grateful to the artists and photographers who make this deep awakening process possible and in all ways SoulCollage® seeks to be respectful of their rights.
Soul Treasures is published by
KaleidoSoul.com and Anne Marie Bennett.
Please do not reproduce or forward this newsletter in any way.
Inner Journeys, copyright 2024,
by Anne Marie Bennett.
All rights reserved.
To give us feedback, we invite you to send a reply email to this message.