Due Diligence: All interested investors please view the virtual tour and investment analysis provided with each property. All due diligence must be complete before signing. There Will Be No Access Until a Contract Is Formed.
Make an Offer: Submit your offer and information at the top of this screen by clicking "Submit an Offer” or by contacting us through email or phone. We will take the highest and best offer 48 hours after the property is listed.
Assignment Contract: An assignment contract will be delivered electronically once an agreement has been made and must be executed by the buyer within 24 hours. Once the assignment contract is signed, we will introduce you to a third party title company we use who will help facilitate the closing process. The closing date will be written on the assignment contract.
Earnest Money Deposit: An EMD of $20K must be wired to the Title Company or Attorney as soon as the Assignment Contract is signed. REMINDER: Earnest Money is non-refundable (unless the seller cannot produce a clean marketable title). Do not offer if you do not have every intention of closing on the property.