Home Care Benefit Fund Reinstates 100-hour Healthcare Coverage Eligibility Requirement
In February, the Benefit Fund informed you of a change to the eligibility requirements for healthcare coverage for your 1199SEIU employees and members. The change, made due to a critical funding shortfall, had required that effective March 1, members work 130 hours per month, instead of 100 hours per month, to be eligible for healthcare coverage starting on June 1, 2022. However, after successful lobbying by the Union, the governor and state legislature have granted funds to help ease the funding shortfall. Therefore, the Trustees of the Home Care Benefit Fund voted on May 2 to rescind the plan change, and members will continue to be required to work 100 hours per month for two consecutive months to be eligible for healthcare coverage. The Benefit Fund is sending members and employers information about this change. If you have any questions, please contact the Employer Services Unit at EmployerServices@1199Funds.org or call (646) 473-6413.