11 Technical Tips for Telehealth
1) Check your WiFi speed – a minimum of 1.5 Mbps should ensure good quality for one on one conferences. Avoid downloading files while on the video conference.

2) Close unnecessary programs to minimize interference with streaming bandwidth.

3) Set up your camera to be eye level or above.

4) Set up the camera so that the upper part of your body is visible (NO talking heads)

5) Have something behind you – painting, bookcase, etc. Don’t have a blank wall. It is visually unpleasing.

6) Try to stay still during the call. Nothing is more distracting than a head that is bobbing and weaving.

7) Do a trial to see if your computer microphone and speakers work well or if you will need a “headset.”

8) Recognize there is a lag on audio – when your patient stops talking count to 5 before speaking so as not to interrupt your patient.

9) Practice looking at the camera so you will be making eye contact with your patient – however keep scanning at the screen to observe your patient’s facial expressions.

10) Have these virtual visits in a quiet place, to simulate an exam room.

11) Dress professionally as if you were in the office.
For an up-to-date, comprehensive resource on the ever-changing telehealth guidelines.

Visit the KZA Telehealth Solutions Center today .
Michael R Marks, MD, MBA
Dr. Marks is an innovative problem solver who brings more than 27 years of practical experience to each engagement. He draws on his broad leadership experiences as a clinician, administrator, and physician executive when working with clients. He fully understands the need for collaborative relationships to achieve success and create win-win solutions.
Advising physicians to succeed in the business of medicine.